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Auxiliary Modal verbs


Auxiliary Modal verbs

Determine whether the following do, be or have in these sentences function as a lexical verb, an auxiliary verb (an operator), an emphasizer or a pro - form.

1.She did not do that. 2.Do be quiet! 3.Did you do that? Yes, I did. 4. I have not any brothers. 5. Did you do the shopping? 6. Is she sleeping now? No, she is not. 7. Do not do the washing, I will do it. 8.You think I forgot to post the letter, but I didn´t, I did post it. 9. Does he have any job? I do not think, he does. 10.I do not speak French, neither does my sister.
11. Are you OK? Yes, I am. 12. They did own a small country house. 13. I have had a car accident. 14.They do fish very well in this restaurant. 15. We do have some money to buy things we need.

Fill in the correct short answers.

1. Does Mr Brown speak French? Yes, .........................2.Is he able to pay for all that? Yes,.............................. 3.Were Jack and Peter disappointed? Yes, .........................4. Was your mother angry with you? Yes,.......... ..... ...... ..
5. Sir, are you going to buy that CD? Yes,................. 6.Peter, were you at school yesterday? Yes,.......... ..... ...... . 7. Peter, have you got a driving licence? No,......................... 8.Peter, do you like this film? Yes, ............................ 9.Jane and Peter, are you ever going to get married? Yes,........................... 10.Is there much water in the glass? No, ..............11.Is bungee jumping dangerous? Yes, ........................... 12.Have you ever been to Italy? Yes, ............................. 13.Have you both got a driving licence?Yes,.............................14. Have they been here before?No,...................... 15. Do you live in Paris, Jacquie? No, .......................... 16. Did she understand you? No, ................ 17. Are there any apples on the table? No, ......................... 18.Are Peter and Jane married? Yes,...................

Translate the following sentences into Slovak using the verbs "have" or "have got".

V sobotu sa vzdy dobre bavia. Ona má teraz dieťa. Más túto sobotu čas? Má modré oči. Čo mávas na raňajky? Máte často nádchu? Má tu teraz nejaké peniaze? Ako často majú dovolenku? Akurát sa sprchuje. Nebol tam. Dobre sa zabáva. Máte často bolesti hlavy? Bolí ťa teraz hlava? Ja som to skutočne mal. Práve raňajkujú.

Correct the following sentences. In each sentence there si some mistake.

Has he coffee with his breakfast? Have you got any difficulty getting here on time?
tting there on time? We have got a good time every Friday out in town. I do not have a cold now, but usually I have got some. Do you have any work to do now? This house does not have five windows, but six. Do you have any visitors now? Who does know it? We will have got to find some solution to this problem. He´s having got a good time. Where have you usually got your lunch? We hadn´t got much difficulty from his side.

Replace the underlined expressions by the approriate combinations of a modal verb and a lexical verb.

1.It is necessary for us to pay for the goods. 2.It is possible that you were right. 3.My sister is

of playing the piano. 4.They are obliged to call the doctor. 5.You know how to

drive a car. 6.Do you want me to buy a wraping paper? 7.No one was able to solve the

problem. 8.It is not compulsory for you to attend the meeting. 9.I had a habit of ringing the

bell twice. 10.You are prohibited from drinking alcohol in public places. 11.Am I allowed to

use your phone?

Use the modal auxiliary followed by the perfect tense.

1.Nora certainly had that umbrella with her. 2.Perhaps, he was right. 3.The burglars possibly opened the door with a bar. 4.Surely , you understood all of it. 5.I do not believe she bought such a stupid thing! 6.Probably, they were here. 7.It is not possible that he stole that money. 8. Surely, he saw you.

Translate the following sentences into English.

Ak pôjdes poobede do mesta, zoberem Ťa svojím autom. Mozno tam uz nebudú. Ak by niekto volal, povedz, ze tu nie som. Nemali sme to nikdy dovoliť. Tomu predsa nemohol uveriť. Nemusel si tam chodiť. Zvykol si po obede pospať. Kedy tam mám prísť? Sedával tu celé hodiny. Predtým si chodieval do roboty na aute, nie? Mozno ho nespoznáte? Mali ste mi to pripomenúť. Nevedia zistiť príčinu choroby. Treba ho operovať, ale nemusí to byť hneď. Hádam by sme jej mali pomôcť. Nemohol k nám prísť, ale mohol aspoň zavolať. Mala dosť peňazí, nemusela si od Teba pozičiavať.
Viete soférovať? Mohol ju zachrániť, ale nakoniec zomrela. Musíme začať znova od začiatku. Ako by to mohli vedieť? To hádam ie je pravda. Mal by uz prísť. Nesmel som to pozerať. Nemal si jej nič dať. Môzem pouziť Vás telefón? Mal si prísť skôr, bol by si to videl. Neodvázil sa nič povedať.
Mali ste to vidieť. Kto by sa na mňa len pýtal? Nech Vám to slúzi na prospech!

