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Mordheim was a tremendously large city and, like most sprawling cities of its time, often absorbed smaller settlements as it grew in size. Thus it is often common to find sites and buildings that were originally located outside the city like mills, mines, workshops and graveyards. Below is a suggestion for each faction-preferred site; it is up to the individual player to describe the exact details to make it unique. Bear in mind though not to stray too far from the list, for example it would not be plausible to setup a Warband of Beastmen in a Wayfarers Inn, or a group of Ostlanders in a Church, all the location themselves have the same statistics.

Although an encampment grants no immediate benefits, over time it can be grown into a highly productive 20220h75u mini settlement attracting its own merchants, generating an income and providing a secure and defensible base camp for the Warband. In game terms all Warbands are equal in their ability to raise money no matter what location their encampment is based at, but for role-playing purposes here is a brief description of a possible method for raising money from each location:


(Cult of the Possessed, Sisters of Sigmar, Witch Hunters)

The Heroes work towards spreading the word of their God amongst the scattered inhabitants around the encampment. In return they receive donations from the faithful (or the petrified) followers, as more Heroes join the effort the Word of their God spreads.


(Reiklanders, Averlanders, Middenheimers)

People gathered around the Heroes encampment are grateful for any efforts the Warband does to patrol and protect the general surrounding area. The more Heroes involved in patrols the more successful they are in clearing the area of threats and the more grateful the inhabitants are.


(Mareinburgs, Kislivites, Ostlanders)

No matter the circumstances there are always people looking for accommodation and a strong drink in exchange for gold. To service larger crowds requires more people working.


(Dwarves, Skaven, Orcs & Goblins)

Wealth always lies were few people are willing to go, and underground is always somewhere where not many people want to go. Be it mining for valuable materials or scavenging through refuse and waste there is nearly limitless wealth to be found underneath Mordheim, it just takes time and manpower.


(Beastmen, Carnival of Chaos, Undead)

Unlike the other forms of income generation, the forces of chaos do not bide their time underground or waiting upon customers, instead they take what they want and destroy what they don't. The more Heroes that partake in the pillaging the more loot they are bound to bring back.

Post Battle Sequence


Allocate Experience

Roll on Exploration


Roll for Encampment Events

Roll for Encampment Visitations





1. Injuries

Injuries are rolled as normal; refer to the Serious Injury table in the Mordheim Rulebook. Armour now provides an Armour Save vs. Physical Injury against the following results;


Leg Wound

Arm Wound

Smashed Leg

Chest Wound

Deep Wound

If the armour successfully saves against a Physical Injury, unless it is Gromril or Ithilmar, it is destroyed in the process, and the wearer automatically uses the 41-55 Full Recovery result instead. The armour of the Dwarves and Elves are of a superior craftsmanship then regular armour and are a lot more durable, instead of being destroyed they become damaged until they can be repaired. While in a damaged state treat Ithilmar and Gromril armour as regular Light and Heavy armour respectively in terms of armour saves and penalties, including being destroyed if they save against a physical injury.

To repair damaged armour it must be taken to a Blacksmith who will charge 25% of the cost of a new suit, although there is no need to make a rarity test. Note though, that if there are multiple Blacksmiths and they are having a price war, then this will also affect the price of the repair.

2. Allocate Experience

Allocating Experience is largely unchanged, except for the addition of two things, refer to the Mordheim Rulebook. One of the Encampment Statistics are directly related to the Heroes total experience, for every 50 points the Encampments Renown goes up by one, monitor this closely as it influences how many Visitations (see 5.) the Encampment will get.

The second is the implementation of a new skill to offset the duel weapon wielding penalty of -1 To Hit. The details are below.

New Combat Skill "Maniac Warrior: The Warrior is adept at fighting with a weapon in each hand. He may ignore the -1 to hit penalty that such practice normally incurs."

3. Roll on Exploration

The Exploration stage remains unchanged refer to the Mordheim Rulebook.

4. Roster

As soon as the Warband returns to the Encampment they must fill out their roster before any rolls are made so that it is clear what each Hero, and some henchmen, are doing during the Encampment stage. There are five duties; Settlement, Recruitment, Income, Defence, Recovery. Once assigned a duty a warrior may not change unless forced by game events or until the next Encampment stage.

