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Rosa spp.

MEDICINAL: Rose hips are very nourishing to the skin, as well as containing vitamin C. It is used as 16416n132q a

blood purifier, and for treatment of infections, colds, and flus.

RELIGIOUS: Rose water is used in gourmet dishes and in love potions. Petals are used in healing

incense and sachets, and burned to provide a restful night's sleep. The essential oil is used in ritual baths

to provide peace, love, and harmony within the self. The hips are strung like beads and worn to attract

love. Rose petals sprinkled around the home will calm personal stress and upheavals in the home.

GROWING: Roses of all varieties are adaptable to most soils as long as they have adequate water,

and are occasionally fed through the growing season. There are varieties that will grow throughout North

America. Plant them where you can enjoy their beauty and fragrance.

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