George Washington-1789-1797 He had no political party. He was from Virginia, he was considered our nations Farther, served two terms, commander of the Continental Army.
John Adams- 1797- 18218m1213s 1801 He was a federalist from Massachusetts, first to live in White House, in new Capital, he was George Washingtons VIce-President, he also helped to write the Declaration of Independance.
Thomas Jefferson-1801-1809 He was a Democratic-Republican from
Virginia, he was the Chief author of the Declaration of Independance , he was responsible for the Louisana Purchase, he was proud of founding the University of Virginia.
James Madison 1809-1817 Democratic-Republican from Virginia, he was the "Father of the Constitution" he was responsible for drafting the first ten amendments
James Monroe-1809-1817 Democratric-Republican from Virginia, he was a member of the Continental Congress, he was Secretary of State under Madison, his presidency was called "the Era of Good Feelings"