Settlement: Assigning a Hero to Settlement duty sends them on a journey outside the city walls to the closest racial settlement to stock up on supplies, sell goods or get access to services that aren't available at their own encampment. The settlement has the entire array of vendor Locations but not the Slave Pit, Apothecary or Gambling Den, and they never have Hired Swords or Wandering Traders. Each Hero assigned to Settlement duty need to write the amount of gold they are taking and three Locations they wish to visit in order of preference and then roll 1D3 to determine how many they manage to actually visit. However their trip they will return to the Encampment the following day in time to join the Warband as it leaves for its next adventure.

Recruitment:  As a Warband takes casualties or gets enough spare equipment and gold to expand they will want to recruit. The encampment offers ample opportunity to do this with dozens of members of the same race being drawn into Mordheim and to the encampment by the lure of adventure and gold. A single Hero may be assigned to attempt to recruit any willing and able warriors from amongst the people that have been drawn to the safety provided by the encampment.

Income: Each Warband has a way of raising additional income from in and around their encampment. Each Hero can also supervise one intelligent Henchman (Vampires and Necromancers may use Zombies) to assist them in what ever their race does to build income.

Defence: One of the primary functions of the warbands encampment is defence, defence of themselves, their loot and their slowly growing settlement. The higher the level of defence the more inclined people of similar race will be to set up permanent residence nearby and offer their services. Like in Income, each Hero may supervise one intelligent Henchman (Vampires and Necromancers may use Zombies) to assist them.

Recovery: A warrior cannot choose to be assigned to Recovery, if they were Taken Out of Action in the previous combat stage they are automatically assigned to Recovery. A Hero or Henchman who is recovering cannot do anything else until the following combat stage, unless their injury forces them to miss that also.

5. Roll for Encampment Events

As a Warbands wealth, skill and encampment grow so does their renown, or notoriety depending on who is taking notice. With increased renown comes that chance of more visitations and increased results from Income generation, but along with that comes the chances of robbery, sabotage and attacks. To determine what events occur during the Encampment stage, add the Renown (see 2) with this turns Income rating (see 4) and roll that many D6's, re-rolling up to as many dice as their Defence rating (see 10). From these results for each double, triple etc up to six-of-a-kind compare the tables below.

(If more then 6 dice are rolled, use highest combinations)

6. Roll for Visitations

As an Encampment's Renown grows more and more people will be drawn the area through the promise of safety, employ or profit. Amongst these travelers will come the wandering vendors who bounce from encampment to encampment selling their wares and offering their services. Any Hero who was not rostered for Settlement or Recovery duties may visit these vendors, and likewise those same Heroes may recruit any Hired Swords. Each turn the Encampment will receive a number of visitations equal to its Renown rating (see 2), modified by any results from the encampment events (rolls of 5's). For each visitation roll 2D6 and compare each result against the associated table to determine the visitors.

7. Income

If there were Heroes, and Henchmen, assigned to generate Income during the Roster phase they may now determine how gold has been earned. For each Hero rostered to Income the encampment receives 1D6+1 in gold, and for every Henchman who was assisting +2 additional gold. Remember to include any modifications that may have been rolled during the Encampment Events phase (rolls of 1's). Any Hero except those who travelled to the Settlement may use this money straight away in the trading phase.

8. Defence

One Labour point will be generated for each Hero, and Henchmen that were assigned to improve the encampments Defences during the Roster phase, this number may be modified by certain results in the Encampment Events (rolling 2's). These points are accumulated and recorded on the encampment sheet and each time an Improvement has been completed the encampment receives all associated benefits. Unless specifically allowed by other means, no Labour points may be accumulated past an improvement point until the next Encampment stage.

9. Recruitment

If a Hero has been assigned to Recruitment during the Roster phase they spend the entire time gathering and training new recruits for the Warband. The Hero may recruit as many Henchmen as money permits however there is a limited pool of experienced warriors that he may recruit from; this pool base is 2D6 in XP points. If recruiting a Henchman into an already experienced group then the recruited warrior must have equivalent experience and thus there must be enough experience in the available pool to recruit them. In addition to their base cost and equipment cost there is also a cost of 2 gold per experience point for experienced Henchmen. For Hero's there simply needs to be enough available experience points, there base cost already reflects their increased level of experience. Be sure to take into account any modifiers that may come into effect through encampment events (rolls of 3's).

10. Trading

Apart from the Heroes who went to a settlement, all other Heroes who aren't recovering are free to shop at the available locations and wandering vendors within their encampment. Those Heroes who did travel to a settlement will have already determined what locations they are able to visit in the Roster phase (see 4). Some results on the encampment events (rolls of 4's) will affect prices and availabilities.

