- To
celebrate animal life in all its forms
- To
celebrate humankind's relationship with the animal kingdom
- To
acknowledge the diverse roles that animals play in our lives - from
being our companions, supporting and helping us, to bringing a sense
of wonder into our lives
- To
acknowledge and be thankful for the way in which animals enrich our
Be part of something special -
find out how you can get involved in celebrating
World Animal Day 2008
World Animal Day was started in 1931 at a convention of ecologists in Florence as a way of
highlighting the plight of endangered species. Since then it has grown to
encompass all kinds of animal life and is widely celebrated in countries
throughout the world. October 4 was chosen as World Animal 24324o1421y Day as it is
the Feast Day of St Francis of Assisi,
the patron saint of animals.
It is intended as a day of celebration for anyone in the world who
cares about animals. It is not restricted to any one nationality, creed,
religion, political belief or ideology.
Launched in the UK
on 4 October 2003.
organisations, groups,
animal shelters, places of worship, schools, clubs and individuals who
participated in what was to become an annual event, quite simply, helped
make history.
Since the official World Animal Day website was launched in 2003, the
number of World Animal Day events taking place throughout the world has
increased year upon year and with your help we can ensure the trend
And that is the aim of this website, to encourage everybody to use
this special day to commemorate their love and respect for animals by
doing something special to highlight the importance of animals in the
We are sure you will agree that, building the World Animal Day
initiative is a wonderful way to unite the animal welfare movement and
something that everyone can join in with whether they are part of an organisation, group, or as an individual.
On this website we are sure you will find everything you need to make
World Animal Day a reality in your area but do please let us know if you
think something is missing. There's no better time than now to start
making plans - please get involved and show the animals you care.
World Animal Day is not linked
to any one individual, organisation or
campaign, but belongs to everyone.