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Bibliographies and In-Text Citations


referencing guidelines

Documenting your Sources

Bibliographies and In-Text Citations

MLA Style

A guide to writing bibliographies and in-text citations

based on MLA style

The Library offers instruction to support this document

December 2006 / Sharjah HCT Libraries

This booklet is a guide for writing bibliographies and in-text citations. MLA (Modern Language Association) style is the referencing style suggested for use by the HCT.

Bibliographies and in-text citations help avoid plagiarism. Plagiarism is stealing a person's words, ideas or images by not naming the original author.

The Higher Colleges of Technology are serious about plagiarism. See the Student Handbook for more information on plagiarism and penalties for plagiarism.

The first section of this booklet is a Quick Reference Guide. 

·   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; It is most useful for Diploma and Foundations students.

The next two sections are Bibliographies and In-Text Citations.

·   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; These are most useful for Higher Diploma and Bachelor students.

For further information:

·   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; Check the Library Catalogue for MLA style guides.

·   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; Check the NoodleTools Website ( for bibliography software.

·   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; Ask a Librarian for help.

This brochure was revised by Shirley Onn from a brochure

compiled by Kara Jones, Susan Fahy and Christine Hart

Sharjah HCT Libraries

MLA (Starter) Quick Reference Guide

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; BOOK


Author's Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. Publication Place: Publisher's Name, Year of Publication.


Stevenson, Janet. Dictionary of Library and Information Management. Middlesex, U.K.: Peter

Collin, 1997.

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; ENCYCLOPEDIA ARTICLE


Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Article." Title of Encyclopedia. Volume Number. Publication Place: Publisher's Name, Year of Publication. Page Numbers of article


Smith, Whitney. "Flag." The World Book Encyclopedia. Vol. 7. Chicago, U.S.A.: World Book, 2003.

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; JOURNAL or MAGAZINE ARTICLE


Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Article." Name of Journal or Magazine Volume.Issue (Date of Publication): Page Numbers of article


Jongbloed, Marijcke. "Desert Saluki: A Fine Hound." Al Shindagah 53.4 (July-Aug. 2003): 30-31.

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; NEWSPAPER ARTICLE


Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Article." Name of Newspaper Date of Publication: Page Numbers of article.


Hablut, Layla. "Running Around the Corniche." Gulf News 6 Feb. 2003: 25.

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; WEB PAGE


Author's Last Name, First Name. "Web Page Title." Name of Entire Website or Database. Date Web Page was Last Revised. Sponsoring Organization. Date you Viewed the Web Page <Website Address (URL) in angle brackets>.


Lomb, Nick. "Mars: Up Close and Red." ABC Science. 21 Aug. 2003. Australian Broadcasting

Corporation. 31 Oct. 2006 <>.

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; ELECTRONIC ENCYCLOPEDIA ARTICLE (Encarta)


"Title of Article." Title of Electronic Encyclopedia. Format. Sponsoring Organization. Year of Publication.


"United Arab Emirates." Microsoft Encarta Premium Suite 2005. DVD-ROM. Microsoft. 2005.

When do you write a bibliography?

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; Every time you write a research report.

What is a bibliography?

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; It is a list of every source of information you use to write a report.

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; It includes: books, articles, television programs, Internet sites, interviews and all other information sources you use to write a report.

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; It is an alphabetical list by the author's surname.

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; It is attached at the end of a report.

Why write a bibliography?

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; To show what information sources you use for your research.

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; To help the reader find more information.

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; To prevent being charged with a crime called plagiarism.

(Plagiarism is stealing a person's ideas!).

How do you write a bibliography?

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; Follow the rules set by The Modern Language Association or MLA style.

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; Look at the examples in the Quick Reference Guide. Each format (i.e., books, newspapers, websites, etc) has an example. Follow these examples when you are writing your own bibliography.

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; Use an internet program called NoodleBib, available on the Portal: Library--Electronic Library--NoodleTools. Use the MLA Starter or Advanced option.

