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Witch Hazel



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Witch Hazel

  Hamamelis virginiana

  MEDICINAL: Witch Hazel is used externally for insect bites, burns, bleeding wounds, hemorrhoids,

  and varicose veins. Internally it will stop bleeding from internal organs, treats bronchitis, flu, and coughs

  as well as promotes healing of stomach ulcers. It is often used as a mouthwash for conditions of the

  mouth and throat, and for bleeding gums. Native Americans used witch hazel in sunflower oil as a

  massage oil for sore muscles, and used witch hazel as a natural deodorant.

  RELIGIOUS: The forked twigs of the Witch Hazel are used for divining. It will help heal a broken

  heart and cool passions when carried.

  GROWING: Witch Hazel is a shrub or small tree that grows 5 - 15 feet. It ranges throughout the

  eastern half of North America. It prefers full sun, and average soils.

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