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FORM (Forma)

Affirmative (Afirmativ) Subject + verb 1 + s/es

p.III sg.

I like apples. She likes coffee.

Negative (Negativ) Subject + DO/ DOES + not + verb 1

p.III sg.

I don’t like apples. She doesn’t like tea.

Interrogative (Interogativ) DO/ DOES + Subject + verb

p.III sg.

Do you like football? Does she want to come?


(Situatiile in care se foloseste) 

The present tense simple is used to express:

(Timpul present simplu exprima)

  1. Habitual or repeated actions:

(Actiuni efectuate in mod obisnuit si repetat)

I go to school by car every day. – Eu merg la scoala cu masina in fiecare zi.

You never listen to classical music.- Tu nu asculti niciodata muzica clasica.

He comes to Romania every year.- El vine in Romania in fiecare an.

Doesn’t she know the answer?- Ea nu stie raspunsul?

Your cat likes milk a lot. – Pisicii tale ii place laptele foarte mult.

Unfortunately, we seldom go to the theatre, because we don’t have enough spare time. – Din pacate, noi mergem rar la teatru, deoarece nu avem destul timp liber.

You go on trips every two weeks, don’t you?- Voi mergeti in excursii la doua saptamani, nu-i asa?

They usually get up very early. – Ei se trezesc de obicei foarte devreme.

We meet twice a week. – Noi ne intalnim de doua ori pe saptamana.

The children go to school by bus. – Copiii se duc la scoala cu autobuzul.

Time indicators : (Indicatori temporali)

usually – de obicei

He usually tells the truth, I don’t know why he lied today. – El spune de obicei adevarul, nu stiu de ce a mintit astazi.

I usually wake up at six o’clock in the morning. – Eu ma trezesc de obicei la ora sase dimineata.

We usually go to the mountains twice a month. – Noi mergem de obicei la munte de doua ori pe luna.

generally – in general

Generally, she is a very generous person, but today she was kind of selfish. – In general, ea 626e48g este o persoana foarte generoasa, dar astazi a fost cam egoista.

I am generally in a good mood, but I also have my bad moments. – Eu sunt in general bine dispus(a), dar am si eu momentele mele proaste.

Generally, they do well in the exams, I don’t know what happened this time. – In general, ei se descurca bine la examene, nu stiu ce s-a intamplat de aceasta data.

often – adesea

Do you often have nightmares? – Ai deseori cosmaruri?

He often visits her grand grandmother, because she is very old. – El o viziteaza adesea pe strabunica lui, deoarece ea este foarte batrana.

How often do you go to the cinema? – Cat de des mergi la cinema?

frequently – frecvent

My cousins don’t visit me very frequently. – Verii mei num a viziteaza foarte frecvent.

He frequently asks questions that are inappropriate. – El pune frecvent intrebari nepotrivite.

We don’t go to the seaside frequently, because it isn’t always hot. – Noi nu mergem la mare frecvent, deoarece nu este intotdeauna cald.

normally – in mod normal, obisnuit

We normally go to sleep at this time of the day. – In mod normal, noi mergem la culcare la ora asta.

You don’t normally act like that; what is wrong with you today? – Tu nu te porti asa in mod normal; ce e cu tine astazi?

My cat is normally quite nice, but today it seems to have gone mad. – In mod normal, pisica mea e destul de cuminte, dar astazi parca a luat-o razna.

occasionally – ocazional, cateodata

Occasionally, they throw a party and they invite all their friends. – Ocazional, ei dau cate o petrcere si isi invita toti prietenii.

Occasionally, she goes out with her friends for a pizza. – Cateodata, ea iese cu prietenii in oras la o pizza.

Occasionally, I like to listen to classical music, because it relaxes me. – Cateodata, imi place sa ascult muzica clasica, deoarece ma relaxeaza.

regularly – in mod regulat

He gets himself into trouble regularly. – El intra in incurcaturi in mod regulat.

She doesn’t do this regularly, so today was an exception. –Ea nu face asta in mod regulat, asa ca astazi a fost o exceptie.

Do you go to the dentist regularly? – Tu mergi la dentist in mod regulat?

sometimes – cateodata

Don’t you sometimes wish we were younger? – Nu-ti doresti cateodata sa fi fost mai tineri?

