Female Pelvis.
Apis - Burning, stinging pain in enlarged ovary.
Aurum Uterine affections tending toward induration; burning and
itching in vagina, which is very sensitive.
pressing downward.
Cimif - Pain across pelvis, from hip to hip.
Lilium - Weakness; dragging down in uterus and ovaries, better from
pressure upwards.
Plat - Pressing, cutting, bearing-down, extending into sacrum.
Pod - Uterine prolapsus, with bearing-down as if contents would issue
through vulva; anal prolapse.
Rhus - Pain in groin, deep-seated, with bearing down.
Sep - General pelvic distress, better from crossing legs and from
pressure from without.
Thuj - Vagina extremely sensitive during coition.
Zinc - Bearing down through pelvis, with sexual excitement.