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Eucalyptus globulus

MEDICINAL: Eucalyptus oil is a powerful antiseptic, and is used to treat pyorrhea (gum disease), and

is used on burns to prevent infections. The oil breathed in will help clear the sinuses, as will the steam

from boiling the leaves. When mixed with water or vegetable oils, it makes a good insect repellant. A

small drop on the tongue eases nausea.

RELIGIOUS: Healing energies come from the leaves. A branch or wreath over the bed of a sick

person will help spread the healing energies. The oil is added to healing baths, and for purifications.

GROWING: Eucalyptus reigns among the tallest trees in the world, capable of reaching heights of over

250 feet tall. It thrives only in areas where the average temperature remains above 60 degrees, and is

adaptable to several soil conditions.

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