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Certification scheme of environmental management


Certification body All Cert Systems

Document name: Certification scheme of environmental management systems, vers. 1.0


This procedure describes the responsibilities and methods used for the certification of environmental management systems within All Cert Systems.

Application domain

This document applies for al certification/extension contracts of environmental management systems certification.

Normative references

SR EN ISO/CEI 17000:2005 - Conformity assessment - Vocabulary and general principles;

SR EN ISO / CEI 17021:2007 – Conformity assessment - Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems;

IAF GD 6:2006 - Guidance on the Application of Guide 62:1996;

SR EN ISO 19011:2003 - Guidelines for quality and environmental management systems auditing;

SR EN ISO 14001:2005 - Environmental management systems - Requirements.


Certification scheme – specific certification requirements correlated with some persones for which applies the same standards, rules, procedures.

Conformity assessment – the demonstration of the spefiric requirements referring to management system.

Audit – systematic, independent, documented process to obtain the recordes, the declaration of the facts or other relevant informations and their objective evaluation to determine in which measure the specified requirements are fulfilled.

Certification – third part attestation referring to the implemented management systemes.

Surveillance – systematic repeat of the conformity assessment activities, as a base to maintain the validity of the conformity declaration.

Suspending – temporar invalidity of the conformity declaration for entire certification domain of for a part of it.

Withdrowing – abrogation, abolition of certification.

Claim – expression of dissatisfaction, other than the appeal, by anu person or organization regardin All Cert Systems, referring to the body activities, for which is expected an answer.

Appeal – request of All Cert Systems customer, gived to the certification body for the reassessment by All Cert Systems of some decision that had been taken regarding this object.

Nonconformity – the absence or the fail to implement one or more requirements of the management system according to the references, or a situation which based on objective prrofes offeres doughts regarding the capacity of EMS to fulfil the policy and objectives.

Observation – digression without semnification, acceptable, singular, which may lead through reccurence to nonconformity

Roles and responsibilities within the certification scheme

General Manager

Analyses if the certification procedures are respected

Takes te certification decision on the base of the Fisei de evaluare dosar and of the certification file;

Signes the certificates emitted by All Cert Systems.

Certification Manager

Analyses and informs the certification contracts;

Informs the planning of the certification/Surveillance/pursuance/extending/recertification;

Convence the Technical Committee to evaluate 949d35j the audit files on the base of the informations reported by the EMS Certification Responsible;

Establishes the resource requirement ( human, material, financial);

Identifies and signalizes to the General Manager any problemes regardin the certification activity ( the threating at the assurance of All Cert Systems impartiality, internal conflicts, internal / externat communication, respect the procedure (eg. Confidentiality));

Establishes the auditores program of monitoring and evaluation on the base of the feed-back recived from the EMS Certification Responsible, customers, Planning Manager, auditors and Human Resources.

Planning Manager

Participates at the contract analysis;

Identifies with the Certification Manager the resource requirement to fulfil the contractual requirements;

Assures by the completeness of the informations for the unroll in optimal conditions of the certification contract (Command, Contract, Questionnaire, Documentation, other informations);

Selectes the audit team depending on the complexity of the activity domains that will be certificated and of their availability;

Plannes the audits and gives the planning to the Certification Manager for analysis and informing;

Is announceing the customer and the members of the audit team regarding the period of the audit;

Is recording any missings regarding the documents, the resources needed for the Certification Manager planning and possible customer;

Manages the data base afferent to his own activity.

Weekly reports the certification/Surveillance/renewal/extension stage.

Technical Committee

Assures the technical competence to evaluate the certificated organizations files regardin the graduation/maintaining/suspending/withdrawing/reducinf the certification scope;

Analyses objectively and impartial the audit files of the auditated organizations and registers the conclusions in the Fisa de evaluare a dosarului;

Transmites the Fisa de evaluare a dosarului to the EMS Certification pentru inaintarea catre Directorul General;

Performes a continu evaluation of the auditors regarding the completeness of the presented Audit Files;

Evaluates the All Cert Systems Lead Auditors/ auditors/experts thgrough face to face interviews or on the phone, regarding the competences on the requested domain;

Preserves the confidentiality of the informations and datas from the certificated organizations files.

EMS Certification Responsible

Participates to the analysis of the certification contracts for exceptional situations (new domains, special requirements from the customers, etc.).

Composes the interface between All Cert Systems, audit team and Technical Committee;

recordes any modifications regarding the certification procedures/standards/legal requirements;

recordes any lackes from the audit files ( insufficient evidences, mussing recordes, the framing of the negative findinges, etc.);

reportes the stage of the unroll activities to the superior hierarchical chief: dentified problemes, causes, improvement proposals, any modifications appeared in legual and settlement requirements, internal procedures, files that will be analised by the Technical Committee.

Gives to the audit team any information needed to unroll in oprimal conditions the audit ( Certification command, Chestionar evaluare preliminara, Rapoarte de audit precedente, Documentatie).