NoodleBib will help you

1. create your bibliographic citations online using MLA style, and

2. format your bibliography and keep it online until you need to save and print it.

Print Sources

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; Book


Author's Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. Edition (if not the first). Publication Place: Publisher's Name, Year of Publication.


Stevenson, Janet. Dictionary of Library and Information Management. 2nd ed. Middlesex, U.K.: Peter Collin, 1997.

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; BOOK WITH 2 - 3 AUTHORS


Gaissa, Yasser, Mo Fadel, and Sam Fadhlani. Business in a Changing World. Cincinnati: South West, 1993

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; BOOK WITH 4 or MORE AUTHORS


Mills, Barbara, et al. History of the United Arab Emirates. Dubai: Motivate Publishing, 1999.

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; BOOK WITH EDITOR(S)


Power, Kevin, ed. Step into a World: A Global Anthology of the New Black Literature. New York: Wiley, 2000.

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; BOOK WITH CORPORATE AUTHOR


Higher Colleges of Technology. Business Decisions Simulation: Student Handbook. Abu Dhabi: HCT, 1995.

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; CHAPTER IN A BOOK


Chapter Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Chapter." Title of Book. Author or Editor of Book's First Name Last Name. Publication Place: Publisher's Name, Year of Publication. Page Numbers of chapter.


Fontana, Andrea, and James H. Frey. "The Interview: From Structured Questions to Negotiated Text." Handbook of Qualitative Research. Ed. Norman K. Denzin and Yvonna S. Lincoln. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage, 2000. 645-672.

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; ENCYCLOPEDIA ARTICLE


Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Article." Title of Encyclopedia. Volume

Number. Publication Place: Publisher's Name, Year of Publication. Page

Numbers of article.


Lipking, Lawrence. "Romanticism." The World Book Encyclopedia. Vol. 16. Chicago, U.S.A.: World Book, 2003. 426-427.

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; MAGAZINE ARTICLE (If there is no volume number)


Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Article." Name of Magazine Date of Publication: Page Numbers of article


Jongbloed, Marijcke. "Desert Saluki: A Fine Hound." Al Shindagah July-Aug. 2003: 30-31.

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; JOURNAL ARTICLE (If there is a volume number)


Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Article." Name of Journal. Volume.Issue (Date of Publication): Page Numbers of article.


Ottani, Ali S., and Farouk M. Messahel, Dr. "Awareness During Surgery." Saudi Medical Journal 21.4 (2003): 967-970.

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; NEWSPAPER ARTICLE


Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Article." Name of Newspaper Date of Publication: Page Numbers of article.


Hablut, Layla. "Running Around the Corniche." Gulf News 6 Feb. 2003: 25.

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; TWO ENTRIES BY SAME AUTHOR, ONE IN AN EDITED BOOK


Allan, Margaret S. "Uses of Video Recording in an Institution." Video Applications in English Language Teaching. Ed. John McGovern. London: Pergamon, 1983. 83-93.

---. "Viewing Comprehension with Video." ELT Journal 37.1 (1983): 23-27.

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; PERSONAL INTERVIEW

Ohan, Farid, Dr. Personal interview. 31 Oct. 2006.

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; CLASS NOTES or CLASS HANDOUTS (NoodleBib Advanced MLA: use 'Manuscript, Essay, Notes, or Other Unpublished Work')


Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Class/Subject." Type of Document, Date Handed Out.


Smith, Ann. "BADM 100 Semester 1, 2006." Class handout, Sept. 2006.

Arabic Sources

MLA says to cite the information as it appears in the book (newspaper, website, etc.). This means that you cite the title in Arabic using usual formatting rules. Because your readers may not understand Arabic, translate into English in brackets following each part.

Author [English translation]. Title [English translation]. Publication Place [English translation]: Publisher's Name [English translation], Year of Publication.

