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Evening Primrose


Evening Primrose

Oenothera biennis

MEDICINAL: Evening Primrose oil stimulates to help with liver and spleen conditions. In Europe, it

has been used to treat Multiple Sclerosis. It lowers blood pressure, and eases the pain of angina by

opening up the blood vessels. It has been found to help slow the production of cholesterol, and has been

found to lower cholesterol levels. Used with Dong Quai and Vitex, it is a valuable part of an herbal

remedy for treating the symptoms of pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) and menstrual cramping.

GROWING: The American variety is found throughout North America. It enjoys dry soils and full sun.

It is a biennial, and grows 3 - 6 feet tall. The seed oil is the most commonly used portion of the plant.

Some nurseries sell evening primrose, but they are actually a small, showy hybrid of the perennial

Missouri Primrose, and does not have the same medicinal uses, so be sure you are buying the plant you

really want.

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Accesari: 930
Apreciat: hand-up

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