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English-Indonesian On-line Dictionary


English-Indonesian On-line Dictionary

by Michael Bordt

Last updated: Saturday October 09, 1999

Note: this dictionary is still under development. It includes a selected basic vocabulary. There are still several errors. Check back in a couple of weeks for an improved version.

The general format of an entry is:

English word part of speech [English Definition (English example or explanation)] Indonesian word (Indonesian Root word). Indonesian definition [Indonesian example or definition].

For pronunciation and gramatical rules see Bahasa Indonesia in 7 Days.


·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q a art suatu 2. art [a/an; a pair of] sepasang (pasang) 3. art [a/an; a person] seorang (orang) 4. art [a/an; a plate of] sepiring (piring) 5. art [a/an; a slice of] sepotong (potong) 6. art [a/an; a stick of] sebatang (batang) 7. art [a/an; a thing] sebuah (buah)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q able to vi bisa 2. vi dapat

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q about adj [approximately/more or less] lebih kurang (lebih) 2. prep [concerning] tentang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q above adv di atas (atas)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q accept vi [to agree] menyetujui (setuju)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q accompany vt antar 2. vt [to go with] menemani (teman) 3. vt [to go with] mengantar (antar)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q ache vt [(My tooth ~s)] sakit [(Gigi saya ~)].

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q achievable adj terkendali (kendali)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q add vi [to put more of something] menambah (tambah) 2. vt [to put numbers together] menjumlahkan (jumlah)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q address n. [number of a house] alamat

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q afraid adj [to be frightened] takut

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q Africa n. Afrika

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q after conj [following a time] sesudah (sudah) 2. prep [following/next] sesudah (sudah) 3. prep [following/next] setelah (telah)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q afternoon adv sore

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q against prep [touching (Please stand it ~ the wall.)] pada [(Dirikanlah itu pada dinding.)].

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q age n. [number of years] umur

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q aged adj [(She is ~ 15.)] berumur (umur) [(Dia ~ 15 tahun.)].

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q agenda n. acara

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q ahead adv di depan (depan)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q air n. udara

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q alcohol n. alkohol

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q all adj [every (~ my marbles are lost.)] semua [(~ keleringmu hilang.)]. 2. pron [every] semua 3. pron [everyone (~ of us went.)] semuanya (semua) [(Kami ~ pergi.)].

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q almost adv hampir

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q alone adj sendirian

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q already adv sudah 2. adv telah

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q also adv juga

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q although conj walaupun

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q always adv [every time; all the time (She is ~ very friendly.)] selalu (lalu)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q America n. Amerika

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q American adj [(These are ~ dollars.)] Amerika [(Ini dolar ~.)]. 2. n. orang Amerika (Amerika)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q amount n. [quantity] jumlah

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q amusing adj lucu

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q an art [] satu (buah) 2. art [] sebuah (buah) 3. art [] suatu (buah)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q an animal art [] seekor (ekor)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q ancient adj [not new] lama

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q and conj dan 2. conj serta

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q angry adj marah

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q animal n. binatang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q another adj [a different one (I want a ~ room.)] yang lain (lain) [(Saya mau sebuah kamar ~.)]. 2. adj [one more (Would you like ~ drink?)] satu lagi (lagi) [(Apakah Anda mau minuman ~?)].

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q answer n. jawaban (jawab) 2. vi menjawab (jawab)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q ant n. semut

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q anywhere adv dimanapun (mana)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q apartment n. apartemen

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q apologize vi minta maaf (maaf)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q apology vi minta maaf (maaf)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q apple n. apel 2. n. buah apel (apel)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q appointment n. [arrangement to see someone at a particular time] janji

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q approximately adv kira-kira (kira)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q April n. April 2. n. bulan April

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q Arab n. Arab

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q area n. [district] daerah

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q arm n. lengan

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q around adv [about] di sekitar (kitar)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q arrival n. kedatangan (datang)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q arrive vi datang 2. vi tiba

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q art n. seni

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q article n. [thing/object] barang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q artificial adj buatan (buat)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q artisan n. tukang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q as adv [in a certain way (~ before)] seperti [(~ biasa)].

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q ascend vt menaiki (naik)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q ash adj abu

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q Asia n. Asia

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q ask vi bertanya (tanya)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q ask for vi meminta (minta)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q asleep adj sedang tidur (tidur)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q ass n. [a stupid person] orang bodoh (bodoh)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q assist vt membantu (bantu)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q assistant n. pembantu (bantu)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q at prep [ (Meet me ~ the hotel.)] di [(Ketemulah saya ~ hotel.)]. 2. prep [ (I will see you ~ 9 o'clock.)] pada [(Saya akan ketemu anda ~ pukul sembilan malam.)].

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q attempt vi [to try] mencoba (coba)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q attention n. [(Thank you for your ~.)] perhatian (hati) [(Terima kasih atas ~ anda.)].

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q attractive adj menarik (tarik)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q August n. Agustus 2. n. bulan Agustus (Agustus)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q Australia n. Australi

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q authentic adj asli

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q automatic adj otomatis

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q automobile n. mobil

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q autumn n. musim gugur (gugur)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q available adj sedia 2. vi [(Do you have cold drinks ~?)] ada [(~ minuman yang dingin?)].

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q avenue n. jalan raya (jalan)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q average adj [middle figure out of two or more] rata-rata (rata) 2. adj [ordinary] biasa


·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q baby n. bayi

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q back adv [return (Are you coming ~?)] kembali [(Apakah anda mau ~?)]. 2. n. [lower part of body] pinggang 3. n. [reverse side/not front] belakang 4. n. [upper part of body] punggung

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q bad adj [evil] jahat 2. adj [not good] buruk 3. adj [wrong] salah

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q bag n. [handbag/luggage] tas 2. n. [paper/plastic bag] kantong

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q baggage n. bagasi

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q bakery n. toko roti (roti)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q Bali n. [Indonesian island] Bali

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q ball n. bola

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q bamboo n. bambu

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q banana n. pisang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q band n. [group of people esp. who play music together] orkes 2. n. [thin piece of material for tying things together] ikat

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q bandage n. pembalut (balut)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q bank n. [place where you can keep your money] bank

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q bar n. [long piece of wood or metal] batang 2. n. [place where people go to drink liquor] bar

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q barber n. pemangkas rambut (rambut) 2. n. tukang cukur (cukur)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q bare adj telanjang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q bargain vi menawar (tawar)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q barn n. gudang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q base n. dasar 2. n. [bottom part of something ] kaki

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q basic adj dasar

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q basket n. keranjang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q bath n. [a large container for water in which you can wash your whole body] tempat mandi (mandi) 2. n. [washing your whole body (I feel like a hot ~.)] mandi [(Saya mau ~ dengan air panas.)]. 3. v [to wash all over] mandi

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q bathroom n. kamar mandi (kamar)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q bathtub n. bak mandi (mandi)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q be v [ (The sky is blue)] ada [(Langitnya biru.)].

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q beach n. pantai

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q bean n. buncis 2. n. kacang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q beard n. jenggot

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q beautiful adj [] cantik 2. adj [] indah 3. as beautiful as adj secantik (cantik)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q because conj karena

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q bed n. tempat tidur (tempat)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q bedroom n. kamar tidur (kamar)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q bedsheet n. seperai

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q bee n. lebah

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q beef n. daging sapi (daging)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q beer n. bir

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q before adv [earlier] dulu 2. prep/conj [earlier than] sebelum (belum)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q begin vi mulai (mula)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q beginning n. permulaan (mula)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q behind prep [at the back of] di belakang (belakang)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q believe vt mempercayai (percaya)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q bell n. lonceng

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q belong vt [to be a member of (I ~ to the computer club.)] termasuk (masuk) 2. vt [to be the property of (This book ~s to me.)] kepunyaan (punya)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q below prep bawah

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q belt n. sabuk

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q bend n. lentur

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q beneath prep [to be under (The ground was soft ~ his feet.)] di bawah (bawah) 2. prep [to go under (We ran ~ the bridge.)] ke bawah (bawak)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q beside prep disamping (samping) 2. prep disebelah (belah)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q best adj terbaik (baik)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q better adj [very good ] lebih baik (baik)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q between prep antara 2. in between prep di antara (antara)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q bicycle n. sepeda

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q big adj besar

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q bill n. [a piece of paper showing the amount you have to pay (May I have the ~?)] bon [(Minta ~nya.)].

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q billion n. milyar

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q bird n. burung

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q birthday n. hari ulang tahun (hari)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q biscuits n. biskuit

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q bit n. sedikit

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q bitter adj pahit

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q black adj hitam

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q blank adj kosong

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q blanket n. selimut

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q blessed adj selamat

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q block n. [group of buildings surrounded by streets] blok

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q blood n. darah

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q blouse n. baju

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q blow away vt [ to kill ] membunuh (bunuh)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q blue adj biru

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q boat n. kapal

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q body n. badan 2. n. tubuh

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q boil v [to heat a liquid until it changes to a gas (Please boil the water for 20 minutes.)] merebus (rebus) [(Tolong merebus airnya dua puluh menit.)].

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q bold adj berani

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q bone n. tulang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q book n. buku 2. vt [to reserve a place/table/seat] memesan (pesan)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q bookstore n. toko buku (toko)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q border n. batas 2. n. pinggir

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q bored adj bosan

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q born vi lahir

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q Borobudur n. [ancient Buddhist temple near Yogyakarta, Indonesia] ~

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q borrow vi meminjam (pinjam)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q both pron [ (We ~ went to bed.)] berdua (dua) 2. pron [ (I want ~ books.)] kedua (dua)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q bother vt menggangu (ganggu)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q bottle n. botol

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q bottom n. [lowest part] dasar 2. n. [part of the body on which you sit] pantat

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q bowl n. mangkuk

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q box n. [cardboard container for shipping] dos 2. n. [wooden/metal container for storage] kotak

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q boy n. anak laki-laki (anak) 2. n. cowok

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q bracelet n. gelang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q brain n. otak

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q brake n. [] rem

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q brassiere n. B.H.

