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A Miror, a carpet & a lemon


A Miror, a carpet & a lemon

Once upon a time there was a Sultan who had a beautiful daughter. Her name was Perihan. Princess everywere to wanted him. Much mans are went to king. 22522i815w They brougt gifts (colourful eggs, diamonds, golden feathers...). But none of them are special enough to let you marry your daughter.

In another farawany land, there lived three brothers, who were Princess. So they went to a market full of strange things to find gifts. The first Prince bought a magic miror. The second Prince bought a magic carpet. The third Prince bought a magic lemon.

The next day, three Princes began their journey to the Sultan's palace. The Princess was lying on her bad looking very ill and her father was crying by her bedside.

The Princes jumped into the magic carpet. In one minute, they were at the Sultan's palace. The youngest Prince squeezed the lemon gave a cup of the juice to the Princess. After a minute, her cheeks became pink agin. The youngest Prince should marry the Princes Perihan.

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