Transmission referent

Emites the certificates according to the Registrului de eliberare certificate

Is translating the certification domain;

Send off to the customer the Certificates after they were verified and signed by the General Manager;

Concernes of the receiving of the annulled / withdrawn certificates and archives them in the audit files.

The stages of the certification scheme

The analysis of the request

The organization that wishes to obtain the environmental management system certification by All Cert Systems has to present a definite command (Certification command) together with the Preliminary evaluation questionnaire. The customer may request a group certification for two or more organizations, when one from the following reqests is fulfilled:

One of the shareholders is common for the organizations that wish the group certification;

The organizations have a similar management system;

The supplied products or services are identical or similar and are included in the certification domain.

All Cert Systems ananlises the customer request and mai request / access other informations to decide if the Certification body may supply the services according with the request of ISO/CEI 17021:2005 and its own policies and procedures. In the request analysis are taken in sight:

The sufficiency of the informations about the solicitant organization and the management system for the audit effectuation;

The solution of the known differences of understanding between All Cert Systems and the solicitant organization;

Clear understanding of the required certification domanin and the locations for which the certification is requested;

All Cert Systems competence and capability to audit the domain and the requested locations (competence, time, language, security conditions, meanances regardin the impartiality).

The analysis of the Certification command is made by the Certification Manager, Planning Manager, Economic Manager and Quality Manager.

The result of the analysis contains the justification of the decition to effectuate the audit and the identification of the personnel that will be involved in the certification process (auditors, experts, members of the Technical Committee).

All Cert Systems identifies the needed competence and the amplitude of the evaluations regarding the obtaining and the maintenance of the certification. The number of the evaluation days for the initial audit and for the Surveillances are established according to the procedure Stabilirea numarului de zile om pentru efectuarea evaluarilor in vederea certificarii / supravegherii / extinderii / restrangerii / reevaluarii / reinnoirii.

In case in which All Cert Systems decides that can supply evaluation services regarding the certification the offer or the contract project.

The stages of the certification process establishet by contract are:

Initiation of the certification process;

Audit phase 1;

Audit phase 2 ;

The certification decision;

Deliverance of the certification;

Surveillance 1 (at 6 monthes from when the certification decision was taken) ;

Surveillance 2 (at 18 monthes from when the certification decision was taken) ;

Surveillance 3 (at 30 monthes from when the certification decision was taken).

The numer of days established for the certification and Surveillance audites can be modified after the Audit phase 1, at the justified recommendation of the Lead auditor.

Designation of the audit team

The planning Manager names the audit team. The audit team is formed from (the leader of the audit team) and memberes (auditors and experts). Is obligatory that the Lead Auditor to have competences on the auditated domain. The auditors must have competences on the auditated domain or connected domains. In case in which, the activity domain of the management system supplier is a risk domain, one of the audit team memberes must be expert, otherwise an expert member is introduced to the audit team.

Initial certification audit

After the definitization and signing the contract and the decision of unrolling audit phases, All Cert Systems unrolles initial certification stage regarding the requested environmental management system. The audit team named for the evaluation takes count of auditor’s competences and experience. If there is a conflict of intrestes, the organization has the righ to request, rightful, to replace the auditors.

The initial certification audit presumes the parcurgerea of two stages: audit phase 1 and audit phase 2.

Audit phase 1 takes place at the customer center.

The purpose of the audit phase 1 is that of knowing as better as possible the organization and the stage analysis in report with the referentiales regarding a proper planning of the audit phase 2. That is why the folowinh points are taken in sight

The evaluation of the customer environmental management system documentation evaluarea;

The evaluation of the customers center, of the conditiones specific to the location, and the lavel of the personnel training for the audit phase 2

The nanalysis of the customers stage in report with the standard requirements and if the customer understands these requirements, in particular regarding the identification of the performances orr the significants aspects, proceses, objectives and operations of the management system

The evaluation of the measure in which the environmental management system includes a proper process of environmental aspects and the impact on the environment identification, including a graduation of these;

Collecting the informations referring to the environmental management system domain, proceses and the customer center and legal and settlement aspects and their fulfillment;

The understanding of the activities realized by the organization as well as the conditions of unroll these activities, in the context of the environmental policy, the objectives and programes and of the applicable legal requirements;

intelegerea impactului asupra mediului si amplorii acestuia in raport cu aspectele de mediu identificate;

evaluarea conformarii cu cerintele legale de mediu aplicabile si alte cerinte la care organizatia a aderat;

the evaluation of internal audits and management review;

the analysis of the reportes resulted after the inspections autoritatilor de mediu si modalitati de comunicare externa;

the confirmation and establishing the application domain, of the audit criterias and of the locations for wich is requested the certification;

The informationes above must lead to the:

planning the activities, revision of resources for the audit phase 2 and details regarding the unroll of these;

appreciate the grade of preparation of the organization for the audit phase 2,

The identification of the critical zones that may lead to nonconformities in the 2 stage of audit.