Encampment Events


Lucky find: One of your Heroes has stumbled across an item of small value whilst working. You may double any one of your die rolls made for Income generation for this turn.

Lazy good for nothin's: The Henchmen are particularly lazy today and no matter how much coaxing and threatening the Heroes do they refuse to do anything productive. Henchmen do not accumulate Labor points for this turn.

Eager recruit: An eager recruit has approached one of your heroes volunteering to join your Warband for free. You may recruit one free Henchman up to the value of 25 gold, you will still have to pay for equipment and any experience surcharge.

Short supply: All of your Encampments locations are starting to run low of supplies and have had to put their prices up until they get restocked. All items and services are +10% and any rarity rolls have a -1 modifier whilst trading with permanent locations at the encampment.

Traveling in disguise: One of the wandering vendors or hired swords was actually traveling in disguise to hide due to a 'misunderstanding' at the previous encampment. You may re-roll one of your visitation results.

Dead walk the streets!: A necromancer has taken offence at your growing influence in the area and has sent a horde (2D3) of zombies to attack your encampment (use Scenario 9: Surprise attack, no XP for winner). If you are routed the Zombies cause damage equal to 1D3 in gold and 1 Labor point for every remaining model. If you defeat the horde you scour the area for the Necromancers hideout, finding it you see someone has saved you the trouble, use Exploration result 33 (Corpse).


Slow day: No matter how hard your Heroes try they cant seem get into a working rhythm and by the end of the day it really shows, half total Income.

Local Help: Seeing your Heroes sweating it out improving the defences around the area, the locals roll up their sleeves and lend a hand. All Heroes rostered to Defence generate an additional Labor point.

They're all green: There is a distinct lack of experience warriors around the encampment at the moment, halve your available recruitment pool.

Abundant supplies: Supplies have been flooding through the area for a change and the encampments permanent locations have got ample stock, so much so that they have lowered their prices for a short time. All prices are -10% and rarity rolls have a +1 modifier whilst trading with any vendors in the encampment.

Ambushed: A rival Warband passing through has wrecked havoc on the area to such an extent that they scared away possible visitors. You get one less roll on the visitation table this turn.

Bandits: A group of desperate bandits based near your encampment are feeling the pinch as you tighten your grip on the area. As a do or die plan (meaning they wont rout) they attack your encampment (use Scenario 9: Surprise attack, no XP for winner), the marksmen (1D3) are armed with Daggers and Bows whilst the warriors (1D3) are armed with Bucklers and Hammers/Maces. If you are routed they will loot 1D6 gold and cause 2 Labor points of damage per model remaining. If you win you may loot their bodies of equipment in addition to 1D3 gold per model.


A good day: Everything seemed to fall into place today, no matter what your Heroes did or said it resulted in more gold at the end of the day. Double ALL rolls made for Income.

Injury: Just as your Heroes (and Henchmen) begin their days work on the defences around the encampment one of your warriors (the one with the lowest XP) accidentally causes a partially ruined wall to collapse... on top of himself! Although he is bruised and battered and will miss the next combat there is no lasting injury. The rest of the day is spent clearing the miss of the collapse; no Labor points are accumulated this turn.

Well Trained: A lot of the recruits available are obviously ex militia or have done some adventuring of their own, as they seem to know which end of the sword is sharp. Double this turns available recruitment pool.

Gone Fishin': One of the encampments permanent locations (determine randomly) has been closed for the next couple of days. Hopefully it will resume business as normal soon.

Rumors of riches: A rumor of your great wealth has spread like wild fire throughout your section of Mordheim attracting more visits then normal, hopefully the good type. Make two additional rolls on the visitation table for this turn.

Ogre Slavers!: Your growing encampment has caught the attention of a band of wandering Ogre Salvers (1D3 Ogre Bodyguards, controlling playing to determine weapons) scouring Mordheim for some easy pickings (use Scenario 9: Surprise attack, no XP for winner). If you are routed the Ogres cause 5 Labor points of damage per model remaining and, on a roll of 6, abduct one permanent vendor. If you win you may loot any Ogres you put OOA in addition to taking possession of their slaves (use exploration result 333: Prisoners, other races not listed may also gain the henchman).


Robbed: So engrossed in his work, one of your Heroes who was rostered to generate Income (the one with the lowest XP) did not notice the shadowy figure come up behind him, and did not see much else after that as the assailant proceeded to knock him out and rob him of all his equipment and his gold generated for the day (don't roll for that Heroes income generation).

