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Stomach Ox-ac - Excruciating pain, with vomiting, coldness between stomach and navel



Ox-ac - Excruciating pain, with vomiting, coldness between stomach and


Ant-crud - Constant belching of gas.

Apoc - Irritability, nausea, faintness, oppression, interfering with


Arg-nit - Pain c 12112s1813m onfined to small spot between xyphoid cartilage and

navel, radiating; excessive flatulency; seems stomach would burst; noisy and difficult belching; pain better from pressure of clinched fist.

Arn - Pressure as from a stone.

Ars - Bitter, sour eructations, exceedingly irritating, burning pain.

Asaf - Flatulency; feels that eructations would relieve, but can't


Bis - Pain in one spot; pressing, convulsive, agonizing; from stomach to

spine; with vomiting and purging; emptiness in stomach; eructations of gas after drinking.

Bry - Pressure as from a hard stone; soreness in stomach when coughing.

Canth - Burning in stomach with burning thirst; retching, vomiting of

blood-stained mucus.

Carbo-v - Burning in stomach extending to back and spine; contractive

pain in stomach; extending into chest, with abdominal distension; sour, rancid eructations, putrid changes in the food before digesting.

Cham - Gastralgia, with bitter, sour vomiting.

Chel - Pain from stomach to right shoulder blade, worse from eating.

Colch - Gastric indigestion, with drum-like distension of abdomen.

Crot - Weight, faintness, sinking, can retain nothing; vomiting of bile;

sticking pain, with pressure and intolerance of anything tight.

Dig - Foulness; excessive nausea, not better from vomiting; eructations

of sour fluid, setting teeth on edge.

Ferr - Gastralgia, with heavy pressure in stomach and vomiting of food

right after eating.

Grap - Indigestion with burning at stomach and hunger.

Hydras - Faintness, goneness, sense of weight, bitter taste.

Ign - Goneness and sinking, better from eating.

Iod - Constant empty eructations.

Ipec - Constant nausea; stomach feels relaxed, as though hanging down;

spasmodic, clutching pain in stomach.

Kali-carb - Feels as though full of water.

Lobel - Faintness, goneness, deathly nausea.

Mag-carb - Sour eructations, chiefly of flatus.

Nux-vom - Indigestion, sour; sour and bitter eructations; weight and

pain; difficult belching of gas.

Phos - Pain in circumscribed spot, extending into spine.

Plum - Intense pain in stomach and abdomen, with vomiting.

Puls - Perceptible pulsations in pit of stomach.

Sec - Intense burning pain in stomach and abdomen, with vomiting.

Sep - Faintness at stomach, better from eating; putrid eructations, like

rotten eggs.

Stan - All-gone feeling; pain in pit of stomach when coughing.

Sul - Gone, empty feeling at pit of stomach, at 11 a. m.

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Accesari: 1961
Apreciat: hand-up

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