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Analyse of Welcome Home (sanatorium)


Analyse of Welcome Home (sanitarium)

Band: Metallica

Album Master Of Puppets

Release Date: February 21, 1986

The song has a completely different feeling from Damage, Inc., but it's very alike at the same time. The lyri 14114r1712o cs are quite similar, but the pace of the singing is not the same at all. This one does not really have a message, just like the other one, but this do, however have a plot, or a meaning, or something along those lines. It's about the thoughts of a mentally disordered person in a . If you read the third verse, this is what you see:

"Build my fear of what's out there 
And cannot breathe the open air 
Whisper things into my brain 
Assuring me that I'm insane 
They think our heads are in their hands 
But violent use brings violent plans 
Keep him tied, it makes him well 
He's getting better, can't you tell?"

I think that again, this song is somewhat, what Metallica is about. They have made some great ballads through the days, like Nothing Else Matters, Carpe Diem Baby, and Turn The Page. I'm not even sure if this one qualifies there, but I think it has some special thing, that makes me want to hear it over and over. Compared to Damage, Inc. it's kind of slow, but I don't think that it's something bad, rather that it's good they have varied music on the same album.

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