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q brave adj berani

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q bread n. roti

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q breakfast n. makan pagi (makan) 2. have breakfast vi makan pagi (makan)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q breast n. [] buah dada (buah)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q bridge n. jembatan

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q briefcase n. tas kantor (tas)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q bring vt membawa (bawa)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q Britain n. Inggeris

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q British adj Inggeris

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q broken adj hancur

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q broom n. sapu

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q brother n. saudara 2. pron [] kakak 3. pron [] adik

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q brown adj coklat

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q brush n. sikat

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q bucket n. ember

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q Buddah n. Buda

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q building n. gedung

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q bum n. [ part of the body you sit on] pantat

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q burn vi membakar (bakar)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q burst v [to break] pecah

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q bus n. bis

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q business n. bisnis

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q businessman n. pengusaha (usaha)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q busy adj sibuk

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q but conj tapi 2. conj tetapi

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q butcher n. tukang daging (daging)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q butter n. mentega

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q button n. [small round object used to keep clothing closed] kancing

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q buy vt membeli (beli)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q buy for vt membelikan (beli)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q by prep [ (My salary went up ~ 4 percent.)] pada 2. prep [ (He went to Bandung ~ bus.)] dengan

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q bye int [] selamat jalan (selamat) 2. int [] selamat tinggal (selamat)


·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cabbage n. kol

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cabinet n. lemari kaca (lemari)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cactus n. kaktus

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cage n. kandang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cake n. kue

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q calendar n. kalendar

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q calf sapi anak sapi (sapi)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q call vt [to shout to tell someone to come (~ the children.)] memanggil (panggil)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q calm adj tenang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q camera n. fototustel (tustel)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q can n. [round metal container for keeping food or drink] kaleng 2. v [ (~ I have another coffee?)] boleh 3. v [ (I ~ meet you after work.)] bisa

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q can opener n. pembuka kaleng (buka)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q Canada n. Kanada

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q Canadian adj Kanada

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q canal n. kali

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q candle n. lilin

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q candy n. gula-gula (gula)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cannon n. meriam

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cannot vi [> can] tak bisa (bisa)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q capital n. [city where government is located] ibu kota (kota) 2. n. [money you use to start a business] modal

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q captain n. kapten

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q car n. mobil

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q card n. kartu

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q carpenter n. tukang kayu (kayu)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q carriage n. kereta

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q carrier n. pembawa (bawa)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q carrot n. wortel

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q carry vt [to bring something] membawa (bawa)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cart n. kereta

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q carving n. ukiran (ukir)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cash n. uang kontan (uang)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cashier n. kasir

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cassette n. kaset

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q castle n. istana

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cat n. kucing

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cauliflower n. blumkol

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cave n. goa

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q ceiling n. langit-langit (langit)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q celery n. seledri

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cemetery n. kuburan

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q central adj pusat

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q centre adj tengah

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q ceremonial knife n. keris

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q ceremony n. upacara

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q certain adj [sure] pasti 2. adj [sure] yakin

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q certainly adv memang 2. adv tentu 3. adv tentu saja (tentu)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q chain n. rantai

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q chair n. kursi

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q chamber n. kamar

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q change n. [money you get back when you give more than the exact price] uang kembali (uang) 2. n. [small money/coins] uang kecil (uang) 3. vt [to give something for something else (Can I ~ dollars for rupiah?)] menukar (tukar)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q charge n. [money which you pay to do something (There is no ~ for this service.)] biaya

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q chat vi mengobrol (obrol)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cheap adj murah

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q check n. [making sure (Customs will make a ~ of all baggage.)] pemeriksaan (periksa) 2. v. [to look at something carefully/to make sure (Customs will ~ your baggage.)] memeriksa (periksa)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q check into vt [to arrive and register at a hotel] mendaftarkan (daftar)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q check out vt [to leave a hotel] meninggalkan (tinggal)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cheek n. pipi

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cheese n. keju

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cheque n. [] cek

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cherry n. buah ceri (ceri)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q chest n. [a large box] peti 2. n. [top part of the front of your body] dada

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q chicken n. ayam

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q chief n. [person in charge] kepala

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q child n. anak

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q chili n. lombok

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q chin n. dagu

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q China n. Cina

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q chip n. [long thin piece of potato fried in oil] keripik (keripik)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q chocolate n. [sweet food made from the seeds of the cocoa tree] coklat

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q chopsticks n. sumpit

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q Christian n. Nasrani

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q Christmas n. Hari Natal (hari)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q church n. gereja

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cigarette n. rokok

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cigarette lighter n. korek api (korek)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cinema n. bioskop

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cinnamon n. kayu manis (kayu)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q citrus n. jeruk

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q city n. kota

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q clam n. apitan

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q clean adj bersih 2. vt membersihkan (bersih) 3. vt [wash] mencuci (cuci)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cleaner n. pencuci (cuci)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q clear adj [easily understood/with nothing in the way] jelas 2. adj [easily understood/with nothing in the way] terang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q climb up and down vi naik-turun (naik)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q clock n. jam 2. n. lonceng

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q close adj/adv [very near/beside (My house is ~ to downtown.)] dekat 2. vt [to shut] menutup (tutup)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q closet n. lemari

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cloth n. kain

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q clothes n. pakaian (pakai)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q clothing n. pakaian (pakai)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cloud n. awan

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q coach n. [a large comfortable bus] bis turis (bis) 2. n. [a wagon for passengers on a train] kereta

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q coarse adj kasar

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q coast n. pantai

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q coat n. mantel

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cockroach n. coro 2. n. kecoa

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cocoa n. coklat

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q coconut n. kelapa

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q coffee n. [a hot drink] kopi

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q coffee cup n. cangkir kopi (cangjir)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q coffee pot n. teko kopi (teko)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q coin n. uang logam (uang)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cold adj [not warm] dingin

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q colour n. [] warna

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q comb n. sisir

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q come vi [to move towards here (~ here I need you.)] datang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q come back vi [to return (~ soon.)] kembali

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q come here vi kemari

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q come on! vi [to hurry (~, the movie starts in 15 minutes.)] ayo

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q comfortable adj enak

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q coming n. kedatangan (datang)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q common adj umum

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q competition n. pertandingan (tanding)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q complete adj lengkap

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q completely adv sama sekali (sama)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q computer n. komputer

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q concerning prep tentang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q concert n. konser

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q condom n. kondom

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q conference n. konperensi

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q confused adj bingung

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q congratulations n. ucapan selamat (selamat)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q contact vt menghubungi (hubung)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q contents n. isi

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q contract n. kontrak

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cook n. tukang masak (masak) 2. vt memasak (masak)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cookie n. biskuit

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cooking n. masakan (masak)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cool adj dingin

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q copper n. tembaga

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q copy vt menyalin (salin)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q coral n. karang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q corn n. jagung

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q corner n. pojok

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q corporation n. perusahaan (usah)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q correct adj [right/not wrong] betul 2. adj [true] benar

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q corridor n. gang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cost n. harga

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cottage n. pondok

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cotton n. kapas

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q count vt menghitung (hitung)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q country n. [area of land which is separate and governs itself (I like travelling to other countries.)] negeri

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q couple n. pasang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q coupon n. kupon

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cow n. [] sapi [].

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q crab n. kepiting

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cross n. [shape made of an upright line with another going across it] palang 2. vt [to go from one side to the other] menyeberang (seberang)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cross-roads n. perapatan

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q crowded adj [lively] ramai 2. adj [too many people/cars etc.] sempit

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cry vi menangis (tangis)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q crystal n. hablur

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cucumber n. mentimun

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q culture n. kebudayaan (budaya)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cup n. [silver jar given as a prize for winning in sports] piala 2. n. [small bowl with a handle for drinking coffee/tea] cangkir

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cupboard n. lemari

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q curious adj [wanting to know (She is always ~ about my personal life.)] ingin tahu (tahu)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q currency n. mata uang (uang)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q curtain n. korden

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q curve n. keluk

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cushion n. bantal

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q customs n. [government department which charges tax on goods coming into the country] bea

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cut n. [place where something has been opened by something sharp (I got a bad ~ on my finger.)] luka 2. vt [to make an opening using something sharp (He ~ the meat with a knife.)] memotong (potong)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cute adj mungil

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q cycle n. [bicycle/tricycle] sepeda 2. vi [(The weather was so nice we decided to ~ to the park.)] naik sepeda (sepeda)


·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q daily adj tiap hari (hari)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q dance n. tari 2. vi menari (tari)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q dancer n. penari (tari)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q dangerous adj berbahaya (bahaya)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q dark adj [with very little light (I gets ~ at 7 o'clock.)] gelap

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q date n. [number of a day of the month (What is the ~ today?)] tanggal 2. n. [time agreed for a meeting] janji

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q daughter n. anak perempuan (anak)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q day n. hari

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q day after tomorrow adv lusa

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q a day adv [every day (I take this medicine once ~.)] sehari (hari) 2. all day adv [the whole day (She has been working hard ~.)] sepanjang hari (hari)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q daytime n. [period of time between morning and night] siang hari (hari)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q dead adj [ not alive] mati 2. adj [ no longer alive] sudah menginggal (tinggal)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q deceive vt memperdayakan (daya)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q December n. bulan Desember 2. n. Desember

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q deep adj [which goes a long way down] dalam

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q degree n. [part of a series of measurements (It's 5 ~s outside.)] derajat

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q delicious adj enak

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q dentist n. dokter gigi (dokter)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q departure n. keberangkatan (angkat)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q descend vt turun

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q desk n. meja tulis (meja)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q detour n. jalan memutar (jalan)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q diamond n. [very valuable stone] intan

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q dictionary n. kamus

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q different adj berbeda (beda)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q difficult adj sukar 2. adj sulit 3. adj susah

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q dining room n. kamar makan (kamar)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q dinner n. makan malam (makan)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q direct adj/adv [straight (The plane flies ~ to Bali.)] langsung

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q directorate n. Direktorat

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q dirt n. kotoran (kotor)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q dirty n. kotor

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q dish n. [large plate for serving food (Put the meat on a large ~.)] piring

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q distance n. jarak

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q distant adj jauh

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q district n. [area] wilayah

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q disturb vt menggangu (ganggu)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q ditch n. selokan

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q dive vi menyelam (selam)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q do vt [perform/carry out (Did you ~ the job?)] melakukan (laku) 2. vt [perform/carry out (Did you ~ the job?) ] mengerjakan (kerja)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q do not v [ (I ~ like coffee.)] tidak 2. vi [ (~ play with matches.)] jangan

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q doctor n. dokter

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q document n. [legal e.g. birth certificate] acta

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q dog n. anjing

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q dollar n. dolar

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q done vt [> do] dilakukan (laku)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q door n. pintu

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q dope n. [ drugs] obat bius (obat) 2. n. [ stupid person] sitolol (tolol)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q dot n. titik

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q down adv/prep [towards the bottom] kebawah (bawah) 2. prep [at the bottom (He is not ~ there.)] dibawah (bawah)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q downtown n. [central area of a town or city] kota [kota bagian yang ramai].

