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Eugenia caryophyllata

MEDICINAL: Clove oil will stop a toothache when it is applied directly to the cavity. It is very w 232x2321c arm

and stimulating to the system, and is very useful with people who have cold extremities. Cloves will

promote sweating with fevers, colds, and flu. It is often used in remedies for whooping cough. Cloves

are also safe and effective for relieving vomiting during pregnancy.

RELIGIOUS: Cloves worn in an amulet will drive away negativity and hostility, and stop gossip. It is

often carried to stimulate the memory, and can be added to attraction sachets. Clove oil is also worn as

an aphrodisiac, and the buds when eaten are said to stir up bodily lusts. It is placed in sachets with mint

and rose to chase away melancholy and to help one sleep soundly. Carried, it can also bring comfort to

the bereaved and mourning.

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