What is the difference between the following phrases?

I did not have to do it again. She must be waiting for us.
I need not have done it again. She must wait for us.

I did not need to get up early. He could save her life.
I need not have got up early. He was able to save her life.

Change the following sentences so that the modal verbs are not used. Keep the meaning the same.

They must be coming. You can also send your questions via e-mail. One might take her for

a teenager. They must be evacuated. We shall write a letter to them so that they should not

forget about it. Would you mind my smoking here? They may not be able to know about it.

She can be very unpleasant at times. May I have a smoke here? What shall I do n 22322g618w ow? My wife

may be in danger. You needn´t talk that much.

Replace the modal verbs in the sentences with other modal verbs. Keep the meaning the same, if possible.

There might have been a misunderstanding. Would you mind leaving the door open? Can

I borrow your journal, please? If there were a fire, they ought to know what to do. They

cannot speak any other foreign language. If you would lend me your car, I would be very

grateful to you. You need go there. Will you have a cup of java? I may be late tonight. We

shall open a new shop soon. You must not go there.

Use the following sentences in the past meaning.

We cannot see these people in any other light. He will play his tape all the time, whether we have visitors or not. What we do, he can do as well and if you can give him a time he will do what they cannot. You must sell them all, mustn´t you? You needn´t wait till the end, you can finish it immediately. He must know the code if he has the information. You have got to choose, not me. He will go there every day. She must be here, I can hear her. He cannot meet them, becasue he must do something else. Do you have to do it by yourself? Peter cannot tell me if I shall come or not. He should be here by now. She may miss the train. They may not be late today, they must come in time. Need you come tomorrow? You need not ask, you may go, if you must. He would come if he could find some time. I cannot believe this. He may not be able to arrange it. We may have to stay overnight. She might lose her way. She can´t keep secret.

What is the difference in these sentences?

1. The weather can change. The weather may change. 2.He can speak English. He may speak English now. 3. The match can be won. The match may be won. 4.He cannot know it. He may not know it. He must not know it. 5. I do not see how he could guess it. I do not know how he could have gueesed it. 6. We could not look everywhere. We could not have looked everywhere. 7.You may not smoke here. They may not be at home. 8. She had to see the doctor. She must have seen that film. 9. I must write it in English. I have got to write it in English now. I have to write it in English every day. 10. She must be here, I can see her car. She must be here, the police keep her here. 11.When will I see you again? When shall I see you again?

Correct the following sentences and give reasons for your correction.

He need not any company. I could read only a few pages before the train arrived. The money

dare not to be spent by John. Where can he have been? He can be working in the garden now.

Are you able to speak English? We will have got to solve it immediately. My mother has got

to work hard every day. I must speak English every day, because my mother forces me. I have

to do my homework now. He will can come. We were to have left on Monday and we really

did leave thatday. This would be my school when I was a child. I need not your help. She can

have bought it.

Translate the following sentences using modal verbs.

Smiem si pozičať tvoj dázdnik? Musís na mňa tak kričať? Karol vie hrať na husliach. Mal by si mu pomôcť, je to tvoj priateľ. Hrávali sme sa spolu ako deti. Budem tam zajtra. Nemusel si tam chodiť, boli sme tam vsetci a nepotrebovali sme tvoju pomoc. Mal by si ísť s nami. To by malo stačiť. Musím prísť zajtra? Nemusíte odpovedať na moje listy. Smiem otvoriť okno? Musís spievať práve teraz? Jana vie hrať na gitare. Mal by si mu pomôcť, je to tvoj priateľ. Chodievali sme spolu do skoly ako deti. Prídem zajtra. Toto bol môj dom. On nemoze teraz hrať tenis, mal by pracovať. Nebudete mi musieť pomáhať. Určite viete, čo tým myslím. Uz musím ísť. Musís sa učiť, lebo tu skúsku neurobís. Tu nemôzeme čakať. Určite nás teraz videla. Zjedz niečo teraz, lebo budes mať neskôr hlad. Vezmi si dázdnik, lebo zmoknes. Nesmies mu o tom hovoriť, mohlo by to byť nepríjemné a mohli by sme mať problémy. Nebude sa mu to páčiť. Ako sa opovazujete? Daj si to do vrecka, aby si to nestratil. Budete potrebovať moju pomoc. Mali sme odísť v pondelok, ale odídeme az na budúci týzdeň. Určite na to zabudol. Určite ste vedeli, čo mal na mysli. To ste nemohli nevidieť. Určite na nás čaká. Musí na nás počkať. Nemal si čakať. Predsa si sa mal len opýtať. Neopovázil sa odísť. Uz to nie je, aké to bolo predtým. Čakával na ňu kazdý deň. Vy ste tu zvykli bývať? Muselo to trvať iba niekoľko minút. Výsledok by mali vedieť do zajtra. Moje auto nejde nastartovať. Také chovanie nestrpím. Nedá sa nič robiť, chlapci sú chlapci. Neodvázim sa ho opýtať. Odvázim sa tvrdiť, ze to môze byť pravda. To okno nejde otvoriť. Istotne neupratovali celé týzdne, vsade bolo mozné vidieť plno prachu. Nepočujete