A fine day to work: All the Heroes, and Henchmen, assigned to improving the encampment defences are in a fantastic mood, their attitude attracts a great mob of residents keen to help make the area even safer. Double the Labor points generated this turn, even past an Improvement point.

Other duties: A messenger has arrived from outside of Mordheim for one of your Heroes (randomly select, for undead it cannot be the Vampire or Necromancer). Saying little except that circumstance demand they depart immediately for a short time, the hero leaves. The Hero will be absent until the next Encampment stage when he can assigned in the Roster phase.

A new face: As your Heroes gather in the morning, preparing for work, they notice one of the buildings close by is being rebuilt and a rough wooden sign has been hung over its door. Your leader comments that they will have to welcome the new comer after their days work. The encampment gains a new permanent Location.

Roads are blocked: All through the night the howls and screams of rampaging possessed survivors echoed throughout the encampment. Although none actually ventured into the torch lit compound of your encampment it is obvious that there won't be much traffic in the morning. Your encampment won't receive any visits this turn; make no rolls for visitation.

City of Nightmares! A piercing screech and a putrid gust of rotting wind heralds the arrival of a terrifying Winged Nightmare*. Whether it is mindlessly attacking settlements or was sent to yours with purpose you will never know (use Scenario 9: Surprise attack, adding +1 XP for each Hero who inflicts a Wound instead of OOA, no XP for winner). If you rout, the Winged Nightmare proceeds to destroy 2D6+10 Labor points in addition to one of your permanent location on a roll of 5 or 6. If you kill the foul beast you may take its head as a trophy, selling it for 3D6x5 gold or you can mount it atop your banner giving all your warriors within 12" Immune to psychology.

*=M:6 WS:4 BS:0 S:5 T:5 W:4 I:2 A:3 L:5

Fear, No Pain, Immune to Psychology, Impale , Large Target


1-1-1-1-1-1: Inheritance: An official looking delegation has arrived at the encampment and seeks out one of your Heroes (randomly determine) for a private audience. After a lengthy talk explaining that a wealthy benefactor/relative had recently died and had left the Hero a gift, the delegation present an ornate chest and leaves. Inside the chest is a magical artifact, which can never be sold and can only be used by other members of the Warband if it is unusable by the original recipient.

2-2-2-2-2-2: Sabotage: During the night a group of skilled saboteurs laid waste to your defence building efforts with subtle traps, hindrances and outright destruction. Your workers spend the entire time disarming and clearing the area and so do not produce any Labor points, in addition the destruction cause the loss of 1D3x10 Labor points (or the destruction of one completed improvement, which ever is less).

3-3-3-3-3-3: Seasoned Veteran: A well seasoned veteran of adventuring has come seeking to join your Warband, many small scars bear witness to the years of fighting under his belt. You may recruit one Hero (even a leader!) for free and in addition they come outfitted with equipment up to the value of 50 gold. If you have no slots left for a Hero you recruit a Henchman into any of your current group with full experience and equipment for free.

4-4-4-4-4-4: Death of a neighbor: Your Warband awaken to sounds of mournful sobbing coming from the nearby house of one of your permanent vendors. You soon learn that the owner has died in his sleep and the family is moving back to their town, out of Mordheim. You lose one of your encampments locations (determined randomly).

5-5-5-5-5-5: Oh my god! It's..: Around mid morning your Heroes hear a commotion near the entrance of the encampment, going to investigate they see a large crowd gathered around a single figure who is slowly walking towards your leader. As the figure steps from the awed crowd your Heroes recognize the wanderer to be a Dramatis Personae! (Make a roll on the DP Table)

6-6-6-6-6-6: Crazed Hill Giant: Screams of panic and terror erupt around your encampment as a towering Hill Giant* lumbers into view (use Scenario 9: Surprise attack, adding +1 XP for each Hero who inflicts a Wound instead of OOA, no XP for winner). A chain around his massive neck holds an assortment of baubles and gems but its centerpiece is what catches your leader's eye, Wyrdstone! If you are defeated the Hill Giant destroys one complete defensive improvement in his search for Wyrdstones (if you have any stockpiles he steals 1D3 of them). On a roll of a 4,5 or 6 he also destroys one permanent encampment on the way out. If you slay the colossus you may loot his neck chain of gems (use exploration result 33333: Jewel smith) which also contain 1D3 Wyrdstones. Amidst his many bags of rotting meat and other putrid substances your Heroes find a carefully wrapped item, pulling back the stained silk reveals a magical artifact.

