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Tinctures Herbs


Tinctures Herbs

Tinctures are easy to make, and a very convenient way to make use of the healing herbs in today's fast society. They are made

with the more potent herbs that are generally not taken as herbal teas. 919w2210j

Tinctures are made by combining 1 to 4 ounces of a powdered or thoroughly crushed herb with one pint of alcohol. The

alcohol most often used is vodka. The amount of liquid should be more than the herbs can absorb, so you may need to add

more as the days go by. It is shaken daily and allowed to stand in a warm place, out of direct light, for two weeks. The liquid is

poured through a cloth, such as layers of cheesecloth. The herbs that remain are squeezed thoroughly to remove as much of the

liquid from them as possible. Keep the tincture stored in a dark glass bottle or jar. Tinctures are used by the drop. Don't be

afraid of the alcohol content - if you want to be sure the alcohol won't affect you, or you are a recovering alcoholic, drop the

recommended number of tincture drops into a cup of hot water, wait a few moments, and then drink. The alcohol will

evaporate. Tinctures can be made of single herbs, or herbal combinations, depending upon your needs. It is traditional magick

to begin your tinctures on the night of the new moon, and strain on the full moon, so that the waxing powers of the moon extract

the maximum amount of healing agents from the herbs.

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