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q dozen n. lusin

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q drawer n. laci

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q dress n. [a piece of woman's/girl's clothing covering the neck to the knees] gaun

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q drink n. [a liquid which you swallow (I need a ~.)] minuman (minum) 2. n. [alcohol (Let's go to the bar for a ~.)] minuman keras (minum) 3. v [to swallow a liquid (~ your milk.)] minum

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q drive vi [to make a car etc. go in a certain direction (I don't like to ~ in the city.)] menyetir (setir) 2. vt [to make a car etc. go in a certain direction] mengemudi (kemudi)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q driver n. pengemudi (kemudi) 2. n. sopir

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q drugstore n. toko obat (toko)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q drum n. gendang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q dust n. debu

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q Dutch adj Belanda

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q duty n. [tax which has to be paid (We had to pay ~ on the radio.)] bea


·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q ear n. telinga

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q earring n. anting-anting (anting)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q east adj [ (We live in the ~ end of town.)] timur 2. adv [towards the east (We are travelling ~.)] timur 3. n. [direction from where the sun comes up (The sun rises in the ~.)] timur

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q easy adj mudah

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q eat vi makan

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q edge n. [side of a flat object (This knife has a sharp ~.)] pinggir

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q education n. ajar

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q egg n. telur

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q eight adj delapan

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q eighteen adj delapan belas (delapan)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q eighty adj delapan puluh (delapan)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q elbow n. siku

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q electricity n. listrik

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q elephant n. gajah

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q eleven adj sebelas

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q else conj [otherwise] atau

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q embassy n. kedutaan

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q emergency n. darurat

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q employee n. karyawan (karya)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q empty adj kosong

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q end n. akhir

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q engine n. motor

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q England n. Inggeris [].

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q English adj Inggeris [].

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q enjoy vt menikmati (nikmat)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q enough adj cukup

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q enter vt memasuki (masuk)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q entrance n. [way of going in ] pintu masuk (masuk) 2. n. [way of going in ] jalan masuk (masuk)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q envelope n. amplop

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q equal adj sama

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q Eurasian n. Indo

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q Europe n. Eropa

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q evening n. [late part of the day when its getting dark] malam

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q every adj setiap (tiap) 2. adj tiap-tiap (tiap)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q everything pron semuanya

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q everywhere adv [in all places (I have looked ~ for you.)] dimana-mana (mana) 2. adv [to all places (I have gone ~ looking for work.)] kemana-mana (mana)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q exaggerate vt mengada-ada (ada)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q excuse vi minta maaf (maaf) 2. vt memaafkan (maaf)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q excuse me int maaf

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q exercise n. [using you muscles (Bicycling is good ~.)] senam

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q exhibit n. pameran (pamer)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q exit vi keluar

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q expensive adj mahal

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q express vt ucap

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q extension cord n. sambungan (sambung)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q eye n. mata

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q eyeglasses n. kacamata (kaca)


·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q fabric n. kain

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q face n. muka 2. n. wajah

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q factory n. pabrik

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q fall vi jatuh

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q false adj palsu

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q family n. keluarga

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q fan n. [machine used to move air] kipas

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q far adj/adv [a long way away] jauh

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q farewell n. selamat jalan (selamat)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q farmland n. tanah pertanian (tani)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q fart n. kentut

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q farther adv lebih jauh (jauh)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q fast adj/adv [quick/quickly (This is the ~ train to Bandung.)] cepat

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q fat adj gemuk 2. n. lemak

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q father n. ayah 2. n. bapak

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q faucet n. keran

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q feather n. bulu

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q February n. bulan Pebuari

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q female adj wanita 2. adj [] betina 3. n. perempuan

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q fence n. pagar

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q festival n. pesta

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q few adj [not many] sedikit

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q field n. [piece of flat ground/area of study] lapangan 2. n. [] sawah

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q fifteen adj lima belas (lima)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q fifty adj lima puluh (lima)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q fill in vt [to write in the blank spaces (Please ~ your name and address.)] mengisi (isi)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q film n. pilem

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q fine adj/adv. [well/good (How are you? ~ thank you.)] baik

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q finger n. jari

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q fingernail n. kuku

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q fire n. [something which is burning (Don't play with ~.)] api

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q fish n. ikan 2. vi memancing (pancing)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q five adj lima

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q five hundred adj lima ratus (lima)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q fix vi [to mend/repair (Can you ~ these shoes?)] memperbaiki (baik)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q flag n. bendera

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q flashlight n. lampu senter (lampu)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q flat adj/adv [level (Lay the sweater on a ~ surface to dry.)] rata

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q flood n. banjir

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q floor n. lantai

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q flour n. tepung

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q flower n. [part of a plant which has a bright colour (She was upset so I sent her some ~s.)] bunga

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q fly n. lalat 2. vi menerbang (terbang)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q follow vt [to come after (~ me I know the way.)] mengikuti (ikut)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q food n. makanan (makan) 2. n. [cooking] masakan (masak)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q food stall n. warung

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q foot n. [end part of your leg] kaki

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q football n. sepak bola (sepak)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q for prep [in order to/for the benefit of (This gift is ~ you.)] untuk

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q foreign adj asing 2. adj luar negri (luar)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q foreigner n. orang asing (orang)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q forest n. hutan 2. n. [jungle] rimba

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q fork n. garpu

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q forty adj empat puluh (empat)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q four adj empat

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q fourteen adj empat belas (empat)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q France n. Perancis

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q free adj [not costing any money] gratis 2. adj [not occupied/not busy (There wasn't one ~ taxi in the city.)] kosong

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q French adj Perancis

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q fresh adj [not used/recently made/not tinned or frozen (Our juice is made from ~ oranges.)] segar

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q Friday n. hari Jumaat (hari)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q fried adj goreng

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q fried egg n. telur mata sapi (telur)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q friend n. teman

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q from prep [out of (He comes ~ Bali.)] dari

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q from where prep darimana (dari)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q in front of prep [on the front side of something (He is standing ~ the house.)] di depan

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q fruit n. buah

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q full adj [not hungry (I can't eat any more I'm ~.)] kenyang 2. adj [with as much inside as possible (The hotel was ~.)] penuh

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q furniture n. perabotan rumah (perabot)


·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q gamble vi judi

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q garage n. garasi

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q garbage n. sampah

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q garden n. kebun

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q gas n. gas

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q gas station n. pompa bensin (bensin)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q gasoline n. bensin

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q gate n. lawang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q generous adj karim

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q Germany n. Jerman

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q get v [ (I have to ~ my work finished.)] 2. vt [to catch/take] menangkap (tangkap) 3. vt [to obtain] memperoleh (oleh) 4. vt [to pay someone to do something (I have to ~ my hair washed.)] di- [(Rambut saya harus dicuci.)]. 5. vt [to receive (He got a car from his parents.)] menerima (terima)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q ginger n. jahe

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q giraffe n. zirafah

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q girl n. anak perempuan (anak) 2. n. gadis 3. n. nona

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q give vt memberi (beri)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q glass n. [material used to make windows etc. (She broke the window and was cut by flying ~.)] kaca 2. n. [thing to drink out of (Give me another ~ of milk.)] gelas

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q glasses n. [things you wear in front of your eyes to help you see (She was wearing ~.)] kacamata

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q go vi [to move from one place to another (Do you want to ~ home?)] pergi 2. vi [to work (My car won't ~.)] berjalan (jalan)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q go home vt pulang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q goat n. kambing

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q goat soup n. gulai

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q God n. Tuhan

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q gold n. emas

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q goldfish n. ikan mas (ikan)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q golf n. golf

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q gone adj habis

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q gong n. [] gong

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q good adj [clever (He's a good cook.)] pandai 2. adj [not bad (That was a ~ meal.)] baik

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q good evening phrase Selamat malam. (selamat)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q goodbye phrase [to person leaving] Selamat jalan. (selamat) 2. phrase [to person staying] Selamat tinggal. (selamat)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q good-day phrase Selamat siang. (selamat)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q government n. pemerintah (perintah)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q grandchild n. cucu

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q grandfather n. kakek

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q grandmother n. nenek

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q grape n. anggur

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q great adj [important (He was a ~ man.)] agung

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q green adj hijau

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q grey adj kelabu

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q grocery store n. toko makanan (toko)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q guest n. tamu


·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q hair n. [long thread growing on your body or the body of an animal (There's cat ~ all over the pillow.)] bulu 2. n. [long thread growing on your head (Her ~ is black.)] rambut

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q hairbrush n. sikat rambut (sikat)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q hale adj [who/which has a lot of force/a lot of strength] kuat

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q half adj [divided into two equal parts (Give me ~ a kilo.)] setengah (tengah) [(Tolong, beri saya ~ kilo.)].

