Aeth - Great heat without thirst.
Apis - Fever without thirst.
Arn - Internal heat; hands and feet cold.
Bry - Chewing motion of jaw during fever.
Cedron - Fever with redness of f 13213r173n ace, burning heat of hands thirst for
warm drinks; followed by profuse sweat.
Cina - With cold face and hot hands.
once by profuse sweat.
Eup-per - Fever with thirst; drinking brings on shivering.
Gels - Fever without thirst.
Ign - Fever without thirst.
Ipec - Sharp; lasts long; often with hacking cough and dyspnoea.
Nux-vom - Dry heat of the body.
Rhus - During fever, relief from bleeding of nose or uterine bleeding.
Samb - Skin hot and dry while asleep; sweats profusely as soon as he
Spig - Fever heat with desire for external heat.
Ver-vir - High temperature with great arterial excitement.