Sometimes, I forget my keys at work and I cannot enter my house. – Cateodata,imi uit cheile la serviciu si nu pot intra in casa.

They sometimes do stupid things, but I love them anyway. – Ei fac cateodata lucruri prostesti, dar eu tot ii iubesc.

My little brother is sometimes naughty, but he is so cute. – Fratele meu mai mic este cateodata obraznic, dar este asa de dragalas.

always – intotdeauna

Her mother always uses margarine for cakes. – Mama ei foloseste intotdeauna margarina la prajituri.

He always goes to school by car. – El se duce intotdeauna la scoala cu masina.

Are they always so noisy? – Intotdeuna sunt asa de zgomotosi?

Do you always wear smart clothes? – Tu porti intotdeauna haine elegante?

never – niciodata

I never wear hats. – Eu nu port niciodata palarii.

Our boss is never late. – Seful nostru nu intarzie niciodata.

We never go out on weekdays. – Noi nu iesim niciodata in oras in timpul saptamanii.

ever – vreodata

Does his dog ever bark? – Cainele lui latra vreodata?

Do you ever watch this show? – Tu te uiti vreodata la aceasta emisiune?

Are they ever polite? – Ei sunt vreodata politicosi?

rarely – arareori

My desk mate rarely does his homework on time. – Colegul meu de banca isi face arareori temele la timp.

She rarely makes house calls. – Ea face arareori vizite la domiciliu.

We rarely gout with him, because he is so unbearable. - Noi iesim rar cu el, deorece este asa de nesuferit.

seldom – arareori

They seldom visit this part of the country, because it rains a lot. – Ei viziteaza arareori aceasta parte a tarii, deoarece ploua mult.

He is seldom willing to go out. – El este rar dispus sa iasa in oras.

We seldom go to parties, because we haven’t got spare time. – Noi mergem rar la petreceri, pentru ca nu avem timp liber.

all the time – tot timpul

She talks about her pet all the time, because she is very fond of it. – Ea vorbeste despre animalul sau de companie tot timpul, deoarece ea este foarte atasata de el.

Do you listen to music all the time? – Tu asculti muzica tot timpul?

We don’t pay attention to the teacher all the time; that is why we get bad marks. – Noi nu suntem atenti la professor tot timpul; de aceea luam note proaste.

every day – in fiecare zi

Does she talk to her sister every day? – Ea vorbeste cu sora ei in fiecare zi?

He doesn’t go to the theatre every day, obviously. – El nu se duce la teatru in fiecare zi, evident.

I eat fruit every day. – Eu mananc fructe in fiecare zi.

every week – in fiecare saptamana

They go to the mountains with their friends every week. – Ei se duc la munte cu prietenii lor in fiecare saptamana.

Does he go to the theatre every week? – El se duce la teatru in fiecare saptamana?

We don’t meet our friends every week. – Noi nun e intalnim cu prietenii nostri in fiecare saptamana.

every month in fiecare luna

As a precaution, my grandmother sees the doctor every month. – Ca masura de precautie, bunica mea se duce la doctor in fiecare luna.

They don’t write to each other every month. – Ei nu isi scriu unul altuia in fiecare luna.

Every month, whenever I can find some free time, I like to go to the country. – In fiecare luna, cand gasesc putin timp liber, imi place sa ma duc la tara.

every year – in fiecare an

He sees his dentist every year when he goes for a check up. – El se duce la dentist in fiecare an pentru control.

We don’t travel abroad every year. – Noi nu mergem in strainatate in fiecare an.

Every year, on Christmas, our family gets together. – In fiecare an, de Craciun, familia noastra se reuneste.

every other day – la doua zile

She visits her aunt every other day, since they both live in the same neighbourhood. – Ea isi viziteaza matusa la fiecare doua zile, pentru a locuiesc amandoua in acelasi cartier.

They meet every other day. – Ei se intalnesc o data la doua zile.

He calls me every other day. – Ma suna o data la doua zile.

once /twice /three times…a day/a month/ a week/ a year/ an hour =

o data/ de doua ori/ de trei ori …pe zi/ pe luna/ pe saptamana/ pe an / pe ora

She flies to London once a year to see her granddaughter. – Ea merge la Londra cu avionul o data pe an pentru a-si vedea nepoata.