The findings of the audit phase 1 are wrote in Report of audit phase 1, which is communicated immediately to the customer. The period between the audit pahe 1 and the audit phase 2 is established with the customer, depending of the audit phase 1 findings, but not more than 6 months. Otherwise the audit phase 1 repetes.

The critical zones (problemes) noticed by the audit team in audit phase 1, which remain unsolved, may lead in faze 2 of the initial certification audit to be considered nonconformities.

Audit phase 2 obligatory takes place at the center-centeres of the customer.

The purpose of the audit phase 2 is the evaluation of the implementation and efficiency of the organization environmental management system in report withn SR EN ISO 14001:2005 and the environmental policy.

The audit unrolles in the base of the Audit plan elaborated by the Lead Auditor and accepted by the customer.

The opening meating is the first stage of the audit phase 2 and must follow:

Presentation of the participants, including a brief description of them;

Confirmation and establishing the application domain, of the audit criteriones and locations for which is requested the certification;

Methodes and procedures used during the audit, including the sampling ones;

Establishing and confirmation of the communication chaneles;

Confirmation of the resources and facilities needed during the audit;

Confirmnation of the language used during the audit;

Confirmation of the aspects referring to the confidentiality and reference of the audit resultes;

Informing regarding the conditiones in which the audit may be;

The audit team will make sure of:

The conformity of the management system with the requirements of SR EN ISO 14001:2005 and other normative documentes;

Operation of a monitoring, measuring, reporting and analysis system of the environmental management system performance, in report with the environmental policy, legal requirements applicable requestes and objectives and established tagetes;

Operational control of the environmental aspects with a significant impact on the environment;

Engaging and respecting the engagement regarding the pollution and continual improvement by top management;

Conformity with the legal and settlement requirements and other requirements on which the organization acceded;

Functioning, eficacity and the matching of the internal audit process and management review;

The efficacy of the implemented environmental management system in report with the legal requirements, environmental policy and th established objectives;

The existence of one clear bond between the legal aplicaple environmental requests, policies, objectives and targets referring to performance, responsibilities, competences of the personel, operations, procedure, data analysis and finding anc conclkusiones of the internal audit and management review.

During the audit, the audit team will register the possible nonconformities regarding the reference documentes, in the Rapoarte de constatari.

The findings of the evaluations may have the following framings:




At the end of the finish meating, The Lead Auditor will communicate to the customer the domain and the centers for which the granting of the certification will be proposed, depending on the audit findings.

In case in which there were negative findings, the customer must establish corectiones and corrective actions in maximum 2 weeks from when the negative findings were registered. The solution term of the corectiones – corrective actions will not be biger than 3 months. The Lead Auditor analyses the customer proposals and decides the proper way to verify if the corectiones and corrective actions were closed.

In case in which it is needed a suplimentary audit to verify if the corectiones and corrective actions were closed , the audit costes will be supported by the customer.

The reference of the audit resultes is made through the certification/recertification synthesis, completed by the Lead auditor and contains the proposal regarding the certification granting or no-granting.

The informationes and documentes resulted during the audit are handed overt to the EMS Responsible, who followes the completeness of the certification file. When the certification file is complete, the EMS Responsible reportes to the Certification manager to convence the Technical Committee.

The certification decision

The resolution regarding the granting of the certification for the domain and the centeres required by the customer, is adopted by All Cert Systems General Manager, in the base of the Technical Committee proposal.

The certification grantes when:

The solicitant presentes sufficient proofes to demonstrate the implementation, maintenance and eficienci of the immplementate environmental management system in report with SR EN ISO 14001:2005;

The solicitant presentes proofes that at least one internal audit on year was made;

The solicitant presentes proofes that at least one management review on year was made;

The solicitant respectes the present All Cert Systems certification rules and the stipulatines from the Certification Contract ;

The solicitant closed all the nonconformities identified during the audit fhase 1 and the audit phase 2, at the term established by the audit team.

The certification decision is taken on the base of the findings and audit conclusions ( audit reportes, commentes on the nonconformities, confirmation of the informationes supplied to the certification body and used in the analysis of the certification request, the recommandationes of the Lead Auditor and the Technical Committee membes ) and other relevant informationes (eg: site, news media, reclamations)   .

So, in first phase, the audit file is technically analyzed by the Technical Committee memberes depending on the requested domains.

The General Manager decision takes into account the conclusiones of the audit team, of the Technical Committee memberes and if the current procedures are respected. The decision taken by the General Manager is registered in the Registrul de eliberare certificate and communicated to the customer in writing .

The solicitantes disconted by the adopted decision may formulate appeales at the certification decision, addressed to the General Manager.

In case of a favorable certification decision, All Cert Systems will liberate the customer certificate/certificates and the certificate annex, All Cert Systems certification marks and Regulile de utilizare a marcilor de certificare All Cert Systems.

