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Expressing Possibility, Probability


Expressing Possibility, Probability

1.   &n 21521q1616v bsp; Possibility:

we may use:

-   &n 21521q1616v bsp;   &n 21521q1616v bsp; the verbs: can, could

may, might

-   &n 21521q1616v bsp;   &n 21521q1616v bsp; perhaps / maybe (poate)

-   &n 21521q1616v bsp;   &n 21521q1616v bsp; it is possible

-   &n 21521q1616v bsp;   &n 21521q1616v bsp; there is a possibility that


-   &n 21521q1616v bsp;   &n 21521q1616v bsp; can't, couldn't

-   &n 21521q1616v bsp;   &n 21521q1616v bsp; may not

-   &n 21521q1616v bsp;   &n 21521q1616v bsp; it's not possible

-   &n 21521q1616v bsp;   &n 21521q1616v bsp; it's hardly possible

-   &n 21521q1616v bsp;   &n 21521q1616v bsp; it's unlikely

2.   &n 21521q1616v bsp; Probability:

-   &n 21521q1616v bsp;   &n 21521q1616v bsp; must / musta have + past participle

-   &n 21521q1616v bsp;   &n 21521q1616v bsp; obviously = este evident ca

-   &n 21521q1616v bsp;   &n 21521q1616v bsp; certainly

-   &n 21521q1616v bsp;   &n 21521q1616v bsp; it is likely

-   &n 21521q1616v bsp;   &n 21521q1616v bsp; should + short infinitive

1.   &n 21521q1616v bsp;  It is possible that you find this interesting.

You may find it interesting. =Ai putea gasi lucrul asta interesant.

2.   &n 21521q1616v bsp;  I thought that you might like to help. = M-am gāndit ca ai putea sa ne ajuti.

3.   &n 21521q1616v bsp;  Otherwise they might not vote. = Altfe, ei ar putea sa nu voteze.

4.   &n 21521q1616v bsp;  Maybe (perhaps) she's ill and she can't come.;

She may / might be ill and she can't come. = Ea poate este bolnava si nu poate veni.

5.   &n 21521q1616v bsp;  It is likely that it rains before evening.;

We are likely to have rain before evening. = E probabil sa ploua īnainte de caderea serii.

6.   &n 21521q1616v bsp;  I must have left my suitcase at the airport. ;

I am likely to have left my suitcase at the airport. = Probabil ca mi-am lasat valiza la aeroport.

7.   &n 21521q1616v bsp;  Don't touch it, it is possible to be dangerous.

. there is a possibility that it is dangerous / . it may /might be dangerous. = Nu-l atinge, e posibil sa fie periculos.

8.   &n 21521q1616v bsp;  It is possible that he had left yesterday.

Maybe he left yesterday.

He might have left yesterday. = E posibil ca el sa fi plecat ieri.

9.   &n 21521q1616v bsp;  It is unlikely / hardly possible that he should have done this.

He is unlikely to have done this. = E putin probabil ca el sa fi facut asta.

It must be time for you to go to church.

It must be time you went to church. = Probabil ca e timpul sa mergi la biserica.

He is likely to lose his way.

It is probable that he should lose his way.

Probably he will lose his way. = Probabil ca se va rataci.

He is likely to be appointed manager.

Chances are he should be appointed manager.

There is a good chance that he will / would be appointed manager. = E probabil / exista sanse ca el sa fie numit director.

-   &n 21521q1616v bsp;   &n 21521q1616v bsp; might gradul de probabilitate este mai redus

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Accesari: 1914
Apreciat: hand-up

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