Ailan - Enlargement of cervicals and parotids.
Apis - Enlargements with indurations ans with stinging pain.
Arum - Swelling of submaxillary.
Aurum - Swelling of cervical and inguinal glands; of testicles.
Bar-carb - Glands about ears, submaxillaries, parotids, tonsils swollen
and painful.
Bry - Heat and painful hardness of breasts.
Clematis - Swelling of inguinal glands with sorenss to touch.
Con - Induration of glands (axillary, breasts, ovaries, testicles), with
pain as though bruised or knife-like; breasts worse before menstruation.
Dulc - Swelling and induration of glands.
Grap - Enlargement of glands.
Iod - Induration and hypertrophy of glands.
Kali-bich - Hard, painful swelling of parotids.
Kali-iod - Enlargement and induration of glands.
Lach - Enlargement, with sharp pain, burning when touched.
Merc - Enlargement from every cold.
Merc-iod-flav - Swelling of cervicals and parotids.
Phyt - Glandular swellings; hardness and sensitiveness of mammae, with
sore and cracked nipple; intense pain from nursing.
Sil - Painless swelling of glands.
Spong - Hard swelling of glands; glands of thyroid.