The certificate liberated by All Cert Systems containes the following informationes:

The reference standard;

Name and address (iincluding the bias points) of the certificated organization;

Activities for which the certification is granted;

Certificate liberation date / expiration date;

Number and serie of the certificates.

The certificate annex contains the following informations:

The reference standard

Number and serie of the afferent certificates;

The addreses and the certificated domain;

Certificate liberation date / expiration date.

The certificate series is marked by a letter depending and the required standard, so: M = environment.

The number of the certificate is compound from 5 ciphers, the certificates being numbered in growing order from 00001 to 0000n.

After granding the certificates All Cert Systems will register monthly on All cert site ( liberated certificates.

The transmission of the certificates, annexes and markes and the Rules of using the certification marks All Cert Systems is mane on the base of the minutes, using mail services ar direct handing-in.

Valability and renewal of the management systems certification

All Cert Systems certificates are valid for 3 years from the liberation date, with the condition to respect the Surveillances program send by All Cert Systems at the certificate liberation.

The modifications (eg: change of the bias point, processes modification, modification of the work mode, etc) appeared in the environmental management system of the certificated customer, must be notified to All Cert Systems.

In this way, All Cert Systems must reevaluate the organization and can plan suplimentary Surveillance audits regarding the evaluation of the organization environmental management system. The costes of these evaluations will be supported by the organization.

In case in which the certification requirements of All Cert Systems modifies and a reevaluation is needed, according to the transition policy, the customer must accept the reevaluation, support the costes, for the maintenance of the certification.

The customer’s rights and obligations during the valability of the certificates are:


o       to use All Cert Systems certification mark/marks for the promotion of the organization image only for the activities and bias points for which the certification was obtained;

o       to accept the Surveillances audit program;

o       To request through wrote address the reducing and / or extension of the certification scope;

o       To renounce in any moment at the certification (with the payment of any taxes provided in the certification contract until that moment).


o       to maintain the environmental management system;

o       to respect all stipulations from the Reguli de utilizare a marcilor de conformitate All Cert Systems;

o       to maintain the proper procedures to assure the informtions to the certification body are updated ;

o       to put to All Cert Systems disposal the situation of the complaints recived from the customers, reclamations   regarding the functioning of the environmental management system, records of the external communication regarding the environmental management system;

o       to give the approval for all Surveillance audits, planned or unplanned, cooperating with the audit team, with the assurance of the documents/records, the needed acces and the security of the audit team;

o       to respect the stipulations from the Certification contract and from the Regulilor de certificare sisteme de management.

All Cert Systems certification does not absolve the organization from the its legal and contractual obligations regarding the products and / or supplied services.


Maintainjing the certification durin the valability of the certificate presumes that the organization, during the planned Surveillance audits, to proof the efficiency and the eficacity of the environmental management system for the certificated domain.

The planned Surveillance audit take place:

Surveillance I – at 6 months from the certification audit

Surveillance II – at 1 year from the Surveillance I

Surveillance III – at 1 year from the Surveillance II

The terms to effectuate the evaluations regarding the maintaining of the certification may outrun or prolong with at most 60 working days from the planned terms, as it is presented above. The first Surveillance audit does not have to overrun 12 months from the last day of the audit phase 2.

Environmental management systems periodically evaluation process presumes that the Surveillance audit to be made at the organization center, to permit the montitoring of continual filfilment of the certification requirements. Surveillance audits follow:

To verify the corrective actions taken after the nonconformities from the anterior audit.

To verify if the observations were closed within the anterior audit;

To verify if the environmental management system is maintained and its efficacy regarding the realization of the objectives and environmental policy;

To verify the internal audit, management review as well as the functioning of the corective and preventive action relevance and completeness;

To verify the selected processes;

To verify the external communication with the interested parts process regardin the environmental management system;

To analyse the chances within the organization, documentation, bias points;

functionarea procesului de evaluare a conformarii cu cerintele legale si de reglemntare aplicabile;

to verify the unroll of the planned activities regarding the improvement of the environmental management system and of the system performances in report with the organization environmental policy;

to verify the corrections and corrective actions identified during the anterior audit modalities of analysis and cloasing;

The modality of treating the reclamations.

The stages of a Surveillance audit are the same as for any other audit.

In case in which the audit team doae not identify nonconformities during the Surveillance audit, the maintainance of the certification is made in the base of the Lead Auditor recommendation.

In case in which during the Surveillance audit are identified nonconformities, the EMS Responsible announces the General Management obout the identified problems and the technical committee is convence to analyse the Surveillance file.

Depending of the recommendation of the Technical Committee members, the General Manager takes the decision of maintaining or suspending the certification.

In case of the decision of suspending the certification is obligatory to follow the closing of the nonconformities. The result is evaluated by the Technical Committee and the General Manager takes the decision of withdrawing or reducing the scope of certification.

