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Health is a priceless gift. It depends on our daily routine if we feel good both mentally and physical. Even so, we rarely appreciate our health's value 22522y2419w until the moment we become ill.

Some people eat three-egg omelets topped with slivers of bacon and show no sign of a spike in cholesterol. Many, however, are less fortunate. Current researches suggest that the culprit may be found in our genes. Changes in the DNA have occurred in human populations as a response to changes in their diet.

Our fat problem becomes a global one as food corporations export our sugary, salty, fatty diet. Beijing, for example, has more than a hundred McDonald's restaurants, which advertise and price the same food in the same way, and with the same level of success.

Children's food is a key element of food policies for several good reasons; for a start, what children eat not only affects their current diet, but will make a significant difference to their later health. Between the age of 4 and 10, children who are overweight can show the first signs of heart diseases and are likely to become obese as adults. They are, however, less able to make decisions about their own best interests than are well-informed adults.

Learning how to have a healthy lifestyle is part of our education and it definitely should not be ignored. Eating a diet consisting largely of fast food could cause your waistline to bulge more than eating the same amount of fat from healthier sources.

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