Use periphrastic equivalents for these modal verbs.

1.They must see themselves as partners in this matter. 2.This exercise can be designed for

building of vocabulary. 3.Maximum use must be made of the time spent on lessons. 4.May

I leave the window opened? 5.This must be the right answer. 6.You cannot smoke here. 7.I need not go there. 8.Shall we take care of it? 9.Peter could swim when he was five. 10.The doctor can save his life.11.You must learn harder. 12.Shall I help with the cooking? 13.They could not speak any other foreign language. 14.They must be coming. 15. You can also send your questions via e-mail. 16. One might take her for a teenager. 17. They must be evacuated. 18. We shall write a letter to them so that they should not forget about it. 20. They may not be able to know about it. 21. She can be very unpleasant at times. 22. May I have a smoke here? 23. What shall I do now? 24. My wife may be in danger. 25. You needn´t talk that much. 26. You shall see her in her office. 27.We could go home. 28. You cannot talk like that here. 29. Must I do it now? 30. She must be at home. 31. They cannot leave this room. 32. He could shoot very fast. 33. I need go there.

Posledná zmena: Wednesday, 13


Use the required infinitive form

1. There was a problem of how their money can (be send) faster. 2. This system seems (suit) our needs. 3. I am sorry (be absent) when they were discussing it. 4. We will be sorry (miss) it. 5. Bye Peter! I am happy (meet) you. 6. She helped me (mount) my bike. 7. They are always making us (do) things. 8. I can help you (do) your homework. 9. He let a week (go) before answering my letter. 10. She did not hear me (call) her name. 11. He was seen (leave) the house at 7.00 p.m. 12. He got him (come) immediately. 13. She will have you (come). 14. Is it possible for you (come)?

Use the infinite instead of the postmodifying clauses

1. He was one of the first who collected stamps. 2. This is the easiest way how it can be done. 3. She always finds something she can talk about. 4. Who is the best who can play this part? 5. Her father was the last who said yes. 6. This is the plan of the bridge that will be built next year. 7. She is not a person who we should laugh at. 8. We expected that we would be there by noon, but we weren´t. 9. I saw that it was a mistake. 10. She felt that her hands were very cold. 11. It is certain that she will object. 12. It is sufficient for our purpose that we have shown our results.

Use the for + infinite instead of the postmodifying clauses.

1. It is strange that they are late. 2. Our plan was that we would travle by train. 3. There is no need that we should argue about it. 4. It will be very pleasant if we could go to the seaside. 5. It is not advisable that you should annoy him. 6. We suggest that the police should start with him first. 7. It is no good that we should tell him about it. 8. It is time that you should go home. 9. It is you who should decide. 10. It is impossible that there was a quarrel between you and him. 11. He left without waiting if she would speak. 12. We would be very grateful if you could dine with us. 13. It was reasonable that Jane refused it.

Posledná zmena: Wednesday, 13 April 2005, 11:14 AM

Ste pripojený ako Róbert Kozák (Odhlásiť)

Use appropriate infinitive form to make the sentences shorter.

1. We were sorry when we heard about his failure. 2. I am glad you have informed me about it. 3. Margaret is fortunate because she has such a good teacher. 4. You'll be very sorry that you didn't wait till the end. 5. I am very pleased that they have chosen me. 6. You are very kind that you have given me this advice. 7. We were disappointed when we heard that you wouldn't come. 8. Bob will be shocked when you show him his room. 9. We are pleased because they have invited us. 10. They were pleased when they heard about my success. 11. Miss Sitwell is lucky because she has won a prize. 12. Mr. Burton is content because they have informed him about it. 13. He was surprised when he didn't find me at home. 14. Once he will be glad that he followed my advice. 15. She is disappointed because they didn't drive her home. 16. Mary was lucky because she got those things through the customs. 17. Your father will be surprised when he hears it. 18. We were shocked when they informed us of his death. 19. The director is sorry that he hasn't been able to meet you personally. 20. She'll be happy that she has married such a man. 21. I'm delighted because I hear that you like my book. 22. I was surprised that the manager himself met me at the station. 23. You'll be sorry that you didn't attend the lecture.