Electronic Sources

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; WEB PAGE


Corporate Name or Author's Last Name, First Name. "Web Page Title." Name of Entire Website or Database. Date Web Page was Last Revised. Sponsoring Organization. Date you Viewed the Web Page <Website Address (URL) in angle brackets>.


Lomb, Nick. "Mars: Up Close and Red." ABC Science. 21 Aug. 2003. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. 31 Oct. 2006 <>.

*If there is no author, begin the entry with the "Web Page Title."

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; ARTICLE IN AN ONLINE JOURNAL


Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Article." Name of Journal Volume.Issue

(Date of Publication). Date you Viewed the Article <Website Address (URL) in

angle brackets>.


Orr, Debbie, and Jacky Cribb. "Information Literacy - Is it Worth the Investment?" Australian Academic and Research Libraries 34.1 (2003). 18 Oct. 2003 <>.

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; ARTICLE IN A SUBSCRIPTION DATABASE (Business Source Premier, ERIC, etc.)


Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Article." Name of Journal Volume.Issue

(Date of Publication): Page Number. Database Name. Date You Viewed the

Article <Website Address (URL) in angle brackets>.


Jacobson, Linda. "An Earlier Start." Education Week 25.36 (May 2006): 28-30. ERIC. 2 Nov. 2006 <>.

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; ARTICLE IN AN ONLINE NEWSPAPER


Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Article." Name of Newspaper Date of Newspaper. Date You Viewed the Article <Website Address (URL) in angle brackets>.


Gale, Ivan. "Boeing Set to Fly Past Airbus." Gulf News 2 Nov. 2006. 15 Nov. 2006 <>.

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; EMAIL COMMUNICATION

Author's Last Name, First Name. "Email Subject." Email to [your name]. Date of email.


Garner, David L. "Re: Emiratization." E-mail to My Name. 31 Oct. 2006.

In-Text Citations

What is in-text citation?

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; A link in the body of your paper to your bibliography at the end of your work.

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; Includes enough information so that the reader can locate the complete information in the bibliography.

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; Written next to the information that you take from another source.

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; May be written within a sentence or at the end of a sentence.

When do you use an in-text citation?

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; Whenever you use information from another source in your paper.

Why do you use an in-text citation?

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; To lead your reader to the correct entry in your Bibliography.

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; To avoid plagiarizing.

Examples of in-text citations

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; Books (Author's Surname Page Number)


"The use of water in the UAE has increased 15 percent since 1990" (Jones 34).

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; Use the book title if there is no author (Book Title Page Number)


"Sharjah is promoted as the promoted capital of the Arabian Gulf" (Emirates Guide 3).

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; Use the article title if there is one in your reference and there is no author ("Article Title" Page Number)


Results of a recent survey suggest that more tourists prefer eco-tourism adventures ("Tourism Study Results" 7).

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; If you include the author's name in your sentence, use only the page number in the parentheses


Jones notes that the page number follows the sentence (54).

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; For a website with no author, use the web page (or website) title for your in-text citation. If it is a long title, shorten it to the first three words. Usually DO NOT use page numbers for a web page.


According to their website, a breeding centre for endangered Arabian animals started functioning in February 1998 (Sharjah Natural History).

Two Types of In-Text Citations


  • When you use some else's exact words.
  • Always written inside double quotation marks: " " when the quotation is 4 or less typed lines.

A quotation helps support your argument by showing that other experts agree with you.

Example One to avoid plagiarism:

When you use a quotation, "enclose the author's last name and the relevant page number(s) within parentheses" (Hairston, Ruszkiewicz, and Friend 781).

Example Two to avoid plagiarism:

Hairston, Ruszkiewicz, and Friend note that "you can shorten a parenthetical note by naming the author of the source in the body of the essay; then the parenthetical note consists of a page number only" (782).

2.   &n 24324l1113y bsp;  PARAPHRASE

  • When you use someone else's ideas but write it in your own words.
  • Do not use quotation marks.

