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Vital Force


Vital Force.

Mur-ac - Extreme prostration, with great restlessness; slips down toward

foot of bed; must be lifted up every little while.

Sul-ac - Extreme exhaustion, with sense 525q1622f of trembling all over, without


Alum - Takes cold easily.

Ars - Exhaustion of vital force with rapid emaciation.

Camph - Rapid sinking of vital force; cold breath.

China - Sensitive to external influences, as draught, pain, touch.

Colch - Great prostration, with coldness and feeling of collapse.

Hydras - Great debility and inertia.

Hyos - Picking at bedclothes; reaching out for things.

Iod - Emaciation of single parts (breasts); great exhaustion, even

talking causes perspiration.

Lyc - Inward coldness.

Mez - Sensitive to cold air.

Nat-mur - Takes cold easily.

Plum - Great weakness, with anaemia and rapid and great emaciation.

Rhus - Constant desire to yawn, which becomes painful.

Sec - Great debility without previous loss of fluid; flesh cold to

touch, but does not allow himself to be covered.

Sep - Deficiency of vital heat; great sensitiveness to cold air; attacks

of sinking suddenly, without actual fainting.

Sil - Sensitive to cold air; shivers all over from slight cause; body

cold, feet wet.

Ver-alb - Extreme coldness of body; extreme weakness; cold sweat on


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