Put the verbs in brackets into the perfect infinitive. Use 'to' where necessary.

1. I expect (finish) working by the end of the year. 2. They can't (know) what was going on. 3. The children are very pleased (finally meet) their uncle. 4. We hope (contact) all the record manufacturers in Britain when we finish the survey. 5. I expect (collect) Ł3,000 by this time next year. 6. If I'd known he was in hospital, I would (visit) him. 7. I was disappointed (miss) such a good opportunity. 8. I want (finish) the job by the time I go home. 9. We were very pleased (be able to) help. 10. Lots of people could (tell) the newspapers what had happened.

Translate the following sentences

Je veľmi ťazké pouzívať správne členy. Nemali sme dôvod jej povedať nie. Zdá sa, ze dvere sú zamknuté. Mám veľa listov, na ktoré musím odpovedať. Prečo chce, aby sme odisli? Nasím cieľom je aj naďalej upevnovať obchodné styky. Povazovali ho za blázna. Určite bude pekne. Nemá zmysel, aby sme tam este raz isli. Pozerali sme, ako sa učí plávať. Videl som, ze je to chyba. Videli ho odísť. Videl som ho prechádzať cez cestu. Videl som ho prejsť cez cestu. Chce, aby sa tie staré papiere odniesli a spálili. Predpokladá sa, ze umrel na zápal plúc. On bol prvý, ktorý to videl. Dúfal, ze príde. Pomôz mi prestrieť stôl. Prinúť ho, aby siel s nami. Bolo radosť ju vidieť. Prisahal, ze bude hovoriť pravdu. Zastavil sa, aby mi o tom povedal. Má z čoho ziť. Vedel aj on sám, ze sa mýli. On je posledný, kto prisiel.

Correct the mistakes in the following sentences

1. They made me to wait three hours. 2. Do you think I was let to go home? 3. I felt something to touch my feet. 4. They had been made open the safe. 5. He helped me mount my bike. 6. He let a week to go before answering my letter. 7. He was seen leave the building. 8. You need not to do this exercise if you do not want. 9. Come when you want to. 10. She did not hear me to call her name. 11. I saw it be a mistake. 12. I turned the radio on to not get nervous. 13. He was the first collect stamps.


Fill in the sentences with correct form of participle constructions from the verbs in the brackets

1. I could see people (kill) by shrapnels, soldiers (tear) to pieces by grenades and (cry)

children, (rape) women and (desert) homes. 2. Women, their heads (cover) with dark hats,

stood there (bedazzle). 3. His hand, (touch) mine, shook with fear. 4. He was the (live)

image of his father. 5. He was the greatest painter (live). 6. He could not find his (lose)

spectacles. 7. He is a (qualify) teacher, though not an (experience) professional. 8. They

found the flat (desert). 9. (Look) at the letter I immediately knew it was false. 10. He was

much (admire) by his parents. 11. (See) the light inside, I went in. 12. In the years (follow)

the war, we did not know about his (forget) brother. 13. We saw a child (play) with a ball.

14. He was (rob) of his money. 15. He looks much (annoy). 16. (finish) reading the book, he

went out. 17. While (sleep), we could have a window (open). 18. (have) a lot of money, he

could buy everything he wanted. 19. (forget) by his followers, he died abroad. 20. He stood

there (watch) people. 21. (speak) three languages, he got a good job. 22. (Surprise) at poor

results, he gave in. 23. He was sitting in a rocking chair, (swing) back and fro, his hand

(hold) tightly to his chest, his body (rock) from side to side. 24. He is a very (want) man. 25.

You should look (kick). 26. (make up) her mind, she decided to stay in this (forget) place for

another two weeks. 27. He was (surprise) by the police´s quick action. 30. He is a very well-

(know) person in this city. 31. The (scatter) debris were to be (remove). 32. The lesson was

(bore), everybody was (bore). 33. New York is an (excite) city. 34. He is an (excite) man,

everybody feels (excite) in his presence. 35. The above (say) conditions are unacceptable for


Choose the correct word (very or much)

1. The car is ...........damaged. 2. His fahter, ...............worried with his future, did not know to answer. 3. He seemed to be a ................dillignet student. 4. He was................loved by his sister. 5. The man was....................offended by his remark. 6. I saw a .....................damaged car. 7. This machine was .................damaged by inproper handling. 8. My parents were...............pleased
when they saw her. 9. He looked...............surprised. 10. His ..................frightened appearance said it all. 11. He was .................hustled by his parents. 12. He looked ...............annoyed.

Fill in the gaps with appropriate kinds of participles.