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q hall n. [large room for meetings (The meeting ~ is upstairs.)] ruang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q ham n. daging babi (daging)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q hand n. [the part of the body at the end of each arm (Please wash you ~s before eating.)] tangan

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q handbag n. tas

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q handkerchief n. sapu tangan (sapu)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q handsome n. ganteng

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q happy adj senang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q Happy birthday. phrase Selamat hari ulang tahun. (ulang)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q harbour n. [] pelabuhan (labuh)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q hard adj [difficult/not easy (Learning English is not ~.)] susah 2. adj [not soft (The apple is ~ I can't bite it.)] keras 3. adv [with a lot of effort (He hit the nail ~.)] keras

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q hard working adj rajin

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q hat n. topi

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q have vi [to possess/to take (He has lots of money.)] mempunyai (punya)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q he pron dia 2. pron ia

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q head n. [top part of the body/most important person (He is the ~ of this department.)] kepala

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q headache n. sakit kepala (sakit)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q healthy adj sehat

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q hear v [to catch sounds with your ears (I can't ~ you.)] mendengar (dengar)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q heart n. [part of your body which moves blood (My ~ is beating too fast.)] jantung

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q heavy adj [which weighs a lot (This box is ~.)] berat

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q height n. tingginya (tinggi)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q hello int apa kabar (kabar)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q help! int [ (~ Call a doctor)] tolong?

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q her adj [ (This is ~ book.)] punya dia (dia) 2. pron [ (Please give ~ this letter.)] dia

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q here prep disini

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q high adj [ big (Taxes are ~ in Canada.)] tinggi 2. adj [tall (There are many ~ buildings in the city.)] tinggi 3. adv [above/up in the air (The airplane flew ~ over the mountains.)] timggi

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q hill n. bukit

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q him pron [ (Please give ~ this letter.)] dia

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q Hindu temple n. candi

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q hold vt [to have in your hand] memegang (pegang)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q hole n. lubang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q holiday n. [day when you don't have to work (Christmas Day is a ~.)] hari raya (hari)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q home n. [place where you live] rumah

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q honey n. madu

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q horse n. kuda

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q hospital n. rumah sakit (rumah)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q hot adj panas

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q hotel n. hotel

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q hotter adj lebih panas (panas)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q hour n. jam

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q house n. rumah

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q how adv [showing or asking the way something is done] bagaimana

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q how many pron [ (~ people are coming to the party.)] berapa

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q how much pron [ (~ food did you order.)] berapa

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q hundred adj [(It costs six ~ Rupiah.)] ratus [(Itu harga enam ~ Rupiah.)]. 2. one hundred adj seratus (ratus)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q hungry adj lapar

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q hurt vi sakit

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q husband n. suami

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q hut n. pondok


·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q I pron aku 2. pron saya

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q I don't know phrase entahlah

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q ice cream n. eskrim (es)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q if conj [showing what might happen] kalau 2. conj [when] jika

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q ill adj [sick/not well] sakit

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q immediately adv [just after] segera

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q import n. impor

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q important adj penting

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q imported adj impor

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q in adv [showing place] dalam 2. prep pada 3. prep [showing place] di

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q including adv termasuk (masuk)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q indeed adv memang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q India n. India

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q Indonesia n. Indonesia

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q Indonesian adj [language] bahasa Indonesia (bahasa) 2. n. orang Indonesia (Indonesia)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q injure vt melukakan (luka)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q insect n. serangga

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q insert vt masukkan (masuk)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q inside adv [in/indoors] kedalam (dalam) 2. prep [in] dalam 3. prep [in] didalam (dalam)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q interesting adj menarik (tarik)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q international adj internasional

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q interpret vi menafsir (tafsir)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q into prep [against (The car ran ~ the tree)] pada 2. prep [] kedalam (dalam)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q iron n. [common grey metal] besi 2. vi [make cloth smooth] menyeterika (seterika)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q is v [to be] ada

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q island n. pulau

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q isn't vi [] tak ada (ada)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q it pron [that there] itu 2. pron [this here] ini

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q Italy n. Itali

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q ivory n. gading


·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q jacket n. jas

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q Jakarta n. [capital of Indonesia] Jakarta

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q jam n. [something in the way] kemacatan (macat) 2. n. [sweet food made from fruit] sele

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q January adj Januari 2. n. bulan Januari

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q Japan n. Jepang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q jar n. kendi

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q Java n. [Indonesian island] Jawa

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q jewellery n. perhiasan (hias)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q juice n. air buah (air) 2. n. jus

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q July n. bulan Juli 2. n. Juli

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q June n. bulan Juni 2. n. Juni

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q jungle n. hutan rimba (hutan)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q just adj [only] hanya


·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q keep vi [to have for a long time] menyimpan (simpan)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q key n. kunci

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q key ring n. gelang kunci (kunci)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q kilo n. kilo

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q kilogram n. kilogram

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q kilometer n. kilometre

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q kind n. [type] jenis

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q king n. rajah

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q kitchen n. dapur

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q knife n. pisau

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q knockers n. buah dada (dada)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q know vi [to be informed about something] tahu 2. vi [to have met someone] mengenal (kenal)


·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q lady n. wanita

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q lake n. danau

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q lamb n. domba

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q lamp n. lampu

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q large adj [very big] besar

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q laundry n. [clothes which need to be washed] cucian (cuci)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q leaf n. daun

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q learn vi [to find out about something] belajar (ajar)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q leather n. kulit

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q leave vi [to go away] pergi

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q left adj kiri 2. adj [forgotten] tertinggal (tinggal)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q leg n. kaki

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q lemon n. jeruk limun (jeruk)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q lend vt meminjamkan (pinjam)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q length n. panjang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q less adj kurang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q let's vt [] mari kita (mari)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q letter n. [a message in writing] surat 2. n. [a sign used in writing] huruf

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q lettuce n. selada

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q level adj [even; horizontal/not sloping] rata

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q library n. perpustakaan (pustaka)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q lift n. [elevator] lift 2. vi [to raise to a higher position] mengangkat (angkat)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q lighter n. korek api (korek)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q like adj gemar 2. adj sama 3. prep sama dengan (sama) 4. vt [to be pleased with something (Do you ~ nasi goreng?)] suka [(Apakah Anda ~ nasi goreng?)].

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q lion n. singa

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q lip n. bibir

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q liquor n. minuman keras (minum)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q list n. daftar

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q litre n. liter

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q little adj [not much (give me a ~ soup)] sedikit 2. adj [small/not big] kecil 3. adv [not much (I see her ~ these days)] sedikit

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q live adj [not dead] hidup 2. vi [to be alive] hidup 3. vi [to have your home in a place (I ~ in Kemang.)] tinggal [(Saya ~ di Kemang.)].

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q liver n. hati

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q living room n. kamar duduk (kamar)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q lizard n. cicak

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q lobster n. udang karang (udang)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q lodge vt [to pay money to live in a house] menyewa (sewa)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q London n. [Capital city of England] London

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q long adj [not short/which measures a lot] panjang 2. adv [a long time] lama

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q long distance n. interlokal

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q look vi [to turn your eyes toward something] melihat (lihat)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q look after vt [to take care of] menjaga (jaga)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q look for vt mencari (cari)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q lose vi [not to win] kalah 2. vt [to put something somewhere and not know where it is] menghilangkan (hilang)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q lost adj [] hilang 2. adj [] tersesat (sesat)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q loud adj keras

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q luggage n. bagasi

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q lunch n. makan siang (makan)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q lung n. paru-paru


·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q machine n. mesin

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q magazine n. majalah

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q maid n. pembantu (bantu)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q mail n. [letters which have been delivered to you] surat 2. n. [service of sending letters] pos

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q mailbox n. kotak pos (kotak)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q make vt [to cause someone to feel something (did I ~ you angry?)] membuat (buat) 2. vt [to get ready (will you ~ dinner?)] membuat (buat)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q malaria n. malaria

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q Malaysian adj Melayu

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q male adj [(He is a ~ nurse)] pria 2. adj [referring to an animal] jantan 3. n. laki-laki (laki) 4. n. lelaki (laki)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q man n. [male] laki-laki (laki) 2. n. [male] pria 3. pron [father] bapak

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q mango n. mangga

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q mangosteen n. manggis

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q many adj banyak

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q map n. peta

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q March n. bulan Maret

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q marginal land n. tanah pinggiran (tanah)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q market n. pasar

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q marmalade n. sele jeruk (sele)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q marriage n. [relationship] perkawinan (kawin)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q married adj sudah kawin (kawin)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q masturbate vi main onani (main) 2. vi merancap (rancap)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q material n. [cloth] kain

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q mattress n. kasur

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q May n. bulan Mei 2. n. Mei

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q may vi boleh 2. vi harap

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q maybe adv mungkin

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q me pron [ (Please give that book to ~.)] saya

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q meaning n. arti

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q meat n. daging

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q medicine n. [something you take to make you feel well] obat

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q medium adj sedang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q meet vi bertemu (temu)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q meeting n. rapat

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q melon n. semangka

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q menu n. daftar makanan (makan)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q merchant n. pedagang (dagang) 2. n. tukang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q metal n. logam

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q middle adj tengah

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q milk n. susu

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q million adj juta

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q mind n. [place where thoughts come from] akal

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q minute n. menit

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q mirror n. kaca muka (kaca)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q Miss pron [salutation to an unmarried woman] Nona

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q Mister pron Bapak

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q moment n. [for a little while (Wait a ~.)] sebentar

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q Monday adv Senin 2. n. hari Senin (hari)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q money n. uang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q monkey n. kera

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q month n. bulan

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q monument n. monumen

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q moon n. bulan

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q more adj [extra/which is added] lebih banyak (lebih) 2. adv [again/extra] lagi 3. adv [ (She is ~ intelligent than her brother.)] lebih

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q more or less adj lebih kurang (lebih)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q more than conj lebih dari (lebih)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q morning n. pagi

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q mosque n. mesjid

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q mosquito n. nyamuk

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q mosquito net n. kelambu

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q mother n. ibu 2. pron bu

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q mountain n. gunung

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q mouse n. tikus

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q moustache n. kumis

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q mouth n. mulut

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q movie n. pilem

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q movie theatre n. gedung bioskop (bioskop)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q Mr. pron Bpk. (bapak)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q Mrs. pron Ibu (ibu)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q much adj [a lot of (How ~ bread do you want?)] banyak 2. adv [very/a lot (I am feeling ~ better.)] sekali [(Saya sudah lebih baik ~.)].

