nu au infinitiv lung (to)
nu sunt urmate de infinitiv lung
nu primesc -s sau -es la persoana aIIIa singular
fromeaza interogativul prin inversiunea cu subiectul si negativul pin adaugare lui "not"
nu au forme pentru toate timpurile drept care se folosesc inlocuitorii modali
pot exprima si alte situati sau intelesuri
a) obligatia: must, have to, need to
b) lipsa obligatiei: don't / doesn't/ didn't have to, needn't
c) sfat sau recomandare: should / shouldn'd, ought / oughtn't
can to be able to
may to be allowed / permitted to
must to have to
OBS In ceea ce priveste obligatia must si have to..exprima doua situatii diferite astefl:
MUST = exprima obligatie impusa de vorbitor
e.g. Trebuie sa
You must close the door because I'm cold
HAVE TO = exprima obligatia impusa de altcineva nu de vorbitor
e.g. Trebuie sa
You must have to close the door because grandma is cold
NEED = exprima mai mult o necessitate decat o obligatie
e.g. Trebuie sa inchizi
You need to close the door is very cold today
OBS mustn't EXPRIMA INTERDICTIA (nu lispa obligatiei)
e.g. Nu trebuie sa inchizi
You mustn't close the door because I can smell gas
OBS: don't/ doesn't/ didn't have to se foloseste ca si needn't pentru ca arata lipsa obligatiei
e.g. Nu trebuie sa inchizi
You don't have to close the door because it isn't cold outside