1. Have you ever seen a more (charm).................. girl? 2. I watched very (interest)................ film on TV last night. 3. I am too (tire)............ to do it today. 4. Be careful! There're pieces of glass from a (break)............... bottle on the floor. 5. He was very (surprise).............. when he heard that he had passed the exam because he hadn't study at all.

1. Use appropriate participles as adjectives to complete the sentences.

1. I have just finished a very book. 2. Film stars are usually very men. 3. She is a most woman. 4. The weather during our holiday made a most start but grew better by degrees. 5. The play last night was very . 6. You must be very after such a long journey. 7. The writer of that book was hitherto quite . 8. He has no beard or moustache but is . 9. The first performance of his symphony was rather . 10. A bottle in the road punctured two of my tyres.


Fill in the appropriate ing - forms

1.I am not ashamed of my parents (be) slaves. 2. If you go on (behave) like that, we will stop (consider) your matter. 3. He was accused of (kill) his brother. 4. (Open) the door, I saw him (leave) his children behind. 5. The children insisted on (be) taken to the cinema. 6. Thank you for (you assist) in this business. 7. They will be grateful for (choose) their team. 8. I saw him (cross) the street and (talk) to some men. 9. We watched her (run) down the street.

Put the verb in the gerund or infinitive.

1............. is really good fun. (fly) 2.We stopped at the motorway services ........... something ......... (get/eat) 3.'What's this for?' 'It's for ........... vegetables. (cook) 4. I can't get used to ........... before the dawn. (get up) 5. I'm sorry about ............... you. (not invite) 6.There's a lot of work ......... on the new building. (do) 7. I really love ........... with the children. (play) 8. ............. is a good form of exercise. (swim) 9.There are some very interesting things .......... in the British Museum. (see) 10. You're lucky you haven't got a child .............. (look after) 11. We managed .............. the exam by ............ each other's answers. (pass/copy) 12. Dave decided .......... Sheila for a week or two. (not phone) 13. I can't stand ........... the washing-up. (do) 14. I think I'm going to have to give up .......... football. (play) 15.It really is time ......... (go) 16.I've decided ........... here for another year. (not stay) 17.I know the keys are here. I remember .......... somewhere. (put them down) 18.We were getting tired, so we stopped ............ lunch. (have) 19. I tried ........ some salt, but it didn't help. (add) 20. I'm looking forward to ............ the programme. (see) 21. I went home .......... that the children were alright. (check) 22.You're much too young ......... in there. (go) 23. I was surprised .............. about the new baby. (not hear) 24.We're keen on ............ the team. (join)

Put the verb in the gerund or infinitive and justify your choice.

I like (travel). I would like (travel) to Poland in the summer.He likes (smoke). He likes (smoke) a cigarette after lunch.Jane likes (ski). She likes (go) to the High Tatras every weekend. I'm sure she would like (go) with us.My friend likes (go) to concerts. He always likes (listen) to an interesting live recording. He would like (hear) the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra.

Transform the sentences using gerund

Do you doubt that he will be able to pass the finals? Does Mary admit that she plays badminton badly? Did anybody mention that they would leave for Africa next week? Did you anticipate that you would meet with strong opposition there? Can you imagine that Mary should become an actress? Does Mr Andrews deny that he knows the person? Has Miss Collins admitted that she goes shopping to Bond street? Do you regret that you were not able to attend that rally? Can John ensure that Bob will be well-paid? Has John confessed that he knows about these matters? Can you fancy that he stole that diamond ring? Can she explain why he has changed his attitude? Can you conceive why he went there unarmed?

Fill in the gaps with gerund or infinitive according to the meaning. If necessary
introduce gerunds with a preposition: afraid (of), sure (of).
1. I love ................ (lie) in the sun and ................. (bathe) in a lake.
2. I can't place her for the moment, but I remember .................... (see) her somewhere before.
3. He tried ................. (give) Jane a kiss but he slapped his face.
4. What are you doing? - I'm trying ................ (open) that bottle but the cork is in pretty tight.
5. The examination is very exacting. Nobody can be sure ............. (pass) it. But Tom is excellent: he is sure ............... (pass) it.
6. I was afraid ............... (go) swimming: the sea was rough.
7. I remember ................ (lock) the front door when we were leaving. I never forget ................. (lock) it.
8. I'll always remember ................ (meet) my wife for the first time.
9. I don't regret .............. (tell) her what I thought of her although it upset her.
10. We regret ................ (inform) you that we're unable to offer you employment.
11. Remember ................ (send) me a telegram as soon as you arrive in London.
12. I hate ................ (leave) so early, but I'm afraid I have to.
13. Every half hour he stopped ................. (smoke) a cigarette.
14. You were right .............. (refuse) to pay that sum.
15. Do you prefer ............... (fly) to ................. (go) by train?

