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Nit-ac - Crackling when chewing; hardness of hearing, better when riding

in a carriage.

Ant-crud - Moist eruption behind the ears.

Asaf - Fetid, green, purulent discharge from the ears. 17417s187r

Bar-carb - Hardness of hearing; glands about ears swollen and painful.

Bell - Sensitive to loud noises.

Cactus - Pulsations in ears during headache.

Calc - Muco purulent discharge, with crackling and stitching pain in

ears and glandular swellings.

Caps - Tenderness and pain behind ear, in mastoid.

China - Roaring and ringing in the ears.

Coff - Sensitiveness of hearing.

Hep - Stitching pain from ear to ear with sore throat.

Kali-bich - Pain into ears from sore throat.

Lach - Pain in ears when swallowing.

Phyt - Intense pain into and through the ears when swallowing.

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