EUROPEAN COMMISSION Directorate-General for Education and Culture Vocational training Implementation of the Leonardo da Vinci programme |
Write your name and addres 16416l114q s in the box below[1]
Dear Madam or Sir,
We are pleased to acknowledge receipt of your application, which has been allocated the following reference number[2] :
You are requested to quote this reference number in all future correspondence relating to this application.
[ ] Your application is now being processed. The Commission's services will inform you of its status by mail
] Your application is not completed for the followings reasons :
] The following document is missing : |
] Details identification are incomplete |
] The application form is not signed |
] The CV is not submitted in the required format (European CV) |
] The CV is not signed |
] Other : |
Please, provide the outstanding information or complete it as soon as possible in order that the processing of the form can be completed.
On behalf of the Commission, we would like to thank you for your application and your interest in the Leonardo da Vinci programme.
Yours faithfully
Application registered on[4] .............. by ................