1a How did Kevin's addiction to computer games show in school and in his spare time?
Answer: He took his pocket computer to school every day even when he knew it was against the rules. And we the teacher took his pocket computer away he just walked to the store and bought a new one.
When he got home he threw his rucksack in the corner
and totally ignored his homework to 828s1820i sit down at the computer.
1b What consequences
did it have for Kevin?
Answer: Consequences he got for all this was obviously a lousy education and a
real lonely social life. Never went out with friends and so on.
2 The writer seems to be critical of kids who
play too much computer games. Find at least three examples of this in the
presentation of Kevin!
Answer: Ex.1: His pocket computer had gone with him to school every day of the last year, even though it was against school rules.
2: Every day when he got home from school he threw his bag into the corner,
ignoring his homework to play computer.
Ex 3: The result of all this was that Kevin had finally left school with
no knowledge of anything at all.
3 List all the details that made or should have
made Kevin suspiscious of taking
the job. They said it was the best game ever but he hadn't heard of it. The office
seemed suspicious. He didn't know what he was supposed to do at the work and
when he went for the job he didn't even needed any references, education or any
knowledge at all.
4 What happened when Kevin came home? How did he
get away? What was strange? Make brief notes on the following:
Kevin's house; first attack... He got attacked by a man with a gun outside his
house. But in someway he managed to get inside his house and when the man
finally got inside the house he passed out in the doorway after getting a table
in the face. Strange: why didn't his neighbours call the police, Why did he got attacked?
Kevin's house; second attack... Second attack was when the first one passed out
and Kevin was going outside. An identical man attacked him with the same sort
of gun and Kevin ran up and jumped out the window to get away. Strange: 2 men
that looked exactly the same.
The bus... On the bus 9 motorcycles drew up level with him and shot at the bus
with a bazooka and they crashed into a supermarket. Strange: The other people
in the bus didn't were frightened at all. They just sat there, like nothing had
5 In your own words: What happens in the end?
He realizes he's in an arcade game.