The unplanned audits (de urmarire) are initialized by All Cert Systems in the following cases:

Major modifications of the certificated organization management system, including the legat statute;

Modification of All Cert Systems requirements and procedures;

Reclamations regarding the functioning of the management system regarding the certificated activities;

Reclamations regarding the abusive utilization of the certification marks.

In case in which during the unprogramed surveillance audits are identified nonconformities, the EMS Responsible announces the General Manager about the identified problems and the members of the Technical Committee are to analyse the surveillance file.

Depending on the recommendation of the Technical Committee members, the General Manager takes the decision of maintaining or suspending the certification.

In case of the suspending decision is obligatory to follow the closing of the nonconformities. The result is evaluated by the Technical committee and the General Manager takes the decision of withdrawing or reducing the certificated domain.


The recertification is similar with the environmental management system certification. The certification process takes place at 3 years from the certification and presumes to sign an additional act, with the approval of both parts.

With at least 3 months befour the valability term of the certificate to expire, All Cert Systems will announce the organization regarding the certificate valability. In case in which the organization approves, an additional act to the contract will be signed.

The evaluation regarding the renewal of the certification will be programmed with at least 2 months before the valability term of the certificate to expire.

In case of maintaining the certificate, the certificate will have the same number preceded by the letter “R” = recertification.

Renunciation of certification; extension or reducing the scope of certification; suspension or withdrawal of certification

Renunciation of certification

The certificated organization may renounce at certification:

At written request;

When the valability term of the certificates expire, by no-presenting the Recertification Command;

When the reference standard for certification modifies;

In case of non-accepting the modifications bringed to the present rules and / or financial conditions by unilateral renounciation at the contract.

The renounciation becomes effective immediately.

After renouncing of certification, the organization engages to:

To give back the original of All Cert Systems certificate;

Not to realize a copy ar other reproduction of the certificates;

To eliminate any reference at certificates and to stop using All Cert Systems mark.

By renouncing of All Cert Systems certificates, the organization will be taked out from the list of the organizations certifcated by All Cert Systems.

Extension or reducing of certification

The extension of the certification realizes as a result of a written request. The extension domain follows the steps of the certification process. The extension process unrolls after the request was analyzed and accepted, being unrolled either independend- at request, or completed with a surveillance audit. The extension of the domain will be mentioned in an additional act at the contract and it is mentioned in the audit report elaborated by the chief auditor.

The extension audit is treated: pana aici

ca un audit initial de certificare (sau de reinnoire): programul acoperind toate capitolele din referential, in conformitate cu procedurile referitoare la evaluarea sistemelor de management

ca un audit de supraveghere, in cazul unei extinderi de mica amploare, in conformitate cu prezenta procedura.

In cazul deciziei favorabile, se inscrie in Registrul de eliberare certificate. Noul certificat are acelasi numar si aceeasi durata de valabilitate cu cel initial, dar cu domeniul sau standardul modificat sau cu introducerea noilor filiale. De asemenea, data emiterii noului certificat va fi precizata intr-o paranteza, in continuarea datei initiale de emitere a certificatului, fiind precedata de litera E.

All Cert Systems contacteaza organizatia si solicita returnarea certificatului. Noul certificat se transmite numai dupa primirea de catre All Cert Systems a vechiului certificat.

Auditul de restrangere a domeniului certificarii se realizeaza la cererea organizatiei certificate ca urmare a restrangerii activitatii, inchiderii unor filiale, etc.. Solicitarea de restrangere a domeniului este analizata ca in cazul unui audit de certificare. Restrangerea se trateaza ca un audit initial de certificare sau ca un audit de supraveghere in functie de impactul modificarilor asupra sistemului de management de mediu. Acest aspect se precizeaza intr-un act aditional la contract.

Restrangerea domeniului se poate face la solicitatrea clientului sau la propunerea Auditorului Sef care la un audit de supraveghere programat atunci cand constata ca organizatia nu mai dispune de capabilitatea tehnica de a satisface conditiile de certificare pentru toate activitatile din domeniul certificat.

Noul certificat are acelasi numari si aceeasi durata de valabilitate cu cel initial, dar cu domeniul restrans. De asemenea, data emiterii noului certificat va fi precizata intr-o paranteza, in continuarea datei initiale de emitere a certificatului, fiind precedata de litera S.

All Cert Systems inscrie in Registrul eliberare certificate, seria si numarul de ordine al certificatului. All Cert Systems contacteaza Clientul si solicita returnarea certificatului. Noul certificat se emite numai dupa primirea de catre All Cert Systems a vechiului certificat.

Suspendarea certificarii

Suspendarea Certificatului este actiunea de retragere pe o perioada precizata de timp a deciziei cu privire la mentinerea certificarii datorita nerespectarii referentialului sau conditiilor contractuale.

