Agar - Twitching of eyelids.
Ailan - Congested; with dilated pupils.
All-cepa - Sore, smarting; sensitive to light; lachrymation.
Apis - Bag-like swelling under the eyes.
Arg-nit - Soreness, swelling and agglutination of lids; great heat,
dries up the lashes; photophobia; purulent discharge.
Aurum - Pain in bony structure of eye, extending into the eye.
Borax - Lids granulated; lashes stick together in the morning; soreness
and itching in canthi.
Cicuta - Pupils dilated, insensible, squinting; when reading, letters go
up on down or disappear.
Cimif - Intense aching of eyelids.
Clematis - Dry, red, hot; burning pain in middle of eye; lachrymation;
sensitiveness to cold air; biting pain in eyes.
Con - Irritation; marked photophobia.
Crocus - Dimness, as though a veil were over the eye; biting in eyes as
though from smoke; eyes water in the open air.
Crot - Yellow; sensitive to artificial light; vision dim.
Euph - Sore; acrid discharge; copious lachrymation; lids red, swollen,
agglutinated in the a. m.; mucous on cornea, removed by winking.
Gels - Orbital neuralgia with twitching of muscles of the eye; ptosis;
paralysis of muscles.
Grap - Lids swollen, itching, eczematous.
Hell - Lids turned upward, wide open, squinting.
Hyos - Pupils dilated, sparkling, fixed.
Kali-carb - Bag-like swelling over upper eyelids.
Nat-mur - Sore, bruised; copious acrid lachrymation; eyes water when he
Plat - Objects appear smaller than they are.
Sec - Fixed, staring; blue circles around eyes.
Spig - When moved, pain as though too large for sockets.
Stram - Diplopia; wants light in the room, thinking it is dark.