Mur-ac - Mushy; with offensive flatus and pain in rectum.
Phos-ac - Painless, watery, not exhausting.
Sul-ac - Very fetid; of yellow mucus, like chopped egg; body smells
Acon - Green, like spinach.
Aeth - Thin, yellow, greenish; contains masses of curdled 858o1416i milk.
Ailan - Watery, offensive.
Aloe - Watery, jelly-like, windy; griping before and during stool; in
the morning, early; pain better after stool; great weakness.
Amm-mur - Green, mucous.
Ant-crud - Watery, slimy, windy; mixed with hard lumps.
Apis - Yellow, green; in the morning; abdominal soreness.
Arg-nit - Diarrhoea as soon as he drinks or eats sweets; green like
spinach; in flakes.
Arn - Offensive, putrid, bloody, brown; must lie down, so exhausted
after diarrhoea.
Ars - Dark, brown, cadaverous; like carrion; with restlessness, anguish
and great exhaustion.
Bapt - Dark, foul, bloody.
Berb - Painless, clay-colored.
Borax - Soft, light yellow, slimy, pappy; green in children.
Calc - Pale, watery, sour; of undigested food.
Camph - Choleraic, with anguish, coldness, cramps, thready pulse.
Canth - Mucous, like scrapings; bloody; followed by shivering and
Carbo-v - Cadaverous; involuntary; burning in rectum; sense of weakness.
Chel - Slimy, yellow, watery, grayish.
Colch - Scanty, jelly-like stools; painful; with distended abdomen;
urging and pain in anus; stools contain scrapings.
Coloc - Bloody, slimy; worse from food and drink.
Creosot - Undigested, putrid, dark brown.
Crot - Sudden, expulsive, with a gush; immediately after nursing; with
great prostration.
Cuprum - With much griping and vomiting; green.
Dulc - Diarrhoea alternating with rheumatism; from taking cold in damp
weather or place; watery; greenish mucous.
Eup-per - Green, watery, bilious.
Gels - Watery, painless, from fright.
Hell - Like jelly; involuntary.
Hep - Diarrhoea of children; child smells sour.
Hyos - Involuntary.
Ipec - Green, frothy; with nausea and colic, especially about navel; of
teething children; from eating green fruit.
Iris - Watery, bilious, with burning at anus.
Jatropha - Sudden, profuse; noise like water poured out of bunghole of
Kali-bich - Jelly-like, brown, frothy; sensation of plug in anus.
Lach - Dark, like burnt straw; of cadaverous odor.
Lyc - Thin, yellow; flatulent.
Mag-carb - Like green scum on frog-pond; diarrhoea of undigested milk;
contains masses like tallow.
Merc - Green, slimy, bloody; colic; cannot get done; worse at night.
Merc-cor - Green, yellow, slimy, bloody; colic, tenesmus during and
after stool, almost continuous, followed by burning in rectum and anus; chilliness between stools.
Phos - Watery; with bits of tallow; gushing as from a hydrant.
Pod - Watery, gushing, foul, painless; drives him out of bed in a. m.;
morning stool; followed by sense of great exhaustion and emptiness; copious, large stools which do not weaken him; stool with griping colic and heat and pain in anus.
Puls - No two stools alike.
Rheum - Pasty, fermented, green, like chopped egg; sour; shivering after
stool and constrictive colic; colic from uncovering.
Rhus - Slimy, frothy, bloody, painless; involuntary; of cadaverous odor.
Rumex - Watery, brown, driving him out of bed; with provoking dry cough.
Sec - Profuse, watery, dark, putrid; painless, but very exhausting;
comes from a gush; involuntary; anus wide open.
Sul - Painless; drives him out of bed; prolapsus ani; piles.
Thuj - Chronic diarrhoea; watery, gushing, greasy, gurgling.
Ver-alb - Watery, gushing, profuse, flaky; with profuse vomiting;
weakness and emptiness in bowels; great exhaustion.