Suspendarea certificatului este decizia Directorului General si este luata in urmatoarele conditii :

sistemul de management al clientilor certificati are esecuri repetate si serioase in ceea ce priveste indeplinirea cerintelor certificarii, inclusiv a cerintelor pentru eficacitatea sistemului de management (esecuri identificate fie in cadrul auditurilor de supraveghere programate, fie neprogramate fie datorita reclamatiilor primite de la beneficiari);

Clientul nu permite efectuarea auditurilor de supraveghere sau recertificare la frecventa ceruta

nerespectarea termenelor prevazute in  Planificarea in vederea mentinerii certificatului cu maxim 60 de zile lucratoare;

abateri de la Reguli de utilizare a marcilor de conformitate All Cert Systems, cod PO - 8.4 - 1, pe care organizatia si le asuma si stabileste termene de rezolvare in mai putin de o luna;

modificarea majora a sistemului/sistemelor de management fara a planifica un audit de evaluare in termen de maxim 60 de zile de la data anuntarii All Cert Systems cu privire la acestea;

cerere voluntara de suspendare;

In cazul neconformitatilor sau reclamatiilor sesizate de catre Auditorul Sef Directorul General ia decizia de suspendare in functie de recomandarile membrilor Comitetului Tehnic.

Anularea certificarii/ retragerea certificatelor

Retragerea este actiunea de suspendare pe perioada nelimitata a deciziei de mentinere a certificarii datorita unor abateri care afecteaza imaginea All Cert Systems, datorita nerespectarii referentialului sau a conditiilor contractuale. Retragerea certificatului este decizia Directorului General si este luata in urmatoarele conditii:

esecul rezolvarii problemelor care au dus la suspendarea certificarii, in timpul stabilit de organismul de certificare;

nerespectarea repetata a termenilor contractuali;

la expirarea termenului de valabilitate a certificatului, prin neprezentarea unei cereri de reinnoire cu cel putin trei luni inainte de expirarea certificatului;

renuntarea unilaterala la contract.

neacceptarea modificarilor aduse la procedurile All Cert Systems.

incetarea activitatilor pentru care s-a obtinut certificarea sistemului de management;

faliment sau lichidare pe cale juridica.

Membrii Comitetului Tehnic evalueaza recomandarea Auditorului Sef de mentinere a deciziei ide suspendare.

All Cert Systems comunica organizatiei printr-o scrisoare decizia de suspendare/retragere. In cazul deciziei de retragere este solicitata returnarea Certificatului eliberat si se renunta la Contract.

Clientul este obligat sa returneze Certificatele eliberate in original si este obligat sa inceteze folosirea marcilor de certificare.

Managementul impartialitatii

Pentru asigurarea impartialitatii All Cert Systems urmareste urmatoarele principii:

All Cert Systems, prin statutul sau nu acorda servicii de consultanta;

All Cert Systems formeaza o structura la cel mai inalt nivel care trebuie sa asigure impartialitatea activitatilor organismului de certificare;

All Cert Systems nu acorda certificate pentru firmele la care personalul de conducere (Director General, Director Certificare, Director Planificare, Director Calitate) a acordat consultanta in ultimii 2 ani.

Persoanele implicate in procesul de certificare nu trebuie sa fi furnizat consultanta, inclusiv cei care activeaza la nivel managerial, in ultimii doi ani, pentru clientul evaluat in vederea certificarii/mentinerii certificarii.

All Cert Systems nu subcontracteaza unei firme de consultanta auditurile de certificare / supraveghere.

Anual, All Cert Systems evalueaza riscurile legate de impartialitate.

De accea personalul implicat in activitatea de certificare trebuie sa declare ori de cate ori apar conflicte de interese.

Directorul Certificare, Directorul Planificare si Directorul General trebuie sa se asigure de desfasurarea activitatilor cu impartialitate, fara a permite presiuni comerciale, financiare sau de alta natura.

Schema de certificare

Personalul implicat in schema de certificare

Directorul General


studii post universitare;

Instruiri specifice procesului de certificare

absolvirea cursurilor de auditor extern de mediu;

cunoasterea documentatiei All Cert Systems;

cunostinte relevante referitoare la sistemele de management al calitatii, mediului, sanatatii si securitatii ocupationala, sigurantei alimentului, securitatii informatiei; responsabilitate sociala.

Experienta de lucru

minim 4 ani de experienta in munca;

minim 1 an de experienta in munca intr-un post de conducere;

minim 2 ani experienta in gestionarea sistemelor de management al calitatii.


capacitatea de a lucra in echipa, de a comunica, de a raporta corect informatiile, de a forma personal.