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q museum n. musium

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q music n. musik

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q Muslim n. Muslim

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q must vi [to be likely (She ~ be upstairs.)] pasti? [(Ia ~ di atas.)]. 2. vi [to be necessary (I ~ go home now.)] harus [(Saya ~ segera pulang.)].

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q my pron [belonging to me] punya saya (punya)


·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q name n. nama

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q napkin n. serbet 2. n. tissu

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q national adj nasional

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q nature n. [plants and animals] alam

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q near adv dekat

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q nearly adv hampir

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q neat adj [polite/clean person] sopan 2. adj [tidy/clean] rapi

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q necessary adj perlu

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q neck n. leher

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q necklace n. kalung

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q necktie n. dasi

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q need vi perlu

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q needle n. jarum

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q Netherlands n. Belanda

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q new adj baru

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q New Year n. Tahun Baru (baru)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q newest adj terbaru (baru)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q newspaper n. surat kabar (surat)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q next door adj sebelah (belah)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q next to prep sebelah (belah)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q nice adj bagus 2. adj enak

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q night n. malam

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q nine adj sembilan

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q nineteen adj sembilan belas (sembilan)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q ninety adj sembilan puluh (sembilan)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q no adj [not any (There is ~ money left.)] tidak [(~ ada uang lagi.)]. 2. adj [not at all (This book is ~ better than the other one.)] tidak 3. int [opposite of yes/negative] ngak 4. int [opposite of yes/negative] tidaklah (tidak)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q no one n. tidak ada orang (orang)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q nobody n. tidak ada orang (orang)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q noisy adj berisik

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q noodles n. mie

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q noon adv tengah hari (hari)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q north adj utara

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q nose n. hidung

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q not adv [ (This is ~ a book.)] bukan [(Ini ~ buku.)]. 2. adv [ (I am ~ going.)] tidak [(Saya ~ pergi.)].

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q not yet adv belum

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q nothing n. tidak apa-apa (apa)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q November n. bulan Nopember

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q now adv sekarang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q numeral n. angka

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q nut n. kacang


·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q obtain vt mendapatkan (dapat)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q obviously adv dengan nyata (nyata)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q ocean n. samudera

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q o'clock adv [ (It is 9 ~.)] pukul

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q October n. bulan Oktober

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q of prep dari

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q off adj [not switched on (Please turn the lights ~.)] mati 2. adj [showing movement away from a place (He fell ~ the horse.)] turun

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q office n. kantor

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q officer n. petugas (tugas)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q official n. [person in an important government job] pegawai

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q often adv sering

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q oh int aduh

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q oil n. minyak

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q O.K. adj [in order] beres

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q old adj [having lived/existed a long time] tua 2. adj [not new/former] lama

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q on adv di atas (atas) 2. prep atas 3. prep [hanging from (He hung the picture ~ the hook.)] pada 4. prep [showing an instrument/machine which is used (There was a good show ~ television.)] di 5. prep [showing time/day/date (We will meet ~ Thursday.)] di 6. prep [touching or lying on the top of something] diatas (atas)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q at once adv [immediately/now (Come home ~.)] sekarang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q one adj [the number 1; a single thing] satu

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q only adj [and no one/nothing else] aja (saja)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q open adj buka 2. adj [not closed] terbuka (buka) 3. v [to make open (Please ~ the door for me.)] membuka (buka)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q opener n. pembuka (buka)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q or conj atau

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q orange adj [colour between yellow and red] orange 2. n. [sweet tropical fruit coloured between yellow and red] jeruk

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q order vt [to ask for something to be served or sent] pesan

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q ounce n. [one tenth of a kilogram] ons

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q out adv [not in/away from (He is ~ of the office.)] diluar 2. adv [not in/away from (She went ~ of the house.)] keluar (luar)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q outside prep [not inside/beyond the walls of (I left by bike ~.)] diluar (luar) 2. prep [not inside/beyond the walls of (I took my bike ~.)] keluar (luar)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q oven n. kompor

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q over prep [more than (It cost ~ five dollars.)] lebih dari (lebih) 2. prep [on/to the other side (The cat climbed ~ the bed.)] atas

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q own vt [to have (I ~ a car and a motorcycle.)] memiliki (milik)


·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q pack up vi [to stop working/to break down] berhenti (henti)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q package n. bungkus

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q painful adj sakit

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q paint n. cat

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q palace n. istana

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q pan n. panci

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q pants n. [clothing worn around the legs] celana

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q paper n. [a news~] surat kabar (surat) 2. n. [thin sheet of material which you write on] kertas

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q parcel n. bungkus 2. n. paket

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q pardon n. [action of forgiving (I beg your ~.)] maaf

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q parents n. [mother and father] orang tua (orang)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q park n. taman 2. v parkir

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q parrot n. burung beo (beo)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q party n. [meeting of several people on a special occasion] pesta

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q passing adj padang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q passport n. paspor

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q pastry n. kue-kue (kue)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q path n. jalan

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q pay vi [to give money for something (I will not ~ $5 for that hat.)] membayar (bayar)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q peanut n. kacang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q pearl n. mutiara

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q peel n. [skin of a fruit or vegetable] kulit

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q pen n. pena

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q pencil n. pensil

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q people n. [] orang-orang (orang) 2. n. [populace] rakyat

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q pepper n. lada

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q peppermint n. permen

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q perfume n. harum

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q person n. orang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q petrol n. [gasoline] bensin

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q Philippines n. Filipina

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q phone n. telepon

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q phone number n. [(What is your ~?] nomer telepon (telepon) [(Berapa ~ Anda?)].

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q photo n. [photograph] foto

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q photocopy n. fotokopi

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q pick up vt angkat

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q piece n. [slice] potong

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q pig n. babi

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q pillow n. bantal

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q pin n. peniti

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q pineapple n. nanas

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q pink adj merah muda (merah)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q pit n. [hole in the ground] lubang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q place n. [where something is] tempat

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q plane n. [airplane] pesawat terbang (terbang)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q plate n. [flat round thing for putting food on] piring

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q play n. [something written which is acted on the stage (Is the ~ a comedy or a tragedy?)] sandiwara [(Apakah sandriwara ini komedi atau tragedi?)]. 2. v [to amuse yourself/take part in a game] bermain (main)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q pleasantly adj senang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q please int [asking someone to do something for themselves (~ sit.)] silakan [(~ duduk.)]. 2. int [asking someone to try to do something (~ open the door.)] coba [(~ buka pintu.)]. 3. vi [asking someone to give you something (I'll have a beer, ~.)] minta [(~ bir.)]. 4. vi [asking someone to help you (~ get off my foot)] tolong [(~ menuruni kaki saya.)].

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q p.m. adv [after 12 o'clock noon until 12 o'clock midnight] sore (sore)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q pocket n. saku

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q police n. polisi

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q policeman n. polisi

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q polite adj sopan

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q pool n. [special container for water ] kolam

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q pork n. daging babi (babi)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q portable adj dapat dibawa-bawa (bawa)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q possible adj mungkin

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q post n. [letters etc. sent my mail] pos

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q post card n. kartu pos (kartu)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q post office n. kantor pos (pos)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q potato n. kentang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q prepare vt menyiapkan (siap)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q prescription n. resep

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q present n. [gift] hadiah

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q president n. presiden

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q price n. harga

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q print vi [to mark letters on a page using a machine] cetak

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q pub n. bar

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q pull vi [to move something towards you/move something which is coming behind you] menarik (tarik)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q puppet n. wayang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q purchase vi membeli (beli)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q purple adj ungu

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q purse n. dompet

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q push vi [to make something go away from you/to make something in front of you move] dorong

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q put vi menaruh (taruh)


·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q quantity n. jumlah

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q quart n. [liquid measure about .95 litres] [ukuran cairan sebanyak .95 liter].

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q quarter n. [one fourth] seperempat (empat)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q queen n. ratu

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q queer n. [ homosexual] orang homoseks (homoseks)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q question n. pertanyaan (tanya)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q quickly adv segera

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q quiet adj diam

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q quite adv [completely (He is ~ sick.)] sungguh [(Ia ~ sakit.)].


·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q race n. [a contest to see which person/horse/car is the fastest] lomba

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q radio n. radio

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q railroad n. [] kereta api (kereta)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q railway n. [] kereta api (kereta)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q rain n. hujan

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q raw adj mentah

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q razor n. pisau cukur (cukur)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q reach vt [to arrive at (We will ~ the hotel at 9 o'clock.)] mencapai (capai)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q reach for vi mencapai (capai) 2. vi menggapai (gapai)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q read vi membaca (baca)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q ready adj [finished (Is my laundry ~?)] selesai [(Apakah cucian sudah ~?)]. 2. adj [prepared (Are you ~ to go?)] siap [(Sudah ~ untuk pergi?)].

