Nit-ac - Like extract of fresh meat; very offensive.
Aesculus - With lameness in back and hips, rendering walking difficult
and painful.
Amm-carb - Watery, acrid, burning.
Amm-mur - Like white of egg; with colic about navel; brown, slimy
vaginal discharge after urinating.
Borax - Like white of egg; feels as if warm water were escaping.
Calc - Milky, copious, with itching; leucorrhoea of little girls.
Carbo-v - Thick, greenish; before menstruating.
Creosot - Dark, brown, thick, corroding; like starch; stains linen
yellow; smells like green corn.
Grap - Pale; excoriating; soreness of nipples; aversion to sexual
Iod - Corrosive; staining skin and linen.
Lach - Copious, smarting, stiffening linen, coloring it green.
Lilium - Acrid, thin.
Lyc - Blood-red, in spells, with cutting pain from right to left.
Nat-mur - Acrid, watery, irritating.
Puls - Bland, thick, like cream or milk.
Sec - Dark, offensive.
Sil - Milky, acrid; while urinating.