Directorul Certificare


studii universitare tehnice;

Instruiri specifice procesului de certificare

cunoasterea documentatiei All Cert Systems;

absolvirea cursurilor de auditor extern de mediu;

capacitatea de a intelege si a aprecia complexitatea proceselor, a aspectelor legale si a impactului asupra mediului asociat domeniilor de certificare;

capabilitatea de a aplica principiile, procedurile si tehnicile de audit;

Experienta de lucru

minim 4 ani de experienta in munca;

minim 1 an de experienta in munca intr-un post de conducere;

minim 2 ani experienta in gestionarea sistemelor de management de mediu;


capacitatea de a intelege si a aprecia complexitatea proceselor si aspectele legale domeniilor de certificare;

capabilitatea de a aplica principiile, procedurile si tehnicile de audit;

capabilitatea de a forma personal;

capacitatea de a lucra in echipa, de a comunica, de a raporta corect informatiile, de a forma personal.

Directorul Planificare


studii universitare;

Instruiri specifice procesului de certificare

cunoasterea documentatiei All Cert Systems;

absolvirea cursurilor de auditor extern de mediu;

capacitatea de a intelege si a aprecia complexitatea proceselor, a aspectelor legale si a impactului asupra mediului asociat domeniilor de certificare;

capabilitatea de a aplica principiile, procedurile si tehnicile de audit;

cunoasterea cerintelor SR EN ISO 14001:2005 si a tehnicilor de audit;

Experienta de lucru

minim 4 ani de experienta in munca;

minim 1 an de experienta in munca intr-un post de conducere.


capabilitatea de a aplica principiile, procedurile si tehnicile de audit;

capacitatea de a lucra in echipa, de a comunica, de a raporta corect informatiile.

Responsabil certificare SMM


studii universitare;

Instruiri specifice procesului de certificare

cunoasterea documentatiei All Cert Systems;

cunostinte solide referitoare la sistemul de management  de mediu;

cunoasterea tehnicilor de audit;

capacitatea de a intelege si a aprecia complexitatea proceselor, a aspectelor legale si a impactului asupra mediului asociat domeniilor de certificare;

Experienta de lucru

experienta in munca de cel putin 6 ani de zile;

Abilitati si competente

capacitatea de a intelege complexitatea proceselor si a legislatiei aferente domeniilor de activitate ale All Cert Systems;

capacitatea de a-si planifica activitatile si de a urmari respectarea termenelor;

Membrii Comitetului Tehnic


minim studii universitare tehnice;

Instruiri specifice procesului de certificare

cunoasterea cerintelor SR EN ISO 14001:2005;

cunoscator al tehnicilor de audit;

cunoasterea documentatiei All Cert Systems;

cunostinte tehnice si de baza pentru domeniul supus evaluarii;

cunosterea cerintelor legale si de reglementare de mediu aplicabile;

Experienta de lucru

experienta de munca de minim de minim 5 ani vechime;

experienta relevanta in domeniul de competenta de minim 3 ani;

Abilitati si competente

capabilitatea de a intelege sistemul de management de mediu in diverse organizatii, interactiunile intre componentele acestora, aspecte tehnice si de mediu referitoare la operare;

cunostinte referitoare la procese, produse, inclusiv servicii aferente domeniului sau de competenta pentru a intelege contextul tehnologic in care s-a desfasurat auditul si aspectele de mediu relevante.

cunostinte referitoare la interactiunea ecosistemului, managementul resurselor naturale, tehnici de depoluare si tinere sub control a impactului asupra mediului;

capacitatea de a lucra in echipa, de a comunica, de a raporta corect informatiile, de a forma personal.



minim studii medii;

Instruiri specifice procesului de certificare

cunoasterea documentatiei All Cert Systems;

absolvent al unui/ unor curs / cursuri de minim 5 zile de auditor in domeniul mediului, conform ISO 14001:2004;

Experienta de lucru

experienta de munca de minim 5 ani vechime (4 pentru absolventii de facultate);

minim 2 ani experienta in gestionarea sistemelor de management de mediu.

Experienta de audit

sa fi participat ca auditor in formare la cel putin 4 audituri, pentru cel putin 20 de zile de audit sub indrumarea unui Auditor Sef competent.

Abilitati si competente

capabilitatea de a aplica principiile, procedurile si tehnicile de audit;

capabilitatea de a planifica si organiza activitatea in mod eficace si de a se incadra in termenele stabilite;

capabilitatea de a identifica si colecta informatii relevante pentru verificarea conformitatii cu cerintele standardului;

capabilitatea de a intelege sistemele de management de mediu in diverse organizatii, interactiunile intre componentele acestora;

capabilitatea de a recunoaste diferentele dintre documentele de referinta si prioritatile acestora cat si aplicarea lor in diverse situatii de audit;

cunostinte asupra legilor, reglementarilor si altor cerinte legale de mediu relevante domeniului de competenta;

cunostinte referitoare la procese, produse, inclusiv servicii aferente domeniului sau de competenta, pentru a intelege contextul tehnologic in care se efectueaza auditul si interactiunea acestora cu mediul;

cunostinte asupra tehnicilor si metodelor in domeniul menagementului de mediu (terminologie, principiile managementului de mediu si aplicarea acestora, instrumentele managementului de mediu si aplicarea acestora - evaluarea impctului / aspectelor de mediu, analiza ciclurilor de viata, evaluarea performantei de mediu);

cunostinte referitoare la interactiunea ecosistemului, managementul resurselor naturale, tehnici de depoluare si tinere sub control a impactului asupra mediului;

sa aiba urmatoarele caracteristici personale: obiectiv, matur, cu capacitate de discernamant, analitic, tenace si realist;

capacitatea de a lucra in echipa, de a comunica, de a raporta corect informatiile, de a forma personal.

