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FIFA 99 Cheats and hints


FIFA 99 Cheats and hints

By pressing QWERTY all at the same time, you will be able to play with

no people (I guess it is the spectators) and a change in the ground

and stadium. I did'nt manage to get anything, however, if anybody

manages to do it, please write in to me so I will know the success


To score from 14114y245o a corner, there are two ways:

1) Press "E" 2 times so that you can aim where to shoot the ball. Aim it

at the far post and press "D" continuosly. The ball should either hit

one of thier players or the goalkeeper, or you would hit it hard to the

back of the net. SUCCESS RATE: 9/10

2) To score straight from a corner! Press CTRL or ALT to the maximum,

whichever makes the arrow point towards the goal. Next press UP all

the way so the arrow is close to the ground. Press "D" to the maximum

and without letting go of the "D" button, tap DOWN 2-3 times and let

go. Occasionally the ball will go under the goalkeeper and into the

back of the net. SUCCESS RATE: 2/10

To score spectacular goals:

Run diagonally towards the goal and press shoot. Without letting go

of the shoot button (very important in getting a powerful shot), press

the opposite direction of the direction you were running to. The ball

should curve in with the goalkeeper catching air while the ball flies

in. Caution: make sure you are quite far away from goal when you

attempt to shoot SUCCESS RATE: 6/10 in amatuer and 1/10 in world class

Freekick taking:

Aim at the top corner and shoot maximum power. Use only when right

in front of goal. SUCCESS RATE: 8/10

2) Press shoot until maximum power. Without letting go of the shoot

button, press CTRL or ALT until maximum curve. The curve line would show

the first part of the line quite straight, and this is the part the

ball would travel for most of the way.Make sure the first part of the

line is aiming just beside the wall, and the arrow pointing at the

keeper or quite near th keeper. The ball should curl into the net with

the keeper grabbing air! Use when in diagonal position towards goal.


During training, do not chose to be in defence or attack first. Choose

a team and click forward. Do not choose to be in defence or attack and

just press forward. Choose which type of training you want. All of them

execpt penalties, will allow you to play without any players at all.

So you can choose to be against just one goalkeeper or have nobody on

the pitch at all.


To get the Winter introduction, repeatedly type "win" while the game

is loading.

In player menu change player name to:


saraboy----------50% entering stopping (??)

aranga-----------just 10 goals

qres-------------the kepper falls when gets the ball in his hands

found by >CL<MilKotO>CL<

[email protected]

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Apreciat: hand-up

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