*=M:6 WS:4 BS:2 S:6 T:6 W:5 I:4 A:3 L:8

Hard to kill, Hard head, Fear, Immune to psychology, Large target, Maniac Warrior

Toughened Leather, stone hammer, mace, throwing stones (10"R, Concussive effect)


Blacksmith A Blacksmith complete with his forge and anvil has arrived in the encampment and sets up to offer his wares and services. He will buy and sell all forms of melee weapons and armour as well as repair suits Gromril and Ithilmar armour. Heroes may make rarity tests for rare melee weapons and armour.

Rolling for a Blacksmith twice on the Visitation table causes the Blacksmith to stay for two turns rather then the one. Rolling a third Blacksmith results in the Blacksmith setting a permanent shop in the Encampment.

Merchant A Merchant specialises in the oddities and rarities of the land, he will only ever buy back miscellaneous items and Wyrdstones, and never weapons or armour. Heroes may make rarity tests for any miscellaneous items they are searching for but must still abide by any racial restrictions.

Rolling for a Merchant twice on the Visitation table causes the Merchant to stay for two turns rather then the one. Rolling a third Merchant results in the Merchant setting a permanent shop in the Encampment.

Fletcher The Fletcher offers the full range of missile weapons from throwing daggers to the high-powered crossbows. Occasionally he may even stock some highly sought after black powder weapons but not always. Heroes can buy and sell their missile weapons from the Fletcher as well as making rarity tests for items from the same category.

Rolling for a Fletcher twice on the Visitation table causes the Fletcher to stay for two turns rather then the one. Rolling a third Fletcher results in the Fletcher setting a permanent shop in the Encampment.

Trader Traders are the more common sellers moving throughout the ruins of Mordheim from settlement to encampments, buying goods and then selling them again at a marked up price. Because a Trader actually doesn't make anything themselves, instead buying their stock off other suppliers, their prices are a little higher to reflect the mark up (add 10% to costs). However they do sell all common items on the list but Heroes may never make a rarity test for anything.

Rolling for a Trader twice on the Visitation table causes the Trader to stay for two turns rather then the one. Rolling a third Trader results in the Trader setting a permanent shop in the Encampment.

Hired Sword A Hired Sword has come to the Encampment looking for employ (randomly determine which one from those available to the specific Warband). A second Sword for Hire result attracts a second mercenary however if it is rolled a third time a Dramatis Personae has come to the encampment to offer their services (this is instead of the three Hired Swords).

* : If there are ever multiples of the same vendor (i.e. two Blacksmiths) then the vendors will compete against each other, lowering their prices by 10% for each competitor there is in the same location to a maximum of 50%. Once the competition leaves prices will revert to normal again. While there are multiple vendors rarity tests can be made at each vendor.


Banner Raised The Heroes have pooled their limited tailoring skills and have produced an inspiring (in their eyes at least) Warband Banner that bedecks their main building. This increases your Warbands rout from 25% to 50% (voluntary rout remains the same, in addition all models within 12" or LOS of the Banner have +1 Leadership. The encampments Defence rating is now 1, allowing you to re-roll one event die.

Heads on Spikes Following some minor raids against the encampment the Heroes hunted down and slaughtered the nearby gangs threatening them and have proudly displayed their heads on two poles for all to see. The Spikes may be placed 18" of the Banner, any attacking models within LOS of a spike has -1 Leadership. The encampments Defence rating is now 2, allowing you to re-roll up to two event dice.

Low Wall After toiling for days the Warbands heroes have erected a low wall surrounding their encampments main building. It does not hinder movement at all, simply supplying the Warband with a nice defensive position against incoming missile fire. It must be placed at least 2" from the buildings external walls and have at least four 2" wide openings, one on each side as close to centre as practical. The encampments Defence rating is now 3, allowing you to re-roll up to three event dice.

Killing Zone Spending days labouring in the area around the Warbands encampment the Heroes have done a monumental task and cleared any obstructing terrain and rubble creating a killing zone for their archers. No obstructing terrain may be placed within 20" of the Low Wall except by the encampments Warband. The encampments Defence rating is now 4, allowing you to re-roll up to four event dice.

Palisade on Walls Using some of the rubble and debris cleared from the Killing Zone the Heroes have constructed a sturdy Palisade atop the Low Wall. Preventing any models from crossing the walls, except for Large models that may cross but will take 1D3 S4 attacks. Archers may still fire over the walls as normal. The encampments Defence rating is now 5, allowing you to re-roll up to five event dice.