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q rear n. [buttocks] pantat

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q receipt n. kwitansi

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q receive vi menerima (terima)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q recipe n. resep

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q recover vi [to get well after being sick] menyembuh (sembuh)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q red adj merah

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q refrigerator n. lemari es (lemari)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q regards n. [respects (Give my ~ to your wife.)] salam [(~ kepada isterimu.)].

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q region n. daerah

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q relation n. perhubungan (hubung)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q religion n. agama

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q remain vi [to stay (The people ~ed after the meeting was over.)] tinggal

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q remember vi ingat

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q rent n. uang sewa (sewa) 2. vt [to let someone live in your house for money] menyewakan (sewa) 3. vt [to pay money to live in a house] menyewa (sewa)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q repair vt memperbaiki (baik)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q repeat vt mengulangi (ulang)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q restaurant n. restoran 2. n. rumah makan (makan)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q return n. [ticket to go somewhere and come back] pulang-pergi (pulang) 2. vi [to come/go back] kembali

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q rhinoceros n. badak

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q rice n. [cooked] nasi 2. n. [uncooked] beras

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q rich adj [to have lots of money/things etc. (Indonesia is ~ in forests.)] kaya

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q riddle n. teka-teki

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q right adj [correct (You are ~.)] betul [(~)]. 2. adj [not left/side of the hand most people write with (My house is on the ~ side of the street.)] kanan

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q ring n. [call on the phone (I'll give you a ~ tomorrow.)] telepon [(Saya ~ besok.)]. 2. n. [circle of metal you wear on your finger (She was wearing a wedding ~.)] cincin

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q ripe adj matang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q ritual n. upacara agama (upacara)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q river n. kali 2. n. sungai

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q road n. jalan

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q roadmap n. peta jalan (peta)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q rock n. [stone as part of the earth (This house is built on solid ~.)] batu

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q roof n. atap

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q room n. [part of a house (Let's paint the ~ green.)] kamar 2. n. [space for something (There's no ~ in this house for another bed.)] tempat

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q root n. [part of a plant which grows underground (Trees have long ~s.)] akar

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q rope n. tali

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q rotten adj busuk

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q rough adj [ not smooth/finished (Don't play with those boys they're too ~.)] kasar

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q rubber n. karet

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q rubbish n. [things which are thrown away (People should not throw ~ on the street.)] sampah

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q run n. [going quickly on foot] lari 2. vi [to go quickly by foot (Let's ~ along the beach.)] berlari (lari) 3. vi [to work (He left the car running.)] berjalan (jalan) [(Dia tinggalkan mobilnya sedang ~.)].

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q rupiah n. [Indonesian currency] rupiah

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q Russia n. Rusia


·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q sad adj sedih

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q safe adj aman

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q sail boat n. kapal layar (kapal)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q salad n. selada

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q salad dressing n. bumbu kuah selada (selada)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q sale n. [selling things at cheap prices (I bought the shoes on ~.)] obral

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q salt n. garam

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q salty adj asin

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q same adj sama

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q sand n. pasir

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q sandal n. sandel

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q sardine n. ikan sarden (ikan)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q satisfied adj kenyang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q Saturday n. hari sabtu (hari)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q saucepan n. panci (panci)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q saucer n. lepek

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q sausage n. sosis

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q savings n. [money which you have saved] uang tabungan (tabung)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q saw n. gergaji

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q say vi [to speak words] bilang 2. vt memperkatakan (kata) 3. vt [(Did you ~ something?)] mengatakan (kata) [(Apakah anda ~ sesuatu?)]. 4. vt [to express ] mengucapkan (ucap)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q scale n. [machine for weighing] timbangan (timbang)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q schedule n. daftar rencana (rencana)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q school n. sekolah

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q scissors n. gunting

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q screw n. sekrup

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q screwdriver n. obeng

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q search for vi mencari (cari)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q seaside n. tepi laut (laut)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q season n. musim

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q seat n. tempat duduk (duduk)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q seat belt n. sabuk kursi (sabuk)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q second adj [coming after the first (This is the ~ time I have been here.)] kedua (dua) 2. n. [one sixtieth of a minute (Wait a ~.)] detik

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q second-class adj kelas dua (kelas)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q second-hand adj [which someone has owned before (~ watch.)] bekas [(jam tangan yang ~.)].

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q secretary n. sekretaris

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q see v [to understand (I don't ~ why you need more money.)] mengerti (erti) 2. v [to use your eyes (I ~ by your outfit that you are a cowboy.)] melihat (lihat) 3. vt [to go with someone (Let me ~ you home.)] mengantar (antar)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q sell vi [to give something to someone for money (Sally sells sea shells.)] menjual (jual)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q send vt mengirimkan (kirim)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q September n. bulan September 2. n. September

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q servant n. pembantu (bantu)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q service n. [providing things which people need (The train ~ is very poor in Canada.)] jasa

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q seven adj tujuh

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q seventeen adj tujuh belas (tujuh)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q seventy adj tujuh puluh (tujuh)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q several adj [more than a few but not many] beberapa

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q sew vi menjahit (jahit)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q share vt [to divide something between several people (Please ~ the cookies.)] membagi (bagi)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q shave vi [to cut of hair with a razor (I ~ every morning.)] mencukur (cukur)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q she pron [] ia 2. pron [ (~ is my sister.)] dia

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q sheep n. domba

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q sheet n. lembar

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q ship n. kapal

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q shirt n. kaus []. 2. n. [light piece of clothing you wear over the top of your body] kemeja [].

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q shoe n. sepatu

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q shoe lace n. tali sepatu (tali)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q shop n. [place where you can but things (I got the food at the ~ around the corner.)] toko 2. vi berbelanja (belanja)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q shopping centre n. pertokoan (toko)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q shore n. tepi laut (tepi)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q short adj [low/not high] rendah 2. adj [not long in space/time/not tall (A ~ time ago, I was ~ too.)] pendek

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q short time n. sebentar (bentar)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q shortly adv [in a time which is not long] segera

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q should vi harus

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q shout vi berteriak (teriak)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q shovel n. sodok

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q show n. [a play at a theatre (The Phantom of the Opera is a musical ~.)] sandiwara 2. n. [where things are put put for people to see (We're going to the flower ~.)] pameran (pamer)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q shrimp n. udang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q shut adj tutup 2. vt menutup (tutup)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q shy adj malu

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q sick adj sakit

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q side n. [edge (We live on the other ~ of town.)] tepi 2. n. [one of two parts (Which ~ of the street?)] sebelah

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q sidewalk n. jalan pinggir (jalan)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q sign n. [drawing/mark/something which shows (The gift was a ~ of respect)] tanda

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q silk n. sutera

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q silver n. [a valuable white metal (These spoons are made of ~.)] perak

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q since adv/prep [from that time on (I have been happy ~ I met you.)] sejak 2. prep [because (~ you have been good, I will give you a cookie.)] karena

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q sing vi menyanyi (nyanyi)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q singer n. penyanyi (nyanyi)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q single adj [one/for one person (Do you have a ~ room.)] satu-satu (satu) 2. adj [one/for one person (Do you have a ~ room.)] tunggal 3. adj [unmarried (When I was ~ I never cooked at home.)] belum kawin (kawin)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q sink n. [wash basin] bak cuci (bak)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q sir n. tuan

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q sister pron [elder] kakak 2. pron [younger] adik

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q sit vi duduk

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q six adj enam

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q sixteen adj enam belas (enam)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q sixty adj enam puluh (enam)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q size n. ukuran (ukur)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q skin n. kulit

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q skirt n. rok

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q sky n. angkasa 2. n. langit

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q sleep vi tidur

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q sleeve n. lengan baju (lengan)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q slice n. potongan (potong) 2. vi memotong (potong)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q slow adj lambat

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q slowly adv pelan-pelan (pelan)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q small adj kecil

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q smaller adj lebih kecil (kecil)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q smell vt [to notice the smell of something (The cat likes to ~ dead fish.)] mencium (cium)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q smoke n. asap

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q snail n. keong

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q snake n. ular

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q so adv [also (You like snow? ~ do I.)] juga 2. adv [ (You're tired, ~ am I.)] begitu

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q soap n. sabun

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q sock n. kaus kaki (kaus)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q software n. [computer instructions] bahan berisi catatan untuk keperluan menkalankan komputer

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q some adj/pron [a certain quantity (Can you buy ~ milk when you go out?)] beberapa 2. adj/pron [not many/not much (Do you have ~ money?)] sedikit

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q sometimes adv kadang-kadang (kadang)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q song n. lagu

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q soon adv segera

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q sore adj sakit

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q sorry int [] maaf

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q soup n. sop 2. n. soto

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q sour adj asam

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q south adj/n. selatan

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q souvenir n. oleh-oleh (oleh)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q soy sauce n. kecap

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q space n. [place/empty area (There is no ~ in the refrigerator for my cake.)] tempat

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q Spain n. Spanyol

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q speak vi bicara

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q special adj khusus

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q speed n. [how fast you go (The car was travelling at a high ~.)] kecepatan (cepat)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q spice n. bumbu

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q spicy adj pedas

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q spoon n. sendok

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q sports n. olahraga

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q spring n. [season of the year after winter and before summer (Flowers bloom in ~.)] musim bunga (musim)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q square n. [open area of town, surrounded by big buildings (Meet me at the town ~.)] lapangan (lapang)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q squid n. cumi-cumi

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q stairway n. tangga

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q stamp n. [a small piece of paper you pay for to send letters (I have to go to the post office to buy a ~.)] perangko

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q stand vi [to be on you feet (Don't just ~ there, do something.)] berdiri (diri)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q start n. [beginning (from ~ to finish.)] awal [(dari ~ sampai akhir)]. 2. vi [to begin to work (The car won't ~.)] mau hidup (hidup) [(Mobil tidak ~ mesinnya.)]. 3. vi [to begin (When does the movie ~.)] mulai 4. vt [to make something work (I can't ~ the car.)] menghidupkan (hidup)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q States n. [the United States] Amerika Serikat (Amerika)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q station n. [large building for some service (We had to go to the police ~ to identify the thief.)] kantor 2. n. [place where trains/buses etc. stop (Meet me at the bus ~.)] stasiun

