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Developmental Genetics
Direct retainers
At the Doctor's, Health, Human body
APPLIED STUDY OF SOME LIPID EXTRACTS FROM Mytilus galloprovincialis Lmk. AND Rapana venosa MOLLUSCS
Rests and rest seats
Design of maxillary major connectors
Jaws Bry - Chewing motion of jaws
Chill: Sensation of Coldness


Agar - Twitching of eyelids.

Ailan - Congested; with dilated pupils.

All-cepa - Sore, smarting; sensitive to light; lachrymation.

Apis - Bag-like swelling under the eyes.

Arg-nit - Soreness, swelling and agglutination of lids; great heat,

dries up the lashes; photophobia; purulent discharge.

Aurum - Pain in bony structure of eye, extending into the eye.

Bell - Sensitiveness to light.

Borax - Lids granulated; lashes stick together in the morning; soreness

and itching in canthi.

Cicuta - Pupils dilated, insensible, squinting; when reading, letters go

up on down or disappear.

Cimif - Intense aching of eyelids.

Clematis - Dry, red, hot; burning pain in middle of eye; lachrymation;

sensitiveness to cold air; biting pain in eyes.

Con - Irritation; marked photophobia.

Crocus - Dimness, as though a veil were over the eye; biting in eyes as

though from smoke; eyes water in the open air.

Crot - Yellow; sensitive to artificial light; vision dim.

Euph - Sore; acrid discharge; copious lachrymation; lids red, swollen,

agglutinated in the a. m.; mucous on cornea, removed by winking.

Gels - Orbital neuralgia with twitching of muscles of the eye; ptosis;

paralysis of muscles.

Grap - Lids swollen, itching, eczematous.

Hell - Lids turned upward, wide open, squinting.

Hyos - Pupils dilated, sparkling, fixed.

Kali-carb - Bag-like swelling over upper eyelids.

Nat-mur - Sore, bruised; copious acrid lachrymation; eyes water when he


Plat - Objects appear smaller than they are.

Sec - Fixed, staring; blue circles around eyes.

Spig - When moved, pain as though too large for sockets.

Stram - Diplopia; wants light in the room, thinking it is dark.

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