"The Priest House", Britwell
Au pair has sole use of one bedroom and of a bathroom. We will respect her privacy and not enter her room uninvited.
Au pair is allowed to help herself to any food or non-alcoholic drinks within the house. If for any reason we have run out she may purchase additional provisions and we 19519k106t will reimburse her accordingly.
Au pair is expected to eat meals with children during the week and eat with the family at weekends.
Au pair is responsible on weekdays for:
dressing children for school.
preparing packed lunches for school.
taking children to school at ..................
collecting children from school at ...............
making tea for children, supervising them until .........
Other responsibilities:
No child-care duties will apply at weekends unless by separate agreement.
Au pairs will be required to provide additional supervision when any child is off school for sickness and holiday; weekly allowance will be increased by hourly rate of £....
Au pair is expected to "clean as she goes" and tidy-up after children and herself on a daily basis.
Au pair's room is to be kept clean and tidy as an example to the children, but children are not allowed to enter au pair's room unless she is present.
A weekly allowance of £... is to be paid at the end of each week (usually every Friday) plus any extra money for any additional hours for that week (i.e. during holiday, or when a child is off sick). This allowance covers up to 2 nights baby-sitting per week. Two nights baby-sitting is not transferable from one week to the next (if the au pair does not baby-sit one or two weeks, this does not mean she will do 4 or 6 baby-sittings free of charge the following week).
Au pair may baby-sit for any other friends and families by separate agreement, only if this does not interfere with her working hours dedicated to the host family.
Au pair will be reimbursed for expenditure and children's entertainment on the family's behalf (i.e.expenses for magazines, cinema and museum tickets, sweets, travel cards, etc.).
Use of the telephone to be limited to:
one overseas call per week (5 minutes) and one local call per day OR maximum of £... of telephone
calls per month.
any phone calls outside these times are to be reimbursed by the au pair upon agreement and provision of an itemised bill.
Use of the Internet to be limited to:
one hour anytime after 6.00 p. m. and one hour anytime at the weekend OR
not used at all OR
only when the host family is present.
Any further internet calls outside these times are to be reimbursed by the au pair upon agreement and provision of an itemised bill.
Other house rules:
Au pair will be provided with one set of door keys. When leaving the house, all doors and windows are to be shut/locked and the alarm set .
Only friends who we have been previously introduced to the host family are to be brought in to the house.
If visitors wish to stay overnight the au pair must seek permission from the host family first.
No male friends can be brought into the house unless discussed with the family first.
No male friends can stay overnight under any circumstances.
Friends may not stay for an extended time unless by a previously arranged agreement.
No social telephone calls to be made or received when the au pair is in sole charge of the children.
Weekly activities, trips, late evenings, etc. are to be discussed by the au pair and the family one week in advance (if possible) to avoid conflict.
No smoking in the house, and no smoking outside the house while supervising the children.
The use of the car will be by prior arrangement with the family. An allowance of £.. worth of petrol per week will be made for personal use. Any additional petrol used will have to be reimbursed by the au pair.
Under no circumstances is the au pair to smack our children or other people's children.
Any particular methods of disciplining the children are to be advised to the host family.
The au pair is free to attend language classes at times which do not conflict with the supervision of the children, i.e. from............. to............ on weekdays.
Holidays may be taken with the family by separate agreement.
If the au pair is left in the house while the family are on holiday, she will get her weekly allowance in full, but alternative duties will apply, set by agreement (up to 25 hours per week only).
While on holiday the au pair will be left an allowance to use for any food needed to feed herself.
The au pair is free to take a holiday independently only when previously agreed by the host family.
The au pair will get one week's paid holiday for every six months worked.
Minimum of 2 weeks notice from either party.
The following actions will result in dismissal:
Drunk and disorderly behaviour,
Failure to supervise children (i.e. collect from school) without prior warning,
Hitting of the child,
Irresponsible behaviour with regard to the house i.e. fire.
Signature (au pair)............Signature (family)...........Date.......
Every party (the au pair, host family and Liaison Family Exchange) must be given a copy of this or any other agreement made by the host family.