Rubus idaeus
MEDICINAL: Red Raspberry is one of the most proven female herbs. It strengthens the uterine wall
during preganancy, reduces the pain of childbirth, and helps to reduce false labor pains. After childbirth it
is used to decrease uterine swelling and cut down on post-partum bleeding. It is used to ease menstrual
cramps and to regulate the flow during menstruation. It is also good for vomiting in small children, and
dysentery and diarrhea in infants.
RELIGIOUS: Raspberry is served as a love-inducing food. The brambles are hung at the entrance to
the home to prevent unwanted spirits from entering.
GROWING: Red Raspberry is a biennial or perennial, depending on the variety, growing 3 - 6 feet tall.
They need a cold winter and a long cool spring, so they do not do well in the South. They aren't too
picky about soil, so long as they get plenty of water.