Acon - With taste of blood; dry, croupy, from going into cold room.
All-cepa - Violent, croupy, as if larynx would tear.
Amm-carb - Of elderly people; rattling, loose, but does not raise
easily. Night cough; worse from 3 to 4 a. m.; as from dust in throat.
Amm-mur - Dry, hacking, loose; in 21121p155v the p. m.; raises mucous freely.
Ant-crud - From tickling in chest; from going into a warm room.
Ant-tart - Loose, rattling; excited by eating and fits of anger;
vomiting of mucus, with relief.
Apis - Severe, concussive; jars the head badly.
Arg-met - Excited by laughing.
Brom - Spasmodic; from inhaling cold air; rattling in chest without
Bry - Dry, tickling in throat and epigastrium, with desire to expand
chest; worse from going into warm room; with gagging and vomiting of food.
Calc - At midnight; with oppression; sub-clavicular soreness. Tight at
night, loose in the morning.
Caps - Hard, explosive; seems head and chest would fly to pieces; pain
in distant parts when coughing.
Carbo-v - With burning in chest.
Caust - With soreness and rawness in chest; better from drinking cold
water; with involuntary escape of urine.
Cham - Dry, hacking, from tickling; one cheek red, the other pale; with
stitching under false ribs.
Chel - Loose, rattling, long-lasting.
Con - From dry spot in larynx, with itching of throat and chest.
Copaiva - Burning dry cough; with hoarseness and pain in larynx; in
Corallium - Attacks follow each other rapidly; exceedingly violent; face
purple; great exhaustion; vomiting of mucus.
Creosot - With feeling as if sternum were crushed in.
Cubeba - So violent, it seems as though bronchial tube would tear.
Cuprum - Spasmodic, suffocative; with twitching; blue face.
Dros - Tickling in throat as from crumb of bread; crawling; sense of
constriction, cough like whooping cough; deep, hoarse, with strangling and vomiting of slime.
Dulc - Loose, spasmodic, with tickling; after long effort raises phelgm;
cough with pain in epigastrium which interferes with ability to cough; must press his hand on pit of stomach or hold side in order to cough.
Euph - In morning and during day, never at night; coryza.
Ferr - Dry; after meals; dyspnoea and fullness in chest.
Hep - Strangling, retching, violent; from uncovering; ends in vomiting.
Hyos - Dry, spasmodic, from tickling; at night.
Ign - Violent; from tickling as of a feather, growing worse the more he
coughs; stopped by effort of will.
Iod - From tickling behind sternum or low in chest, dry, hoarse, with
wheezing and sawing respiration.
Ipec - Constant, severe; sounds loose, but no expectoration; distressing
dyspnoea, ends in vomiting haemoptysis from slight exertion.
Kali-bich - Harsh.
Kali-carb - Dry, hard, with stitching pain; awakens him at 3 or 4 a. m.
Kali-iod - Violent, worse in the morning.
Lyc - Deep, hollow, with rattling mucus.
Merc - Dry, harsh, racking, at night.
Nux-vom - Dry, hacking.
Phos - Dry, hollow, spasmodic, with tightness in chest; jars the whole
body; from use of voice; from going from warm to cold air.
Puls - Dry at night, loose in the morning.
Rhus - Short, painful; feeling as though cold air were passing through
trachea; teasing; dry; from midnight till morning.
Rumex - Dry, teasing, incessant; worse using voice, inhaling cold air;
at night; tickling behind sternum, in throat; better from covering up face.
Samb - Violent, dry, suffocative; with hoarseness and rattling of mucus
in throat; great difficulty of breathing; jumps out of sound sleep, almost strangling.
Sang - Dry, harsh, whistling; tickling in throat pit, beneath sternum;
Sil - Hard cough when lying down.
Spong - Dry, barking, croupy, sibilant; awakens him out of sound sleep;
loose, wheezing asthmatic, suffocative, with copious raising.
Stan - Deep, hoarse, hollow, violent, concussive; excited by use of
voice; weakness in chest and throat.
Sul - Morning cough.
Ver-vir - Tickling, spasmodic.