for general truths (the degree of generality may for an action in progress (just) now/at t 414v214e his (very)
vary considerably) : moment :
e.g.: When the temperature goes below zero e.g.: "Why aren't you writing?"
water freezes. "I'm listening.It seems that it's
The sun rises early in summer. still raining.
Elephants live in herds.They travel "Is she expecting someone (to
about 60 kms per day. come)?"
In England it doesn't snow much,but it "No,she's going to the concert."
rains a lot.
for habitual actions: for an action happening about this time and lasting
for a limited period of time :
e.g.: My brother doesn't smoke;he doesn't e.g.: Alice is studying French this year.
drink either. I'm reading a book on psycology
I go to church on Sundays. at present (not at this very
His parents live in the country;he visits moment).
them twice or three times a year.
Mrs.Coconut usually comes to work by train but this week she is coming in her neighbours'car.
The time adverbs : always,never,often,every week etc.,are used for neutral statements with the Present Simple,while with thePresent Continuous they express annoyance(with an action too frequently repeated).
e.g.: You are always late.(neutral statements) e.g.: You are always being late.(reproach)
My daughter goes out every week-end. My daughter is going out every
(neutral) week-end.(disapproval)
we work harder and faster than twenty years ago. us time;however we're working
harder and faster all the time.
v The quality of the Present Simple is PERMANENCE, that of the Present Continuous is IMPERMANENCE.This is why there are verbs-usually associated with permanence-that cannot be used in the Continuous Aspect when used with their proper meaning : the verbs of EXISTENCE and POSSESION , the verbs of the SENSES ( when used intransitvely); the verbs of FEELING , THINKING and VOLITION, the MODALS, and IMPERSONAL VERBS (to seem, to appear).
They'll probably get married. They're going to got married. They're getting married next month.
He'll have a new house built. He's going to have his house painted. He's having his car fixed on Wednesday.
It will rain in autumn (as usual). It's going to rain (it looks like raining;
the sky is overcast).
I won't make any plans in this case; I'm not going to make any further plans; come
come what may. what may! (I had enough of plans that failed)
Present Intention ( not started) Spontaneous Decision Premeditated Intention
It will not happen again! It's not going to happen again!
(I know it's not true.) I'll be writing It's not true! I will write an article about it. I know it's not true. I'm just going to
an article on the whole matter. write an article on the whole matter.