II. Make the following sentences shorter using gerund after prepositions: by, without, after, in, instead of.
2. We didn't stay at a hotel, but we put up our own tent.
3. I learnt English so that I listened to taped talks.
4. I found the place so that I looked at that detailed map.
5. John went home and he didn't say anything.
6. When I was dialling the number, I made a mistake.

A. Make the following sentences shorter using gerund after prepositions in, on, after, instead of, without, by.
1. You didn't go by bus, but you hired a taxi.
2. When the ship was entering the port, it was torpedoed.
3. When the officer was checking all the suitcases, he found some contraband goods.
4. Mr and Mrs Cranston came from abroad; then they bought a new flat.
5. As soon as Mark disembarked, he went to meet his friends.
6. When he was dialing the number, he made a mistake.
7. The officer stood at the entrance and didn't look at my luggage.
8. I learnt English so that I listened to taped talks.
9. George said that the church was in Baroque style and he didn't even look in the guidebook.
10. I found the place so that I looked at that detailed map.

1. I remember _____ the Queen in London.
a. meet
b. to meet
c. meeting
d. to meeting

2. Did you remember _____ the letter?
a. post
b. to post
c. posting
d. to posting

3. I'm not used _____ up this early.
a. get
b. to get
c. getting
d. to getting

4. I used _____ to the cinema a lot.
a. go
b. to go
c. going
d. to going

5. I regret _____ Mary about the weddding.
a. tell
b. to tell
c. telling
d. to telling

6. Mrs Jones, I regret _____ you that your credit limit has been exceeded.
a. inform
b. to inform
c. informing
d. to informing

7. Stop _____ this terrible noise at once!
a. make
b. to make
c. making
d. to making

8. I wanted to stop _____ some presents, but we didn't have enough time.
a. to
b. to buy
c. buying
d. to buying

9. Look, it's starting _____ .
a. rain
b. to rain
c. raining
d. to raining

10. I started _____ English when I was four.
a. learn
b. to learn
c. learning
d. to learning

Tag Questions

Complete the following sentences with question tags.

1. That woman was here yesterday, ..........2. I am late, ............3. The Blacks have two children, .............4. The delegates will arrive tomorrow, .................5. John can come, ...............6. You must go there,...........7. He may repeat it,..........8. They were leaving, .............9. They had lunch at twelve, .............10. Jack speaks English,.............11. Those students weren't present, ......12.We shan't go there,...........13. He needn't write it,.............14. Mary started to learn Dutch,...............15. Mr. Brown's sons don't speak French,...............16. You're not thinking of it,..............17. He knew you well,..........18. It's time to go,...............19. He's got no money at the moment,...............20. Mary didn't like some of the music she heard today,............21. Mother doesn't feel well,.............22. You can see it well,...........23. The Greens invited you to come,..........24. Mary will return soon,.............25. You are looking forward to holidays,...............26. I am a little late,...........27. You're thinking of it,................28. They may not leave their places,.............. 29. Mother will be angry, .................30. The children have holidays now,..............31. They didn't want to meet you,.............32. He spent his vacations in Yugoslavia,...............33. He mustn't talk back, ...........34. I needn't tell you that, ................35. You'll bring me the gramophone record,................36. You knew her well,..............37. I am sitting on your chair, ...............38. We shan't visit that factory,...................39. It isn't an English magazine, ...................40. You'll write him a letter,...................41. Your father speaks English,................42. They may use the pencil,...................43. There's no bus after midnight,.................44. It would be useless,..................... 45. You've had lunch,...................46. You've never been there, ...............47. No law against it,.................48. Tired,...................50. She rarely dances,..........................51. Open the door,.................52. Let´s go there,.........................53. She dances rarely,...................54. You will not tell anybody,...................55. She just would not listen,......................56. Be careful,..................57. That is what you aked for,......................58. This bicycle is not stolen,......................59. I just told she is crazy,........................60. Seldom has she invited you,..............61. We have always tea at five,............................62. We have one brother,..................63. I am the one to do it,................64. We cannot leave it here,.......... ..... ...... 65. Nowadays people get more in shops than they used to,.................66. We must not give up since we have achieved our goal,............................67. Every student is responsible for his paper,.........................68. Everybody must do his duty,.........................69. You are getting married next week,............................70. Be quiet,....................

Fill in the correct tag questions.

