Acon - Intense thirst relieved by drinking cold water.
Aeth - Heat without thirst.
Apis - Fever without thirst.
Apoc - Great thirst in dropsy.
Ars - Great thirst, drinks o 838f516i ften, but little at a time.
Bis - For cold drinks in the evening, though not hot; eructations of gas
after drinking.
Bry - No thirst or thirst for large draughts of water.
Canth - Burning thirst with aversion to all fluids.
Carbo-v - Thirst while very cold.
Crot - Lips and throat dry, but no thirst.
Cuprum - When drinking, sound as of water running out of a bottle.
Dig - Great thirst for sour drinks.
Eup-per - Drinking water hastens the chill; thirst during chill and
Hell - Intense thirst; drinks greedily.
Ign - Chill with thirst; fever without thirst.
Jatropha - Drinks large amounts of water, which is immediately rejected.
Opium - Intense thirst.
Phos - Thirst for very cold water; thrown up as soon as it gets warm in
the stomach.
Puls - Thirstlessness.
Sec - Unquenchable.