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Passiflora incarnata

MEDICINAL: Passionflower is used to treat hyperactivity, insomnia, Parkinson's disease, nervous

tension,and the infusion is used to treat eye infections and eye strain. Native American tribes used it as a

poultice for bruises and injuries, as well as for an overall tonic.

RELIGIOUS: Passionflower will calm a troubled household when placed inside the home. Spanish

missionaries believed the flowers were a symbol of Christ's crucifixion, and the crown of thorns of

Christ's passion, giving this plant its name.

GROWING: Passionflower grows best below zone 7 outdoors, so grow indoors in the north. It prefers

partial shade and a fertile soil with good drainage. It grows to 25-30 feet as an outdoor vine. Prune old

growth in the winter or very early spring to encourage flowering.

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