1. They opened the shop at 10 am today,.........................? 2. Up to now there has been no news of the survivors,.........................? 3. You want to have goose for dinner today,........................? 4. John is telling you that he has not see Mary since Monday,.......................? 5. You think that there is an interesting programme on TV tonight,............................? 6. Your sister has been teaching English in Scotland,......................? 7. Shakespeare wrote 40 plays,...................? 8. You were born in 1976,.............................? 9. You have been listening to the radio for 3 hours now but they have not played your favourite song yet,.........................? 10. She has opened a shop in London,.............................? 11. You have had several phone calls since I left,..................? 12. The plumber was here from 4 to 6 this afternoon,.....................? 13. They have known him since he was 5,...................? 14. Tired,...................? 15. We have been good friends since the age of five,........................? 16. She often returns there for more practice,..................? 17. The tea contains caffeine,...........................? 18. This notice does not mean what everybody thinks,..................? 19. The price seldom includes the service,....................? 20. The rumour has it that she leaves next month,....................? 21. She never felt better in her life,...............? 22. The soup tastes fine,............................? 23. He looks angry,.................? 24. This book has got 765 pages,..............? 25. The game will have been played by that time,............................? 26. Close the door,.........................? 27. Let us go there,.................? 28. I have never been late,..................? 29. I am never late,....................? 30. He seldom works,.................? 31. I had better do it,.................? 32. It would have been impossible,..................? 32. He must not talk back,...........? 33. I may use your phone,...................? 34. There is nothing to be said for it,.........

Tag questions

# Luciano Pavarotti is a great singer, ___ ___?

# It isn't very cold today, ___ ___?

# Ms. Patton assigns a lot of homework, ___ ___?

# I didn't bring enough money, ___ ___?

# The children won't want to go to bed early, ___ ___?

# You have already seen Braveheart, ___ ___?

# The movie received several Oscars ___ ___?

# We can't keep our dog in the hotel room, ___ ___?

# The Braves would like to win another World Series , ___ ___?

# Basketball players don't have small feet, ___ ___?

1. You're coming to the party, ___?
a. aren't you
b. isn't you
c. shouldn't you

2. It wasn't very difficult, ___?
a. wasn't it
b. isn't it
c. was it

3. Tom is getting something for Sue, ___?
a. wasn't he
b. isn't he
c. was he

4. It won't be anything expensive, ___?
a. won't it
b. isn't it
c. will it

5. There's some milk in the refrigerator, ___?
a. isn't there
b. isn't it
c. wasn't it

6. We don't need to go to the store today, ___?
a. don't we
b. do I
c. do we

7. Susan can bring some food, ___?
a. won't she
b. will she
c. can't she

8. The party starts at eight o'clock, ___?
a. isn't it
b. doesn't it
c. does it

9. The movie was very long, ___?
a. isn't it
b. wasn't it
c. was it

10. There's a dictionary on the shelf, ___?
a. isn't it
b. isn't there
c. aren't there

11. There's a lot of noise outside, ___?
a. aren't there
b. isn't there
c. is there

12. Mrs. Smith is sick, ___?
a. isn't she
b. is she
c. wasn't she

13. The dishes are dirty, ___?
a. weren't they
b. isn't they
c. aren't they

14. Steven won't be at the party, ___?
a. won't he
b. isn't he
c. will he

15. The math test was very difficult, ___?
a. wasn't it
b. isn't it
c. weren't they

16. We can go tomorrow, ___?
a. won't we
b. can we
c. can't we

17. I'm early, ___?
a. isn't I
b. aren't I
c. are I

18. This shirt is too big for me, ___?
a. isn't it
b. doesn't it
c. does it

19. Emily plays the piano well, ___?
a. isn't it
b. does she
c. doesn't she

20. Your neighbors went on vacation, ___?
a. isn't they
b. didn't they
c. aren't they

What is the difference between the following expressions

1. So you are getting married, are you? You are getting married, aren´t you?

2. You can´t tell the truth, can you? Oh, you can´t tell the truth, can´t you?

3. You want some money, don´t you? You want some money, do you?

4. He works rarely, doesn´t he? He rarely works, does he?

5. John thinks we are going to win, doesn´t he? I suppose you will be there, won´t you?

6. I do not suppose you will be there, will you? I suppose you will not be there, will you?

7. I am right, aren´t I? So I am a liar, am I?

Echo Questions

Respond to the following sentences with echo questions in full form.

It's cold. He isn't very friendly. You don't like eggs. I'm staying too. We're policemen. I didn't arrive yesterday. This shop is very expensive. She's gone home. This water's hot. We're not coming this afternoon. You haven't met my sister Jean. He wasn't waiting at home for me. She didn't like Pat when she met her. They're going to write to us after they move. I have got no money at the moment. You liked some of the music you heard today. You've nearly finished your book. You're always forgetting your keys. They've nearly finished the new school. She's not very happy in her new job. I knew him well. There is something interesting on TV tonight. You are tired.
I want some chocolate. Come this way, please. What is your name? Accept my congratulations. You are a coward! I'd like to have a table for three, waiter. What a glorious day! I have called off the conference. What did you say to him? I have always lived here. I believe it is true. She is rich.
Interesting. Lovely. After you. Finished. This way. Why bother? Where to go? All on board! What now? What a glorious day! How beautiful! You killed him. I do not really know. I have always loved you and your family.

