Nit-ac - Fetid sweat of feet.
Aeth - Profuse sweat; wants to be covered up during sweat.
Ant-tart - Cold, clammy sweat.
Bar-carb - Cold, clammy sweat; fetid sweat of feet.
Calc - Sweat about the head; feet always cold and damp.
Ipec - Sour sweat; fails to relieve.
Merc - Copious sweat, fails to relieve.
Nux-vom - On one side of the body.
Opium - Hot sweat on puffed, red face.
Rheum - Profuse sweat on scalp; hair always wet.
Samb - Profuse sweat when awake; skin hot and dry when asleep.
Sil - Sweat on head and neck, at night offensive sweating of hands,
feet, arm-pits; soreness between the toes.
Sul - Profuse, offensive sweat of single parts.
Thuj - Sweat on uncovered parts; sweetish sweat about genitals; fetid
sweat on feet.