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Calendula spp.

MEDICINAL: Marigold is a great first aid remedy. It relieves headaches, earaches, and reduces

fevers. It is excellent fo 12112u202m r the heart and for the circulation. It is also used externally to heal wounds and


RELIGIOUS: Fresh marigolds in any room heightens the energy within. Placed under the pillow before

bed, it induces clairvoyancy. Planted in rows with tomatoes, it will keep pests from them and other

vegetables. Planted near the porch/deck, it will keep mosquitoes away. It is also used to attract and see

the fairies. Scattered under the bed, they protect during sleep. Add to bath water to win the respect of

everyone you meet.

GROWING: Marigold is an annual plant that comes in many sizes and colors. It is adaptable to many

soils. Give plenty of water and full sun.

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