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The village Rastolita


Village Rastolita


The village Rastolita is situated at the foot of the montains Calimani and Ghurghiu at a altitude by 530 metres,is at middle at the road between the cities Tg.Mures and Gheorgheni,including villages Borzia,Iod,Galaoaia and Androneasa. On the right bank of the 424f54e river Mures cross road DN15,on the left side is the railway Tg.Mures-Brasov.

The village has a basis for forest exploitation and a site for the construction of a hydro-electric dam. At the foot of the montains,providing access routes in the Montains Calimani on valleys Rastolitei,Visei and in Mountains Ghurghiului and valley Iodului. Incom population are made from exploitation and processing of wood and grazing.And in the future,people living on these lands will be provided mostly for grazing,forestry exploitation and processing workshops mass wood The tourist potential of the area will be capitalized by building a campsite, the arrangement of housing for the purpose of private accommodation of tourists in the rural tourism and the recovery of the tourism and sports area of the accumulation lake that is under construction in the heart of the Mountains Calimani.


In 1992 there were 2.325 inhabitants, and the census of 2002 were 2.230 registered inhabitants, of whom 1.833 Romanian, 385 Hungarian, 10 Gypsy and 2 Ukrainians.

This summer, the center was inaugurated a joint school modern, equipped with the latest standards computers and educational materials specific, so necessary in the process of education. In common there are three schools, of which two primary Andreneasa and Borzia and a cycle of primary and secondary education at the center of the municipality. Kindergarten program normally exist in Rastolita and Iod, the joint center stage in the modernization and additional facilities. If you go down the Mures Valley, the entry into notch will face a series of imposing churches, very nice, probably after the faith of those who live here. The chair near the Lord at an altitude closer to God, the people of the village Rastolita worship in two Orthodox churches in villages and Rastolita Borzia, and how a reformed and a Catholic in the village of Iod.

We must not forget that a few meters from Rastolita new church in the village cemetery is a wooden church, built in the XVII century, smaller, but the sentimental value and very artistic. Times are changing and spiritual needs have required the construction of a church more spacious. Also in Chapter culture can remember the two dormitories and cultural Rastolita Iod

The area is located in a village makes it very attractive for tourism in the passionate nature or those interested in traditional life. Besides common in these tourist services have taken some momentum. An investment in strengthening and growth of the tourism and the active promotion of such zones, especially abroad, would exploit the true potential value of this area. What would be seen here? Gaps in the alpine national park 'Calimani' special view of Poiana Fantanel or Poiana Compelor chair or God. Those who wish to spend a holiday in Rastolita have the opportunity to fish in waters of mountain trout, or lostrita Lipan, and for fans of hunting is possible to hunt wild boar, bear, wolf, or timber to hear the distinctive ritual or rotated boncaluitului Capercaillie. Among local tourist attractions, in addition to the specific mountain tourism, including Calimani National Park, Lake, the wooden church built in 1784 - declared a historical monument, monuments and natural, not Finally, hospitality people, local customs and traditions, gastronomy specific places.

Created by Andreea, Adela, Adina, Gabriela, Cosmina, Loredana, Tabita!

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