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The overall communications strategy of Dolphin Business Services is to introduce the company through introductory letters, face-to-face meetings and by providing hard copy information on the services offered.

The corporate image of Dolphin Bus 818j917i iness Services is that of a professional service provider. The business will be reliable, competent and flexible in time frames needed to satisfy the client's needs. The sole proprietor of Dolphin Business Services brings into the industry over 15 years of hands-on experience and a vast knowledge of numerous software programs. Through the many years spent in the work force, the sole proprietor of Dolphin Business Services has learned that

customer service and customer satisfaction has always rated as the most important factor of any and all successful businesses.

The marketing objectives of Dolphin Business Services is to take over approximately 10% of the market. According to Stats Canada reports breaking down businesses in Winnipeg Neighborhood Profiles, there are approximately 200 feasible businesses in the target market area who could use the services offered by the provider. It is the goal of the business to finalize 5 sales per month and to eventually have 20 contract clients per month who require the services of an off-site bookkeeper and/or secretary. Another objective of the business is to service one-time or non-regular clients requiring secretarial services.

Media Selection

Advertising, Promotion and Public Relations:

Dolphin Business Services has no plans at this time to use any form of paid advertising due to a lack of capital. This is an option that would be considered in the future. The business may however, depending on cost, consider advertising in community newspapers, and in place display/space ads in pamphlets such as "Coffee News" and "Service With A Smile". Business cards will be printed and distributed as well as note pads with the business name, summary of services offered, and phone number. No one in a business environment ever discards of free note pads, making this method of promotion a very effective way of getting the new business name familiar to a number of potential clients. It is the intent of Dolphin Business Services to use flyers as a form of advertising. These will be delivered to potential clients and a follow up phone call will be made. These flyers will be delivered by the owner with help from family members and friends. The flyers will identify Dolphin Business Services and will highlight the benefits of using its services.

Direct Marketing will be achieved by the owner of Dolphin Business Services through "personal contact". A successful business owner is prepared to talk to anybody, anywhere, they always have business cards with them, they present themselves as professional, positive, successful individuals. Personal contacts are the best sources of leads. They are the easiest to follow up on and for many

service providers, they are the easiest to develop. Through personal contacts, relationships are built.


The business will make itself visible in the community by attending St. Vital Biz meetings, Chamber of Commerce meetings and community club events. By attending these functions, the business owner will become a familiar face and will meet a wide assortment of individuals who may themselves need, or know of someone else who may need the services being offered. A business owner's network includes everyone who is in their lives. This includes family, friends, neighbors, business individuals in the same field, suppliers, volunteer groups and acquaintances.


It is the intention of the owner of Dolphin Business Services to put together a presentation package which will include a letter of introduction, an information sheet of services offered, a resume showing the owner's experience and knowledge and a free quote outlining the client's needs. These presentation packages will be delivered in person by the owner. Potential clients will be called and an appointment will be set up for the meeting or the owner will use a cold-call

method of dropping in on a potential client and requesting a few moments to make the presentation and if a meeting is not possible, the presentation package will be left with the potential client and a follow up call will be made by the

owner within a week to answer any questions and address any issues the potential client may have.

Publicity - Media Relations:

Media relations may be incorporated in Dolphin Business Services' communications strategy by placing Public Service Announcements in local and community newspapers announcing the business's opening. It is not the intention of Dolphin Business services to use publicity immediately as this is very expensive and lack of start up capital is a problem faced by the business. Again this is an option that could be considered within the first year of operating, depending on available capital.

The advertising strategy of Dolphin Business Services should be very effective in accordance with the target audience. The advertising, promotions and public relations, networking, presentations and publicity will be aimed directly to potential clients in the target market area who employ bookkeepers/secretaries, either on-site or contracted out. By using the above venues, the owner will make a place for Dolphin Business Services in the industry.

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