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q statue n. patung

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q stay vi [to live in a place (I'm ~ing at the Borobudur Hotel.)] tinggal

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q steak n. bistik

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q steam n. uap

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q stick out vi [to be further out (The dog's head sticks out of the door.)] keluar

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q stick to vt melekat (lekat)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q still adj [not moving (Stand ~ while I take your picture.)] tetap 2. adv [until now/until then/continuing (Are you ~ in the bathroom?)] masih

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q stocking n. kaus kaki (kaus)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q stomach n. perut

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q stomach ache n. sakit perut (perut)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q stone n. [a small piece of hard material (I have a ~ in my shoe.)] batu 2. n. [hard material found in the ground (This house is built of ~.)] batu

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q stop n. [place where a bus lets passengers on and off (I was waiting at the bus ~ for half an hour.)] perhentian (henti) 2. vi [not to move any more/to not do something any more (The car ~ped in the middle of the street.)] berhenti (henti) 3. vt [to make something not move any more (The policeman stopped the traffic to let the children cross the street.)] hentikan (henti)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q store n. [shop (I went to the shoe ~ but didn't buy anything.)] toko 2. vi [to keep food/money etc. for using later (Let's ~ some apples for the winter.)] menyimpan (simpan)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q stove n. kompor

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q strange adj [odd/not usual (That was a ~ old man.)] aneh

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q straw n. [long hollow tube for drinking] sedotan (sedot)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q street n. jalan

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q string n. [thin threads twisted together (Tie the parcel with some ~.)] tali

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q strong adj [who/which has a lot of force/a lot of strength (Are you ~ enough to climb a mountain?)] kuat 2. adj [with a powerful smell/taste etc. (I like ~ cheese.)] keras

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q student n. pelajar (ajar)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q study vi [to learn about something (I am studying Indonesian.)] belajar (ajar)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q stupid adj bodoh

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q sugar n. gula

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q suitcase n. kopor

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q Sumatera n. [island in Indonesia] Sumatra

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q summer n. musim panas (musim)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q summit n. puncak

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q sun n. matahari (hari)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q Sunday n. hari minggu (hari)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q sunglasses n. kacamata hitam (kaca)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q supper n. makan malam (makan)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q sweet adj manis

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q swim vi [to move in water (Do you know how to ~.)] berenang (renang)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q swimming pool n. kolam renang (renang)


·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q table n. meja

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q tailor n. tukang jahit (jahit)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q take vt [pick something up (Did you ~ my pen?)] mengambil (ambil) 2. vt [to occupy (Is this seat taken?)] pakai 3. vt [to use (Do you ~ sugar in your coffee.)] pakai

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q take away vt angkut

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q talk vi berbicara (bicara)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q tall adj tinggi

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q tap n. [device for controlling flow of water] keran

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q taste n. [a feeling you sense with your tongue (I like the ~ of Indonesian food.)] rasa

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q tasty adj enak

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q taxi n. taksi

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q tea n. teh

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q teach vt mengajar (ajar)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q teacher n. guru

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q telephone n. telepon 2. vt menelepon (telepon)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q telephone number n. [(What is your ~.)] nomer telepon (telepon) [(Berapa nomor telepon anda?)].

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q television n. televisi

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q tell vt [to say something to someone (She told me she was going to be late.)] mengatakan (kata)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q temperature n. [head measured in degrees (The ~ is minus twenty degrees in Ottawa today.)] suhu

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q ten adj sepuluh

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q tennis n. tenis

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q textile n. tekstil

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q thank you int [words which show you are grateful (Thank you for a very nice dinner.)] terima kasih (terima)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q that adj/pron [ (Please hand me ~ book.)] itu 2. adv [so; to such a degree (I didn't know you were ~ hungry.)] begitu 3. pron [(~ is the woman I told you about.)] yang satu itu (itu) 4. pron [ (I found the book ~ I was looking for.)] yang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q the art [ that (Please give me ~ book.)] itu 2. art [ this (Please take ~ book.)] ini

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q their adj [belonging to them (This is ~ house.)] punya mereka (punya) [(Rumah ini ~.)].

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q theirs pron [belonging to them (Is this house ~?)] punya mereka (punya)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q them pron mereka

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q then adv [after that (First we will buy some food. Then we will cook dinner.)] sesudah itu (sudah) 2. adv [after that (What did you do ~?)] lalu

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q there adv [in that place] disitu (situ) 2. adv [in that place (Please put the piano ~.)] disana (sana) 3. adv [to that place (How long does it take to get ~.)] kesitu (situ) 4. adv [to that place (I went ~ last week.)] kesana (sana) 5. pron [ (~ is a fly in my soup.)] ada

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q these pron ini

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q they pron [ (~ are coming to dinner tomorrow.)] mereka

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q things n. [clothes/equipment (Get your ~ together. We're going for a trip.)] barang-barang (barang)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q third adj ketiga (tiga)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q thirsty adj haus

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q thirteen adj tiga belas (tiga)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q thirty adj tiga puluh (tiga) 2. n. tigapuluh (tiga)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q this adj/pron [ (I saw her ~ morning. What are you doing ~ afternoon.)] ini 2. adj/pron [ (~ is the book I was talking about.)] ini

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q this is it int inilah (ini)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q this time n. kali ini (kali)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q those pron [] itu

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q thousand adj [the number "1000"] seribu

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q thread n. benang

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q three adj [the number "3"] tiga

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q thrill n. getaran hati (hati)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q through adj [finished (I'll be ~ eating in a minute.)] selesai 2. adv/prep [by (We will find peace ~ understanding.)] melalui (lalu) 3. adv/prep [crossing the inside of something; going in one side and out the other (The bullet passed ~ his leg.)] terus 4. prep [from one side to the other (I looked ~ the window and saw the moon.)] lewat (lewat)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q throw away vi membuang (buang)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q Thursday n. hari kamis (hari)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q ticket n. [piece of paper/card etc. which allows you to travel/into a cinema etc. (I bought two ~s to the Rolling Stones concert.)] karcis

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q tidy adj [neat/in good order (If your room is ~, you can go out to play.)] rapi 2. vt [to make something neat (~ your room before supper.)] merapikan (rapi)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q tidy up vt [to make something completely tidy (He tidied up the room before his wife came home.)] merapikan (rapi)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q tie n. [long piece of cloth men tie in knots and wear around their necks (He wore a yellow tie with black dots.)] dasi 2. vi [to attach with a knot (Please ~ my shoelaces for me.)] mengikat (ikat)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q tie up vt [to attach tightly with a knot (The robbers tied up the man and took all his money.)] mengikat (ikat)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q tied up vi [to be very busy (I'm sorry he's ~ at the moment.)] sangat sibuk (sibuk)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q tiger n. harimau

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q time n. [one of several moments/periods when something happens (This is the second ~ I have seen this movie.)] kali 2. n. [particular point in the day shown in hours and minutes (What ~ is it?)] jam 3. n. [particular point in the day shown in hours and minutes (What ~ is it?)] pukul 4. n. [quantity of hours/days/years etc. (He spends all his ~ reading the newspaper.)] waktu 5. on time adv tepat

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q timetable n. daftar jam (jam)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q tin n. [a round metal box (Let's open a ~ of soup.)] kaleng

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q tiny adj kecil

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q tip n. [money you give to someone who helps you] tip

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q tire n. ban

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q tired adj capek

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q tissue n. [napkin] serbet

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q tit n. [ breast] buah dada (buah)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q title n. gelaran (gelar)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q to adj [ (The hotel is ~ the right of the train station.)] di 2. prep [before (It's quarter ~ eight.)] kurang [(Jam delapan ~ lima belas.)]. 3. prep [for (There are three keys ~ the front door.)] untuk 4. prep [ (There are one hundred cents to the dollar.)] dalam 5. prep [ (Let's go ~ the store.)] ke 6. prep [until (I slept from eleven ~ seven o'clock.)] sampai

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q toast n. roti panggang (roti)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q tobacco n. tembakau

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q today adv/n. hari ini (hari)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q toe n. jari kaki (jari)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q toilet n. kamar kecil (kamar)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q toilet paper n. kertas kloset (kertas)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q tomato n. buah tomat (tomat)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q tomorrow adv/n. besok

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q too adv [also (I want you to come ~.)] juga 2. adv [more than necessary (This weather is ~ cold.)] terlalu (lalu)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q tool n. alat

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q tooth n. gigi

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q toothache n. sakit gigi (gigi)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q toothbrush n. sikat gigi (gigi)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q toothpaste n. odol gigi (gigi)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q toothpick n. tusuk gigi (gigi)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q top n. [cover (Put the ~ on the jar)] atasan (atas) 2. n. [cover/lid (Put the ~ on the teapot.)] tutup 3. on top adv di atas (atas)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q tour n. berkeliling (keliling) 2. n. perjalanan keliling (jalan) 3. n. wisata

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q tourist n. turis

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q towards prep ke 2. prep [as part of money to pay for something (He paid a lot of money ~ his new car.)] untuk 3. prep [in the direction of (She ran ~ the policeman.)] ke arah (arah)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q towel n. handuk

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q tower n. menara

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q town n. kota

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q town hall n. balai kota (balai)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q town square n. alun-alun (alun)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q tractor n. traktor

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q tradition n. adat

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q traffic n. lalu lintas (lintas)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q traffic jam n. kemacatan (macat)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q traffic light n. lampu lalu lintas (lampu)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q train n. kereta api (kereta)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q trash n. sampah