Do they go go to the cinema twice a month? – Ei se duc la cinematograf de doua ori pe luna?

I must take these pills three times a day, after meals. – Trebuie sa iau aceste pastille de trei ori pe zi, dupa masa.

He checks his watch four times an hour. – El se uita la ceas de patru ori pe ora.

in spring/ summer/ autumn/ winter = primavara/ vara/ toamna/ iarna

In spring, people take off their jackets and start wearing blouses and skirts. – Primavara, oamenii renunta la jachete si incep sa poarte bluze si fuste.

We only go to the seaside in summer. – Noi mergem la mare doar vara.

Most of the fruits ripe in autumn. – Cele mai multe fructe se coc toamna.

In winter, children love to fight with snowballs, to go sleighing, skating and skiing. – Iarna, copiilor le place sa se bata cu bulgari de zapada, sa se dea cu sania, sa patineze si sa schieze.

on Mondays… = lunea (in fiecare luni)

On Mondays, we have Geography class. – Lunea avem ora de geografie.

  1. a state which is true for a long time

(o stare valabila pentru mult timp)

e.g. I live in Romania. = Eu locuiesc in Romania.

She works in a company. = Ea lucreaza intr-o companie.

They run their own business. – Ei au propria lor afacere.

  1. General statements covering a long period of time:

(Afirmatii valabile pentru o perioada lunga de timp)

    1. Actions permanently characterizing the subject:

(Actiuni ce caracterizeaza in permanenta subiectul)

e.g. I prefer coffee to tea. – Prefer cafeaua in locul ceaiului.

She smokes too much. – El fumeaza prea mult.

A doctor saves lives. – Doctorul salveaza vieti.

She has a scar on her leg. – Ea are o cicatrice pe picior.

He doesn’t wear skirts. – El nu poarta fuste.

Birds fly. – Pasarile zboara.

Cats eat mice. – Pisicile mananca soareci.

    1. Natural, scientific, eternal truths:

(Adevaruri eterne naturale, stiintifice)

e.g. The sun sets in the west. – Soarele apune la vest.

Water and oil don’t mix. – Apa si uleiul nu se amesteca.

Woof floats on water. – Lemnul pluteste pe apa.

Water boils at 100° C. – Apa fierbe la 100° C.

The Earth moves around the sun. - Pamantul se misca in jurul soarelui.

  1. Momentary actions, completed at the same time they are performed, in contexts such as:

(Actiuni punctuale, terminate in acelasi timp cu momentul in care au loc)

  1. Retete - recepies cooking (gatit)

e.g. I now mix the eggs and the butter. – Acum amestec ouale cu untul.

Mix tomatoes, cucumber, garlic, basil, mint, salt, and pepper. Let it sit at room temperature for 2 hours.Boil pasta for 15 minutes. Then drain, and toss with the sauce. – Se amesteca rosii, castravete, usturoi, busuioc, menta, sare si piper. Se lasa la temperatura camerei doua ore. Se fierb pastele timp de 15 minute. Apoi se scurg si se amesteca cu sosul.

In a large pot, boil chicken broth, water, salt, pepper, and thyme. When boiling, add in the chicken thighs. Boil for 3 to 5 minutes, and add in the carrots. Put heat on medium-high. Add noodles and the corn, and cook for 5 to 7 minutes until the noodles are cooked. Simmer for a few minutes and serve. – Intr-o oala mare, se fierbe borsul de pui, apa, sare, piper si cimbru. Cand fierbe, se adauga copanele de pui. Se fierbe 3 pana la 5 minute si se adauga morcovii. se fierbe la foc potrivit. Se adauga taiteii si porumbul, si se firbe totul 5-7 minute pana cand sunt gata taiteii. Se da in clocot cateva minute si se serveste.

  1. demonstrations ( the speaker is showing how something is done and accompanies his words by the action):

(demonstratii – vorbitorul arata cum se face ceva si insoteste cuvintele rostite cu actiunea respectiva)

e.g. I take the glass in my left hand, then I pour water into it. – Iau paharul in mana stanga, apoi torn apa in el.

Pour 50 ml. of water into the test-tube, add hydrochloric acid, stir well. Now, put the test-tube over the flame for 10 seconds. – Se toarna 50 ml. de apa in eprubeta, se adauga acid clorhidric, se agita bine. Acum, se pune eprubeta deasupra flacarii timp de 10 secunde.

