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Juniperis spp.

MEDICINAL: Juniper has been used to clear uric acid from the body. It is high in natural insulin, and

has the ability to heal 22522p1522w the pancreas where there has been no permanent damage. It is useful for all urinary

infections and for water retention problems. Juniper is used externally as a compress to treat acne,

athlete's foot, and dandruff.

RELIGIOUS: Juniper is used to protect from accidents and theft. Grown at your doorstep, it will offer

your home protection. It is used in incenses for protection.

GROWING: Junipers of all species are adaptable to many growing conditions. They are

low-maintenance plants. Choose a species suited to your landscape needs, to avoid problems later, as

some folks plant them with no regard for their eventual size, and sometime find they have a nuisance on

their hands as the plant matures. If you want berries, you must plant a male and a female juniper.

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Accesari: 480
Apreciat: hand-up

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