Menses and Uterine Haemorrhage.
Amm-carb - Copious, too early, black, clotted; exhaustion; chilliness.
Amm-mur - Profuse, too early, dark, clotted, worse at night, with aching
Apis - Bearing-down, 14514j920o as if menses would appear, with scanty discharge of
black mucus.
Cactus - Dark, like pitch; cease when lying down; pulsating pain through
uterus and ovaries, with sense of constriction.
Calc - Too early, too profuse, too protracted; dizziness and cold feet.
Cham - Profuse, dark, clotted, with labor-like pain.
Cimif - Copious, dark, with mental depression, backache, pricking in the
Creosot - Profuse, black, acrid; stops, then returns.
Crocus - Haemorrhage, dark, stringy.
Ferr - Profuse, intermittent; pale and watery or black and clotted.
Iod - Uterine haemorrhage with every stool, with cutting pain in
abdomen, loins and back.
Ipec - Continuous, bright red, coagulating easily; with much nausea.
Kali-carb - Retarded, scanty, acrid, suppressed.
Lach - Flashed of heat during climacteric.
Lilium - Dark, scanty, offensive; only when moving about.
Mag-carb - Flows only when lying down; ceases when walking.
Mag-phos - Dark, too early, membraneous, with ovarian pain.
Mosch - Too early, too copious, preceded by pressure downward.
Nat-mur - Irregular, profuse, bearing-down pains, especially in the
Nux-vom - Irregular, dark; labor-like pains; desire for stool.
Plat - Dark, clotted; with nymphomania.
Puls - Scant, retarded; amenorrhoea; all the discharges bland.
Rhus - Copious, dark, acrid.
Sul - Delayed, scanty, stop suddenly, irritating, painful.
Ver-alb - Dysmenorrhoea; vomiting; diarrhoea; cold sweat; collapse.
Zinc - Feels best when menstruating.