Respond to the following statements with echo questions using wh-words

We didn't stay at a hotel, but we put up our own tent. I learnt English by listening to taped talks.
I found the place by looking at that detailed map. John went home and he didn't say anything. When I was dialling the number, I made a mistake. Throw some salt over your left shoulder. She come from Japan. Where does he live? What is his address? What do you do in your free time? It is quarter half to six. I am a doctor. My children do not live in London. Does he help people? Does he have three children? She doesn´t love Peter. How much is a hamburger and chips? My sister´s name is Lara. She speaks French. I do not live in this city. He has no sisters. English is not easy. Did the boss leave the message? I have just bought an electric tooth-brush. He talks a lot. His earnings last year were very low. These archives have a great number of records. Those ironworks run on a two-shift system. The phenomena can be seen every day. No data are yet available on this experiment. The news was very sad for her. They suffered during those two crises. The police are trying to find the thieves. None of the information is of any use to us. Put the books on the shelves, please. In that stratum the temperature is below zero. Children often called the adults grown-ups. She has brought him some forget-me-nots. I visited the Netherlands last year.

Respond with short echo questions to the following sentences.

The police managed to find the murderer. Data will not be applicable. The fish will be plentiful. I had no difficulty in understanding you. We will arrive in time. Either species is suitable for the research. Some money returns tomorrow. The crises in human life will always take place. Bases for this research could not be denied. The news she heard made her cry. The police could have seen you. Mathematics always belonged to one of my favourite subjects. He likes listening to music. They have always live in a big flat. They take sugar in tea.I speak Danish very well. I want to play tennis now. He works hard. Lawyers earn little money. It started at 8.00 in the morning. You should have done it earlier. I need go there. Everybody must achieve this result. Each of us is going to participate.


Make full sentences out of these amorphous sentences.

Leaving? Tired? Cigarette? Your name? Beautiful scenery! Tickets, please. Louder! That way! Why not be frank? Glad to be able to help. Beg your pardon. Can't help it. Anything on the wireless tonight? Any other luggage? Very nice way to spend the money. Much damage? Getting on for 55. Sorry. Anything to declare? Any questions? Crazy. Looking, what? Just hot talks. Nonsense. Hard to believe. No one in my office? Anybody in my office? Something to drink? To stay or to leave? Anything against it? Glad to have seen you. Much damage? House to let. For hire. Assistent wanted. Bed and Breakfast. Can´t hear a word. Back in a jiffy. Got the ticktes? Anyone at home? You do not like it, you go home. Looking for anybody? Lodging and Accommodation. Not a word about it, ok? Just passing by. John speaking. Little bit nervous, right? No wine in the fridge? You again? OK? Understood? Not my cup of tea. See?

Turn the following sentences into elipses.

Is there any mail or letters for me ? Are you tired? Do you want some chocolate? Come this way, please. What is your address? Accept my congratulations.You are a liar! Good morning. It is impossible! Is there anything intersting in the cinema this week? Are you tired? Do you have any friends or relative in Canada? What is your job? Are you going there again? Are you working again? Do you know anybody interesting here? Your car is not working again, right? This is Chicago, isn´t it? This is an interesting movie.

Translate these sentences using elipses.

Hovorís nemecky? - Áno. Kto priniesol ten balík? - Ja. Teraz hrá lepsie ako vtedy keď som ju počul prvý krát. Zálezí na tom? - Áno. Ku mne je slusný, k vám nie? Nestojím o to, ty áno? Nevsimol som si ten rozdiel a ostatní tiez nie. Poslal si ten telegram? - Áno, poslal. Nemôzem rozlústiť toto slovo. - Vy áno? Neľutujem to. - Ani ja nie. Nevychádzam s ním dobre. - Skoro nikto s ním nevychádza. Smiem si pozičať tvoje pero? - Prosím, poslúz si. U mojej sestry. V katedrále sv. Pavla. Blázon! Zbabelec! Kde býva? - Blízko univerzity. Dostal som, koľko som chcel. Vlastne viac. Si unavená? Blahozelám! To je nezmysel! Pozeraj, zem! Ako je dnes krásne. Teraz späť k nasej úlohe. Nemozné! Deti, do postele! Pomôzem, ak budem môcť. Opravil by som auto, len keby som vedel ako. Píses slovník? Nie, báseň. Kde si bol? - Iba sa previezť na aute.


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