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Abdomen (and Liver)


Abdomen (and Liver).

Acon - Coldness in abdomen as from a stone.

Aloe - Heavy, full, bloated; colic from flatulency, better from escape

of hot flatus.

Amm-mur - Chronic congestion of the liver.

Apoc - Dropsy with great thirst.

Ars - Cutting, colicky pain in abdomen, with sense of coldness.

Bar-carb - Hardness and distension of abdomen with colic.

Bell - Hot, distended; feeling as if internal parts were clutched by a

firm hand; cutting pain; can't stand jar, touch, pressure.

Bis - Intestinal flatus of cadaverous odor.

Bry - Tenderness, worse from motion.

Calc - Distended with incarcerated flatulence and cutting pain; of drum-

like hardness; region of stomach looks as though caved in.

Chel - Jaundice and pain in right shoulder; gall-stones.

Cina - Hot and sore above navel; colicky pain, better from pressure.

China - Distressing flatulence, not better from eructations; gall-stone


Colch - Drum-like distension of abdomen, with gastric indigestion.

Crocus - Sensation of ball rolling around in abdomen.

Crot - Swollen; very sensitive to pressure and touch.

Cuprum - Child lies on abdomen and spasmodically thrusts the breech up.

Dig - Dropsy.

Dulc - Cutting pain about navel after taking cold.

Eup-per - Soreness in the liver.

Hell - Gurgling in abdomen as though full of water.

Hyos - Tympanitis.

Jalapa - Intestinal flatulency with pinching and griping.

Lach - Intolerance of pressure about abdomen.

Lept - Aching distress in liver.

Lyc - Excessive flatulency, with loud rumbling; not better from


Mag-phos - Colic with great flatulency; belching without relief; doubles

up; loosens his clothing; better from warmth and rubbing.

Mosch - Great distension from flatulency.

Nux-vom - Tightness around hypochondria, interfering with breathing.

Plum - As hard as a board.

Sec - Intense pain in stomach and abdomen, with vomiting.

Tereb - Enormously distended.

Ver-alb - Cutting pain in abdomen as from knives; intense; abdomen

swollen; sensitive.

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