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q trash can n. tempat sampah (sampah)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q travel vi berjalan (jalan)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q travel agent n. biro wisata (wisata)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q traveller's cheque n. cek turis (cek)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q tree n. pohon

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q trip n. perjalanan (jalan)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q trousers n. celana

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q truck n. truk

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q true adj [correct/right (Is it ~ that you are leaving.)] benar 2. adj [correct/right (That was a ~ story.)] betul

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q trunk n. [large box for sending clothes etc. (I have two suitcases and a ~.)] peti

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q trustee n. wakil

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q try vi [to make an effort to do something; to test (~ to start the car again.)] mencoba (coba)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q try on vi [to put on a piece of clothing to see if it fits (Do you want to ~ another pair of shoes?)] mencoba (coba)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q Tuesday n. hari selasa (hari)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q tulip n. bunga tulp (tulp)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q tuna n. ikan tongkol (ikan)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q turn vi [to change direction (We have to ~ right at the next traffic light.)] membelok (belok) 2. vt [to make something go round in a circle (She turned the key and pushed open the door.)] memutar (putar)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q turn off vt [to switch off (Don't forget to ~ the television.)] mematikan (mati)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q turn on vi [to switch on (Please turn the lights on.)] memasang (pasang) 2. vt [to switch on] menjalankan (jalan)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q twelve adj dua belas (dua)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q twenty adj dua puluh (dua)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q twice adv dua kali (dua)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q twilight n. senja

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q two adj dua


·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q umbrella n. payung

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q un- prefix tidak

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q under adv [located below something else] dibawah (bawah) 2. adv [moving below something else (The bridge was so high that large ships could pass under.)] kebawah (bawah)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q underneath adv/prep [under (She wore a thick sweater ~ her coat.)] dibawah (bawah)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q understand vi [to know; to see what something means (Do you ~ how a car works?)] mengerti (erti)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q underwear n. celana dalam (celana)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q unlucky adj [not lucky (He was a very ~ person.)] tak mujur (mujur)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q until prep [up to the time when (~ today I didn't believe he could win.)] sampai

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q unusual adj luar biasa (biasa)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q up adv/prep [in a higher place (Why is the cat ~ on the roof?)] diatas (atas) 2. adv/prep [not in bed (Are you ~ yet?)] bangun 3. adv/prep [to a higher level (Houses cost one hundred thousand dollars and ~.)] keatas (atas) 4. adv/prep [to a higher place (Let's go ~ the mountain.)] keatas (atas) 5. get up vi [to get out of bed (~, we have to go to work today.)] bangun

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q upstairs adv [on the top floor of a house (Father is ~.)] di tingkat atas (atas) 2. adv [to the top floor of a house (Let's go ~.)] ke tingkat atas (atas) 3. n. [the top floor of a house (The ~ of our house is painted blue.)] tingkat atas (atas)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q urban adj urban

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q us pron [ (Give ~ all your money.)] kami 2. pron [ (If we are good, mother will give ~ some cookies.)] kita

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q use vt [to take a tool, etc. and do something with it (How do you ~ chopsticks.)] menggunakan (guna) 2. vt [to take a tool, etc. and do something with it (How do you know how to ~ chopsticks.)] memakai (pakai)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q used adj bekas

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q useless adj [which does not help (This knife is ~. It's too dull.)] tak berguna (guna)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q usual adj [which happens often; which you do often (I took the ~ bus to work.)] biasa

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q usually adv biasanya (biasa)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q utensil n. perkelas (kelas)


·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q vacant adj kosong

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q value n. harga

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q vegetables n. sayur-sayuran (sayur)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q very adv [ (This is ~ good soup.)] sekali [(Soto ini enak ~.)].

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q via prep lewat 2. prep melalui (lalu)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q view n. [what you see from a certain place (The ~ is beautiful from our bedroom.)] pemandangan (pandang)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q visa n. [permission to enter a country] visa

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q visit n. [short stay with someone; short stay in a place (We made a ~ to China.)] kunjungan (kunjung) 2. v mengunjungi (kunjung)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q visitor n. [person who visits (We had a ~ last night.)] tamu

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q volcano n. gunung api (gunung)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q voyage n. perjalanan (jalan)


·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q wait vi menunggu (tunggu)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q waiter n. pelayan (layan)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q waitress n. pelayan wanita (layan)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q wake up vi [to stop sleeping (I woke up and got out of bed.)] bangun 2. vt [to interrupt someone's sleep (You didn't wake me up, the telephone did.)] membangunkan (bangun)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q walk n. [journey on foot (Let's go for a ~.)] jalan-jalan (jalan) 2. vi [to go on foot (The car broke down and we had to ~ to the village.)] berjalan kaki (jalan)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q wall n. dinding

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q wallet n. dompet

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q want vt [to hope than something will happen; to hope that you will have something (I ~ some bread.)] mau

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q warm adj [quite hot; pleasantly hot (I like to drink ~ milk before going to bed.)] hangat 2. adj [quite hot (She prefers a ~ climate.)] panas

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q wash n. [action of cleaning using water (I gave the car a good ~.)] pencucian (cuci) 2. n. [clothes which need to be cleaned (She did the ~ all afternoon.)] cucian (cuci) 3. v [to clean using water (I have to ~ my car.)] mencuci (cuci)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q waste n. [rubbish (Put all the ~ in the dustbin.)] sampah

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q watch n. [a small clock which you wear on your wrist (He kept looking at his ~.)] jam 2. vt [to look at (Did you ~ television last night.)] menonton (nonton)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q watch out int [to be careful (~! There is a car coming.)] awas 2. int [to be careful (~! There is a car coming.)] hati-hati (hati)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q water n. [common liquid which makes rain, rivers, the sea, etc., and which you drink (Can I have a glass of ~, please.)] air

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q wax n. lilin

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q way n. [road/path which goes somewhere (Is this the ~ to Bandung?)] jalan 2. n. [road/path which goes somewhere (What is the best ~ to Jakarta?)] arah

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q we pron [ (Are ~ going on vacation next week?)] kita 2. pron [ (~ are going on vacation next week.)] kami

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q wear vt [to carry on your body (I like that dress you're wearing.)] memakai (pakai)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q Wednesday n. hari rabu (hari)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q week n. minggu

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q weigh vi menimbang (timbang)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q welcome phrase selamat datang (selemat)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q west n. barat

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q wet adj basah

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q what adj/pron [(~ is the capital of Canada?)] apakah (apa) [(~ ibu kota Kanada?)]. 2. adj/pron [(~ is this?)] apa [(~ ini?)].

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q wheel n. [round part on which a car/bicycle etc. runs (A car has four wheels.)] roda 2. steering wheel n. setir

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q when adv [ at what time (~ do we eat supper?)] kapan

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q where adv [ in what place (~ are my glasses?)] dimana (mana) 2. adv [ to what place (~ are you going?)] kemana (mana)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q which adv/pron [ what person; what thing (~ do you like better, coffee or tea.)] yang mana (mana)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q who pron [ which person/people (~ turned off the lights?)] siapa

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q whom pron [ to/for/by etc. which person/people (To ~ did you give the letter.)] siapa

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q why adv [ (~ aren't you in school today?)] kenapa

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q wife n. isteri 2. n. istri

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q will v [ (I ~ call you again tomorrow.)] akan

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q wind n. angin

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q window n. jendela

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q wiseass n. orang yang sok tahu (tahu)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q with prep [ (Are you ~ anyone?)] bersama (sama) 2. prep [ (Do you take coffee ~ milk?)] pakai 3. prep [ (He came ~ his wife.)] dengan

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q without adv [not having; not with (I can do my shopping ~ a car.)] tanpa

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q woman n. [general, used on washroom doors] wanita 2. n. [more formal] ibu

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q wood n. [material that a tree is made out of] kayu

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q wooden adj [made of wood] dari kayu (kayu)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q woods n. [many trees together (Let's go for a walk in the ~.)] hutan

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q wool n. wol

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q word n. kata

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q work vi [to have a job (He ~s with the government.)] bekerja (kerja)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q worry vi [to be afraid and not sure because of something (She's ~ing about her exams.)] khwatir

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q worse adj/adv [less good (The weather today is ~ than yesterday.)] lebih buruk (buruk)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q worth adj [with a certain value (This house must be ~ two hundred thousand dollars.)] harga

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q wow int wah

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q wrist watch n. jam tangan (jam)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q write v [to put words/numbers on paper (~ you name and address here.)] menulis (tulis)

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q wrong adj [not correct (Sorry, ~ number.)] salah [(~ sambung.)]. 2. adv [badly (You've spelled my name ~.)] salah 3. n. [something which is not correct (Two ~s do not make a right, three do.)] kesalahan (salah)


·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q yard n. [area around a house (The children are playing in the ~.)] halaman

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q year n. tahun

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q yellow adj kuning

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q yes adv ya

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q yesterday n. kemarin

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q yet adv [(Have you finished ~?)] sudah [(Apakah Anda ~ selesai?)]. 2. not yet adv masih belum (belum) 3. not yet adv [not until now (I have ~ finished my work.)] belum [(Saya ~ selesaikan pekerjaan saya.)].

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q you pron [ (I'm happy ~ could all come.)] sekalian 2. pron [ (I'll call ~ tomorrow.) ] kamu 3. pron [ (Would ~ like another cup of tea?)] Anda []. 4. pron [] bapak 5. pron [] ibu

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q young adj [not old (She is ~ but experienced.)] muda

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q youngster n. adik

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q your pron [belonging to you (I like ~ hair.)] Anda [(Saya suka rambut ~.)]. 2. pron [belonging to you (Is this ~ book?)] punya Anda (punya) [(Apakah buku ini ~?)].

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q You're welcome. Phrase sama-sama (sama)


·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q zero adj kosong 2. adj nol

·     16316l1121q      16316l1121q zoo n. kebun binatang (binatang)

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