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A Musical story


A Musical story

about a musician

It already started in the early years. In an age of three the young boy, Geir-Anders Haugen, had the music in his mind. A sound of drums moved around in his Grandmothers house already then. His Grandmother had two small drums that he was playing at every time he was at her place. Even on the piano he played. Not so very beautiful though, but the point is that 16116h723q he wanted to play already then.

As the years passed by, Geir-Anders was raised up by his mother and father, Lise-Marit and Tor. Lise-Marit was playing in a marching band. As a normal boy Geir-Anders followed his mom all the time. Even when his mother was practicing with the marching band, and when you're a small kid you're supposed to learn. And you learn even just by being at a place where it's music. Maybe the kid isn't thinking about the songs that the marching band is practicing on, but the songs will get stuck in the kids head. So that's another part which has helped the young boy at his musical journey.

The day came when Geir-Anders started at school at Karlsrud skole. And the day came when he was going to choose if he wanted to join the School band. He's mother thought it was a good idea, but that's a matter of course. Mothers will always have their kid to do the same as they do so they can teach their kids with their knowledge. But there was something that wasn't right for Geir-Anders. He didn't want to join the school band. His feeling of being there didn't seem to be fun so he decided to stay out of the school band and see if he changed his mind, but he never joined the school band. The main instrument wasn't decided yet either for the boy.

He's taste of music was very wide. All kind of music was played in his room. Later his taste of techno came, and it was the same time he started using music programs on the computer. He's brother Tor-Arne finally gave him the right to use the computer. Geir-Anders destroyed the old computer once, but that was a long time ago. But happenings like that wont disappear from a big brothers head. When you are five years older you have the control.

Geir-Anders started with skateboarding, and then he got new friends. Friends that was playing band instruments and liked heavy metal. So by being with the new friends for almost one year he started liking heavy metal too. And by being at the new best friend house where he and his brother was playing the guitar he finally found out how cool the guitar sound like. Then the time came when Geir-Anders hold the guitar for the first time in his hands. His mom knew some few chords which she showed him. And he didn't have so many problems with playing the chords. Only after some months he decided that he wanted an Electric guitar.

The practicing started, and it was practicing every day. Playing the songs he liked. He tried to play them though. The songs he liked weren't the easiest song, but they became good sounding after a while. After five months he played his first concert with his friend at the last seventh-grade class party. He was now beginning at the secondary school.

He kept playing every day. A year passed by, and now he finally found somewhere to play with other people. At the club at Lambertseter there is a band-room where he started to play with people that would like to play there every Tuesday. There wasn't so many that showed up so it became the club band of Lambertseter. He's knowledge grew now even bigger.

Tenth grade. He was now going to think about what he wants to be in the future. He's mom thought something that he does with his hands is perfect for him. Cause she couldn't think of him in an office with a lot of papers and jobs like that. Geir-Anders didn't know exactly what he wanted to. It was so much to choose. Finally a realistic idea of music came up for him. A job in a studio would be awesome he thought, but when he found out that he couldn't start with something that has with a studio job to do. Then he found out that he needed to follow his dream. The dream of becoming a band member. Earn money by selling albums with a band. He found out that he needed more knowledge in music so it was then the music section came as his choice.

Today he's sitting in your classroom, and waiting for the unknown future. Cause we never know the future, and it's impossible to tell. But hope is still there. The dream of becoming a rock star.

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