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Troubleshooting RIP Game


Troubleshooting RIP Game


Test and troubleshoot end to end connectivity between devices in a network.

Make necessary corrections and prove end to end connectivity through testing.


The topology in the figure represents a small WAN. Devices in the topology have been configured and the network was functional using RIP routing. A new assistant to the network administrator removed all the RIP network configurations from all the routers. According to Simulation Mode, the packets are getting dropped all over the place! Please help us reconfigure the RIP networks. You will know that you have succeeded when the packets arrive at the 16116k108q server. It's all up to you now!

Step 1 View router configurations

To view a router configuration, use the show running-config command in the CLI tab of the router edit configuration. Repeat this process for each router in the topology to view the configuration of each device.

Which command should be used to display the routing table?

Step 2 Make configuration changes

From the previous troubleshooting steps, you should have recognized that none of the routers have any RIP routes in the routing table.

Click on each router icon and view the current configuration by issuing the show running-config command in the CLI. What networks should be advertised using RIP?

Make the necessary corrections to each router by entering RIP configuration mode and adding the necessary network statement(s).

Complete the tables below with the details of each router's configured interfaces to fully configure RIP on each router:

Router0 Configured Interfaces




Router1 Configured Interfaces




Router2 Configured Interfaces




Router3 Configured Interfaces




Step 3 View routing tables and retest

After making changes to the routing configuration on the routers, view the routing tables for each router. Have new routes been added at each device?

Repeat the packet and ping tests from the simulation. All PCs should have full network connectivity.

Document Info

Accesari: 1065
Apreciat: hand-up

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