Achillea millefolium
MEDICINAL: Yarrow is used to stimulate and regulate the liver. It acts as a blood purifier and heals
the glandular system. It has been used as a contraceptive, and as a part of diabetes treatment, as well as
treating gum ailments and toothache. Also is used in formulas for treating colds, flus, and fevers. It arrests
internal and external bleeding during childbirth. It is used to stop the bleeding of external
wounds.Pregnant women should avoid this herb.
RELIGIOUS: Since Yarrow has the ability to keep a couple together for 7 years, it is used in love
sachets as well as a gift to give to newlyweds. When worn it wards off negativity, and if held in your
hand it repels fear. Yarrow added to the bath protects from harm.
GROWING: Yarrow is a perennial, and its various varieties range from 8 inches to 3 feet tall. It prefers
full sun, and average to poor dry soils.