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Clover, Red



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Clover, Red

Trifolium pratense

MEDICINAL: Red Clover is used as a nerve tonic and as a sedative for exhaustion. It is used to

strengthen those children with weak systems, and is used with children for coughs, bronchitis, wheezing,

as it is mild to their systems. It is often used in combination with many other drugs in the treatment of

cancer. It is also used for skin eruptions (acne).

RELIGIOUS: Clover brings luck, prsperity, and health. Carrying a three-leaf clover gives you

protection. Worn over the right breast it will bring you success in all undertakings.

GROWING: Grow clover as you would lawn grasses. Clover is an excellent cover crop, planted in

fallow areas and turned under in the fall, it makes an excellent fertilizer for poor soils.

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