Traps Installed Taking advantage of the four sole entrances through the wall surrounding the encampment, your Heroes have placed deadly traps in the doorways. A token for each trap is to be laid down, 2 being decoys, 2 being a real trap (1D3 S5 Attacks). The encampments Defence rating is now 6, allowing you to re-roll up to six event dice.


Apothecary A well-educated (or slightly insane) man of medicine has come to the encampment to offer his services as surgeon and pharmacist. In addition to offering all forms of poisons and drugs (at +1 to rarity rolls) the Apothecary can also attempt surgery upon one of your Heroes per Encampment Phase. For 20 gold the Apothecary can operate in an attempt to cure one serious injury from the Hero, but be warned, willingly allowing someone to cut you open in the middle of a ruined city may not be the wisest thing a Hero has done. Whenever an attempt is made roll 2D6 and refer to the appropriate table to determine the results of the surgery.

Gambling Den An unsavoury gambling den has sprung up amidst the community around your Encampment. Most of the time there is simple dicing but on occasion the activities spill out into the ruined street with a night of wagered fighting. Each Encampment Phase roll a D6, on a roll of 1-5 there is just normal dicing (roll a D6 on the gambling chart) but on a roll of 6 there is a make shift Fighting Arena set up.

On a night of fighting the Hero may simply bet on the fighters (same as a dicing game) or, if there is a (un)Hired Sword in the encampment, they may sponsor them to enter the Arena for 20 gold and gamble on them. Use the gambling chart as normal but include the results in the parentheses, with a 4 being the fighter doesn't win but gains enough to pay some of his sponsorship back, a 5 is a win and he pays all his sponsorship back and a 6 is he had such a good win and is so pleased with the sponsorship that he pays it back and offers his services at no recruitment cost.

If a Hero is feeling particularly skilful (or lucky) they may enter themselves into the Arena at a cost of 20 gold. Use the 'Sold to the Pits' result on the Serious Injury table, except the Hero's equipment is never lost.

Either way the attraction of a chance for easy gold is a lure too strong for nearly all the inhabitants of Mordheim, especially those who are there with the intention of making gold. Hired Swords will frequent Gambling Dens whenever they come across them, some times breaking even, rarely winning, and more often then not coming out in even more need of gold then when they began. Whenever a Hired Sword visits roll a D6, on a roll on 1, 2 or 3 the Hired Sword has had a bad run of luck and is desperate for work, their base recruitment cost is 50% of normal. On a roll of 4 or 5 there is no difference to their recruitment cost, but on a roll of 6 they have had great luck in the Gambling Den and aren't really interested in work, their recruitment cost is 50% more then normal.

Slave Pit Although outlawed in most cities throughout the Empire, Slave Pits have made a strong emergence throughout the scattered remains of Mordheim. Warbands regularly visit these auction houses of flesh to sell prisoners they have captured while exploring or to buy recruits to bolster their numbers. Warbands searching for recruits may roll 3D6 in regards to total XP available instead of just 2D6; this represents the additional recruits that may appear from time to time in the pits. There is no additional cost to recruit from the Slave Pit as the cost to free the slave is the same as the cost would have been to originally recruit them.

Less virtuous Warbands may even sell off unwanted or seriously injured Heroes and Henchmen to help finance better equipment or healthier recruits. Once a Warband declares they are selling a Hero/Henchmen they are immediately stripped of all equipment and sent to the Slave Pit. Then roll a D6, for every five points of XP the Hero/Henchman has add 1 to the result, for every injury the Hero has subtract 1. Multiple the result by 10 and this is the percentage of the unit cost that the Slave Pit will pay for the Hero/Henchman. If the result is negative, then the Slave Pit isn't interested in buying the Hero/Henchman and instead they run away, knowing that they are no longer wanted. (Note that Warbands cannot sell Henchmen that cannot accumulate experience).

For example, a Skaven Verminkin with 7xp is sold to the Pits. The roll is a 3, add 1 (for 5xp) for a total of 4, times 10 equals 40%. Verminkin costs 20 gold, 40% of that is 8 gold.

Or for a Hero, a Dwarf Troll Slayer who blind in two eyes and has a crushed leg with 26xp is sold to the pits. The roll is a 4, add 5 (for 25xp) and minus 3 (for three injuries) for a total of 6, times 10 equals 60%. Troll Slayers cost 50 gold, 60% of that is 30 gold.

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