Original quote

"To avoid plagiarizing an author's language. close the book, write from memory, and then open the book to check for accuracy" (Hacker, A Writer's Reference 334).

Example of paraphrasing:

This is one method for avoiding plagiarism. Experts suggest a reflective approach by reading the original source, then writing down your understanding of the idea. Afterward the original source should be compared with your paraphrase to make sure it is correct (Hacker, A Writer's Reference 334).

Special In-Text Citation Examples

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; Two different works by the same author

Put the title after the author's name in the in-text citations. Separate the citations with a semi-colon.


(Smith, MLA Style 54; Smith, Understanding MLA 78).

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; No author and very long title

If the title in the reference source is very long, shorten the title to the first few words. Make sure that you include enough information for the reader to find the title details in your bibliography.


Shorten (Sharjah Natural History Museum and Desert Park) to (Sharjah Natural History)

v   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp;   &n 24324l1113y bsp; Website page numbers

When citing a website, page numbers are not necessary. In special cases, you can give the paragraph number of the web page.


"Numbering the paragraph helps the reader locate it within the webpage" (Smith, par. 6).


Number each table above the table at the left-hand margin: Table 1

Label each table on a separate line at the left-hand margin, using title capitalization rules.

Give full publication details below the table in a source note.

Table 1

Internet Users in the Middle East and in the World



( 2006 Est. )

Pop. %
of World

Internet Users, Latest Data

% Population

Usage %
of World

Use Growth

Total in Middle East

Rest of the World


NOTES: (1) Internet Usage and Population Statistics for the Middle East were updated on Sept. 18, 2006. (2) Population numbers are based on data contained in (3) The most recent usage stats come mainly from data published by Nielsen//NetRatings ITU Computer Industry Almanac and other trustworthy sources. (4) Data on this site may be cited, giving due credit and establishing an active link back to © Copyright 2006, Miniwatts Marketing Group. All rights reserved.

Source. Miniwatts Marketing Group. "Internet Usage in the Middle East." Internet World Stats 18 Sept. 2006. 29 Nov. 2006 <>

Figures: graphs, diagrams, photographs, maps and other illustrations

Number and label each figure below the figure: Fig. 1.

Give full publication details beside the figure number and label.

Fig. 1. Organic vegetable market. Photograph. Certified Farmers' Markets. 2006. 6 Dec. 2006 <>.


Use short in-text citation: Organic vegetable market.


Amato, Carol J. The World's Easiest Guide to Using the MLA. Westminster, California: Stargazer Publishing, 1999.

[Library: PN147 .A42 1999]

Coyle, William, and Joe Law. Research Papers. 13th ed. New York: Pearson Longman, 2005.

[Library: LB2369 .C65 2005]

Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 6th ed. New York: Modern Language Association of America, 2003.

[Library: Reference LB2369 .G53 2003]

Hacker, Diana. A Writer's Reference. 5th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2003.

[Library: Reference PE1408 .H2778 2003]

---. "MLA style: English and Other Humanities." Research and Documentation in

the Electronic Age. 3rd ed. Boston, USA: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2002. 126-175.

[Library: LB2369 .H33 2002]

Hairston, Maxine, John Ruszkiewicz, and Christy Friend. The Scott Foresman Handbook for Writers. 7th ed. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education: 2004.

[Library: PE1408 .H2968 2004]

Schwartz, Linda Smoak. The Harcourt Guide to MLA Documentation. Fort Worth, Texas:

Harcourt College Publishers, 2001.

[Library: LB2369 .S38 2001]

---. The Wadsworth Guide to MLA Documentation. 2nd ed. Australia: Thomson Wadsworth,

[Excellent examples of online source citations.] [Library: LB2369 .S377 2004]

Trimmer, Joseph F. A Guide to MLA Documentation. 6th ed. Boston, U.S.A.: Houghton Mifflin,


[Library: PN174 .T75 2004]

ALSO: SWC Portal>Electronic Library>Referencing and Citations APA & MLA

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