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7 tips in advance


7 tips in advance

Learn all there is to know about your camera you might be pleasantly surprised if you re-read the manuals that came with your camera.if is hard for you understand the instructions look for somebody that can help you whit the functions of your camera. If you don't understand what your camera can do, how can you expect to take competent shots? This applies to compact camera users as much as it does to SLR owners. Never 24424k1010y be afraid to experiment, the more you understand about the gear you use, the greater the control you'll have over your picture making.  

Never shoot a portrait in bright sun It's the most unflattering thing you could do to your subject. Shooting in direct sun can produce ugly shadows under the nose, eyes and chin. moved the model into the shade. Also, never mix shade with bright sun. If you do, the meter will probably expose for the highlight and give you dark shadows and underexposed skin tones you always can use a ND filter o porolaiser but wont help that much. Move the subject into the shade, inside or wait till the sun gets lower in the sky.  

Understand the concept of composition. many elements in the same picture make the massage get lost. Think about the kind of photography you what to capture. Look for the contrast. what is what you want to say whit your picture.  

Use a tripod camera shake is often the culprit and can usually be sorted quickly with a tripod. If you don't own a tripod you can make do by leaning onto a rigid object, such as a wall, resting the camera on a stable platform, such as a table. Decent mono pods and tripods can be picked up for less than $100 and are a great asset for shooting in dim light, or after-dark. stay away of those ones that have plastic hardware. plastic get wear off soon and screws get lost really easy.  

Understand the direction of light. Cameras are machines design to read light. try to find the way light is reflected in your different subject. The beast light is the one is not back light. the best light you may find is in the sunrise or one hour before sunset. Study it and what it does before you take the shot. Look at what it does to people and the textures it illuminates. Appreciate how it changes throughout the day in a landscape. Study the light in different seasons. Try and visualize what brighter or less intense lighting might do for the subject and consider returning at another time for a different result.  

Use the best lab In Your area one of the most obvious failings in the photography world is in its lackluster processing standards. the result of inexperience and cost-cutting in many photo express places is that your pictures could be ruin. I learn that years ago I went to the National park San Elias south of Alaska. I was so exited to see my pictures that i whet to one of those places When i got my pictures all of them had this brown line in the middle Few pictures didn't get any damage the (ugliest ones). They didn't charge for the pictures but the negatives were ruin. After five years I haven't be able to go back to the Park. Photography is an expensive hobby so if you go for a budget print job don't expect to get top results! If you are unhappy about the lab you use, change it. If you are getting a cheap job don't expect quality and certainty don't expect the lab to reprint images that you're not happy with. Dust spots, red-eye and general mishandling can also make a print look awful.  

Try a little self-criticism, there is nothing worse that those wanabe's that think their pictures are the best in the world when they are not better than student. The world id full of these guys Don't contribute more. consider joining a camera club these organizations are great places for contacting new photo friends. ask people that work in photography o are serious about this hobby. Learn from your mistakes and apply what you have learned next time the shutter is pressed. If you ask to you mom about your pictures she always going to say that are pretty. If you ask somebody with knowledge he will tell you your mistakes.

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