Auditori Sefi


minim studii medii;

Instruiri specifice procesului de certificare

cunoasterea documentatiei All Cert Systems;

absolvent al unui/ unor curs / cursuri de minim 5 zile de auditor in domeniul mediului, conform ISO 14001:2004

Experienta de lucru

experienta de munca de minim 5 ani vechime (4 pentru absolventii de facultate)

experienta profesionala in domeniul sistemelor de management de mediu minim 2 ani;

Experienta de audit

3 audituri complete pentru un total de cel putin 15 zile de experienta de audit in rolul de conducator al echipei de audit sub orientarea si indrumarea unui auditor competent in calitate de conducator al echipei.

Abilitati si competente

capabilitatea de a aplica principiile, procedurile si tehnicile de audit;

capabilitatea de a planifica si utiliza eficace resurse pe durata unui audit;

capabilitatea de a organiza si orienta membrii echipei de audit;

capabilitatea de a preveni si rezolva conflictele ce pot aparea in cadrul echipei de audit sau intre echipa de audit si organizatia auditata;

capabilitatea de a conduce echipa de audit pentru a obtine concluziile auditului;

capabilitatea de a pregati si finaliza raportul de audit;

capabilitateade a identifica si colecta informatii relevante pentru verificarea conformitatii cu cerintele standardului;

capabilitatea de a intelege sistemele de management de mediu in diverse organizatii, interactiunile intre componentele acestora;

capabilitatea de a recunoaste diferentele dintre documentele de referinta si prioritatile acestora cat si aplicarea lor in diverse situatii de audit;

cunostinte asupra legilor, reglementarilor si altor cerinte legale de mediu relevante domeniului de competenta;

cunostinte referitoare la procese, produse, inclusiv servicii aferente domeniului sau de competenta, pentru a intelege contextul tehnologic in care se efectueaza auditul si interactiunea acestora cu mediul;

cunostinte referitoare la interactiunea ecosistemului, managementul resurselor naturale, tehnici de depoluare si tinere sub control a impactului asupra mediului;

cunostinte asupra tehnicilor si metodelor in domeniul menagementului de mediu (terminologie, principiile managementului de mediu si aplicarea acestora, instrumentele managementului de mediu si aplicarea acestora - evaluarea impctului / aspectelor de mediu, analiza ciclurilor de viata, evaluarea performantei de mediu);

sa aiba urmatoarele caracteristici personale: obiectiv, matur, cu capacitate de discernamant, analitic, tenace si realist, comunicativ, lucru in echipa, bun conciliant;

capacitatea de a lucra in echipa, de a comunica, de a raporta corect informatiile, de a forma personal.



minim studii superioare sau postuniveristare pe domeniul de competenta, pentru nivelurile de risc;

Instruiri specifice procesului de certificare

cunostinte ale standardului SR EN ISO 14001:2005;

cunostinte ale procedurilor si tehnicilor de audit;

cunoasterea documentatiei All Cert Systems;

Experienta de lucru

experienta de munca de minim 5 ani vechime (4 pentru absolventii de facultate);

experienta relevanta in ultimii 3 ani in domeniul sau de competenta;

Abilitati si competente

capabilitatea de a identifica si colecta informatii relevante pentru verificarea conformitatii cu cerintele standardului;

capabilitatea de a intelege sistemele de management de mediu in diverse organizatii, interactiunile intre componentele acestora;

capabilitatea de a recunoaste diferentele dintre documentele de referinta si prioritatile acestora cat si aplicarea lor in diverse situatii de audit;

cunostinte asupra legilor, reglementarilor si altor cerinte legale de mediu relevante domeniului de competenta;

cunostinte asupra tehnicilor si metodelor in domeniul menagementului de mediu (terminologie, principiile managementului de mediu si aplicarea acestora, instrumentele managementului de mediu si aplicarea acestora - evaluarea impctului / aspectelor de mediu, analiza ciclurilor de viata, evaluarea performantei de mediu);

cunostinte referitoare la interactiunea ecosistemului, managementul resurselor naturale, tehnici de depoluare si tinere sub control a impactului asupra mediului;

sa aiba urmatoarele caracteristici personale: obiectiv, matur, cu capacitate de discernamant, analitic, tenace si realist, comunicativ, bun conciliant;

capacitatea de a lucra in echipa, de a comunica, de a raporta corect informatiile, de a forma personal.

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