  1. ceremonial utterances – weddings, christenings etc. (cuvinte rostite la ceremonii – nunti, botezuri etc.)

e.g. I now pronounce you husband and wife. – Va declar sot si sotie.

I name you Stephen. – Te botez Stephen.

  1. stage directions (indicatii scenice)

e.g. The phone rings. He picks it up and listens quietly. – Telefonul suna. El ridica receptorul si asculta in liniste.

The curtain goes up and the actors enter the stage. – Cortina se ridica si actorii intra pe scena.

He kneels and proposes to her. – El ingenuncheaza si o cere de sotie.

The knight takes out his sword and kills his enemy. – Cavalerul isi scoate sabia si isi ucide adversarul.

  1. Radio or TV sport commentaries: (comentarii sportive radio sau TV)

e.g. Jones passes the ball to Hunter- he shoots-it’s a goal. – John ii paseaza mingea lui Hunter – suteza – gol.

A good punch and the opponent falls on the floor. – O lovitura buna si adversarul cade la podea.

They continue the game without Smith. – Ei continua jocul fara Smith.

The referee whistles and the game stops. – Arbitrul fluiera si jocul se opreste.

  1. Headlines (titluri)

e.g. “Doctors find miraculous cure” - Doctorii au gasit leac miraculos

“Researchers discover dinosaur eggs in Canada”- Cercetatorii au descoperit oua de dinosaur in Canada

“War starts in Iraq” – Razboiul a inceput in Irak

  1. Announcements (Anunturi)

France takes emergency steps to stop riots. – Franta ia masuri de urgenta pentru a opri revoltele.

Gill pleads guilty in blackmail trial. – Gill pledeaza vinovat in procesul de santaj.

Prices go up again. – Preturile cresc din nou.

  1. Planned future actions, when the future action is considered part of an already fixed programme (with verbs of motion: come, go, leave or verbs expressing planned activity: begin, start, end, finish):

(Activitati viitoare planificate, atunci cand actiunea viitoare face parte dintr-un program fixat anterior – cu verbe de miscare: a veni, a pleca, a parasi sau verbe ce exprima activitati planificate: a incepe, a termina)

e.g. The train leaves at 4 o’clock. – Trenul pleaca la ora 4.

The play begins at 10 past 8. – Piesa incepe la 8 si 10.

We leave at ten from London and we arrive at 5 in Paris. – Plecam la ora 10 din Londra si ajungem in Paris la ora 5.

The plane takes off in five minutes. – Avionul decoleaza in cinci minute.

The movie starts at 8 and finishes at 9:30. – Filmul incepe la 8 si se termina la 9:30.

6. Summaries of events, plots of stories, films or historical events:

(Rezumatul unor evenimente, actiuni din carti, filme sau evenimente istorice)

e.g. May 1945: the war in Europe comes to an end. – Mai 1945: razboiul din Europa ia sfarsit.

She walks and she walks and she finally reaches a clearing. She sees a small house. Snow White approaches the house, knocks at the door. Nobody answers. She enters. In the house, she finds seven little beds. On the table, there are seven little plates, seven little forks and seven little spoons. Around the table, she notices seven little chairs. – Merge si merge si in sfarsit ajunge intr-un luminis. Ea vede o casuta. Alba ca Zapada se apropie de casa, bate la usa. Nu raspunde nimeni. Intra. In casa, ea gaseste sapte patuturi. Pe masa sunt sapte farfurioare, sapte furculite mici si sapte lingurite. In jurul mesei, ea observa sapte scaunele.


(Reguli de scriere)

verb –sh + ES: wash – washes, brush – brushes, push – pushes, mash - mashes

verb –ch + ES: teach – teaches, touch – touches, march – marches,

verb –tch + ES: watch – watches, catch – catches, match – matches,

verb – ss+ ES: toss – tosses , dress – dresses,

verb –z+ ES: buzz – buzzes ,

verb –x+ ES: tax – taxes , mix- mixes, fax- faxes, relax- relaxes

verb -o+ ES: go – goes, do - does, redo – redoes, undo – undoes,

Verb ending in consonant + y → i + ES: cry – cries;

fly – flies

try - tries

fry - fries

marry - marries

worry - worries

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