A Result/Outcome is a specific, tangible final product, end result, or objective. A Purpose, on the other hand, is the reason why you are doing something. Your reason or purpose is what will cause you to take the necessary act 23323y241x ion to produce the result. Your Purpose is the subjective reasons why this is important to you.
Here are some tips to help you differentiate between them.
Typically begins with phrases like: make major progress on, create, establish, determine, resolve, etc.
Usually your result/outcome is not only something you could measure whether or not you achieved, but it is something that a stranger could evaluate based on objective data. (For example, if your result is to lose 10 pounds, weigh 160 with 16% body fat, a stranger could make the evaluation to see if you achieved it. Or, if your result was to make a million dollars in net income in 2001, again, a stranger would be able to evaluate it.)
Typically begins with phrases like: because, so that I feel energized, in order to learn, to feel or experience more love, etc. And, typically you will use words or phrases with emotion: because they deserve it, to feel proud, to make a difference, to give back for everything I've received, to kick butt and take names!!
Usually your purpose are feelings or emotions that only you can determine whether you feel. If your purpose does not invoke strong, positive emotion in you, keep digging to find the words and feelings that will move you most.
Finally, remember that the three questions of RPM are specifically designed to ensure that you are using the system effectively. If you ask and answer the specific questions as designed, you will come up with the appropriate answers:
1. What do I really want? What is my outcome? What is the specific result I'm committed to achieving?
2. Why do I want to do this? What is my purpose? What will it give me (or others)? How will this make me feel?
3. What specific actions do I need to take to make this result happen? What is my Massive Action Plan?